Using Application Loader to upload PhoneGap project - ios

I have got an .ipa file generated from using a phonegap build. I am trying to upload the ipa file using the application uploader. I have a developer license, so all I need to do is link my ipa to the app on itunes connect.
The problem I'm having is when I click "deliver your app" in application loader and choose the ipa file.. The following screen is displayed:
This is the wrong app.. how do I change this to my ImpactSafety app?
Can anyone offer a solution to this problem. Thanks in advance.
Update 1:
This is my app within the iTunes Connect. Notice it is a the "Prepare for Submission" stage:
Still when I open application loader and deliver my app.. it still offers a different app that I have in the iTunes Connect space.

For load app to your iTunesConnect site, your app must have status "Prepare for Submission":
1) Open
2) Find your app and click him
3) In left column find "VERSION OR PLATFORM" link and choose "iOS"
4) Set your version number
5) Fill all necessary fields
6) Restart application loader and find your app
7) Try reload your IPA with Application Loader


Generate .IPA with Xcode

I am trying to finalize my iOS application, the problem I encounter is that I can not generate file .IPA file export from the archive that is created.
When I deploy the application directly to a device, the application works, as well as in an emulator.
I do not have a distributor account on Apple, I use my iTunes account as a developer account.
Is there a way to generate the .IPA file so that I can share my application so that others can test it?
I thank you in advance :)
Edit your app Scheme, Go to Run
Select Info Tab and Change the build configuration from debug to release,
it will help you to encounter your issue.
Quick Solution, goto archive section and change configuration to debug. it will allow you to generate .IPA
For internal testing purpose, you can drag .app file from Products folder of XCode after running app on device as target & drop into iTunes Connect. Get .ipa file by Right Click on app icon in Apps section of iTunes .Select Show In Finder.

How to submit phonegap app on apple store using windows?

i have created build of my phonegap app(by submitting certificate(.p12) file and provisioning profile on Adobe Phonegap), but when I visited to itunes connect for submission of my app I found section showing "Submit your App using XCode6 or later ,or application loader" . so my problem is I have no MAC available so is there any way to submit my app without MAC ...
image: showing what I found in the submit section
You need to create ipa file with production certificate and provisioning. And upload it using application loader.

Xcode 7.3.1 : Unable to validate your application

I am trying to upload an application to store and getting this error Unable to validate your application
The path '/var/folders/ml/4s9tjk05443_gtbcft66hnyr0000gn/T/XcodeDistPipeline.KVe/Packages/Walmart Cupons.ipa' does not contain a file.**. For more information please refer to the screenshot attached.
I had the same issue but then I used Application Loader and it worked correctly. After validating your app Export your app by selecting option as Save for iOS App Store Deployment and then Just upload your apps ipa using Application Loader.
Download it from here:- link description here
Video to how use Application Loader
I suggest that you try to use Application Loader to upload your app to the App Store.
Archive your build.
Select the build and click export.
Select "Save for iOS App Store Development".
Once you successfully exported your build, go to Xcode > Open Developer Tool > Application Loader.
Login with your app developer account.
On the lower right corner click "choose".
Select the .ipa file that you just exported earlier.
Click next to upload your app.
Before I always use Xcode to upload my build for App Store, but a lot of problems occur. But when I use the App Loader. These problems seem to disappear.
Hope this helps. :)

itunes store operation failed in xcode 6

iTunes store operation failed
No eligible software found. Make sure this software is owned by your developer organization.
I get above error while validating app from xcode 6. I don't understand this error why it is coming. Can anyone help me to solve this error?
Thank you
I was able to upload by using Application Loader as suggested in iTunesConnect.
Archive your app with the distribution provisioning profile
Export the archive for distribution to somewhere you can find it again.
Download Application Loader 3.0 from iTunesConnect, if it isn't already installed.
Open Application Loader
In AppLoader, Log into the iTunesConnect account you want to release the app from
In AppLoader, Upload the archive
Not exactly painless, but it does allow you to build with an iTunes developer account and release from a different iTunesConnect ID.
I got this error while validating my app. The problem was that the developer account of which I was using the Provisioning Profile was different from that of the account that I was using to validate my app. In simple words: They were two different APPLE IDs.
You need to add the APPLE ID from which you are using the provisioning profile.
Follow the following steps to get rid of this error and add the APPLE ID:
After clicking on "Validate button" ---> Click on "View Accounts".
The following window will open. In this window click on + button as shown below.
A pop-over showing three option will be opened as shown below. Select "Add Apple ID".
A new window will be opened asking you to enter your Apple ID and password as shown below. Enter your Apple ID and password of the developer account from which you have used the provisioning profile. Then press "Add":
You will see a new Apple ID added in the list of the Apple IDs.
Close the Organizer window. ----> Archive the product again and Validate the app choosing the newly added Apple ID.
This happened to me because I had a different developer and itunesconnect accounts. Make sure you build app with your developer account and submit validation with your itunesconnect account. That worked for me.
As noted by a few others, I was able to resolve this problem by using the Application Loader rather than xCode to send the iPA file to app store. In my case, both xCode and Application loader were using the correct iTunesConnect account, but for some reason, xCode was failing on submitting this app. I could submit other apps without incident, which led me on a wild goose chase thinking the problem was app specific.
Steps to Resolution were:
Download to Application Loader from iTunesConnect Website (as of 2/18/15, it's under the Resources and Help button).
Install App Loader
From xCode, Build/Archive to create distribution package
From xCode Organizer, Export the package to a location
From App Loader, select the Exported Package IPA file and upload to App Store.
Glad to be past this one!
For me it helped to upload with the credentials of the account agent. A developer account didnĀ“t work.
in my application this issue was coming due to of one error that's i uploaded wrong size image in ipad2x that's 152*152 by 144*144 , but some how i export the build and i uploaded it through application loader. application loader told me abt two warning after uploading the build that was not proper icon size image for ipad #2x and the other was 64 bit warning so i solved the icon problem and now i was abled to validate my app successfully with one warning still that's of 32 bit. if u had repeated the steps like you uploaded the build first from application builder than donot forgot to change build number.
Please check the application bundleID from itunesconnect & your project in Xcode.We will get this issue if our bundleID mismatch from itunesconnect & project..
I was getting same error. After some investigation, I identify the issue with bundleID. I changed the bundleId as per itunesconnect. App was validated & submitted successful in App Store.

Submit iOS app to app store using iTunes Connect by uploading zip file still work?

We have finished the project and created the .xcarchive file code sign with our client's distribution provisioning profile & certificate. Our client does not have Xcode installed on their computer and they do not have anyone that is proficient in using Xcode. Is there any other way that they can submit to the app store without using Xcode? Like the old way - using iTunes Connect and uploading the zip file? If yes, how can we create the zip file?
Thanks in advance!
Uploading a zip file in iTunes Connect hasn't been supported for quite some time.
Besides using Xcode, the other option is to use the Application Loader application. Log into iTunes connect. Click on Manage Your Applications. Click on the Download Application Loader link. There is also a link for the user guide.
