itunes store operation failed in xcode 6 - ios

iTunes store operation failed
No eligible software found. Make sure this software is owned by your developer organization.
I get above error while validating app from xcode 6. I don't understand this error why it is coming. Can anyone help me to solve this error?
Thank you

I was able to upload by using Application Loader as suggested in iTunesConnect.
Archive your app with the distribution provisioning profile
Export the archive for distribution to somewhere you can find it again.
Download Application Loader 3.0 from iTunesConnect, if it isn't already installed.
Open Application Loader
In AppLoader, Log into the iTunesConnect account you want to release the app from
In AppLoader, Upload the archive
Not exactly painless, but it does allow you to build with an iTunes developer account and release from a different iTunesConnect ID.

I got this error while validating my app. The problem was that the developer account of which I was using the Provisioning Profile was different from that of the account that I was using to validate my app. In simple words: They were two different APPLE IDs.
You need to add the APPLE ID from which you are using the provisioning profile.
Follow the following steps to get rid of this error and add the APPLE ID:
After clicking on "Validate button" ---> Click on "View Accounts".
The following window will open. In this window click on + button as shown below.
A pop-over showing three option will be opened as shown below. Select "Add Apple ID".
A new window will be opened asking you to enter your Apple ID and password as shown below. Enter your Apple ID and password of the developer account from which you have used the provisioning profile. Then press "Add":
You will see a new Apple ID added in the list of the Apple IDs.
Close the Organizer window. ----> Archive the product again and Validate the app choosing the newly added Apple ID.

This happened to me because I had a different developer and itunesconnect accounts. Make sure you build app with your developer account and submit validation with your itunesconnect account. That worked for me.

As noted by a few others, I was able to resolve this problem by using the Application Loader rather than xCode to send the iPA file to app store. In my case, both xCode and Application loader were using the correct iTunesConnect account, but for some reason, xCode was failing on submitting this app. I could submit other apps without incident, which led me on a wild goose chase thinking the problem was app specific.
Steps to Resolution were:
Download to Application Loader from iTunesConnect Website (as of 2/18/15, it's under the Resources and Help button).
Install App Loader
From xCode, Build/Archive to create distribution package
From xCode Organizer, Export the package to a location
From App Loader, select the Exported Package IPA file and upload to App Store.
Glad to be past this one!

For me it helped to upload with the credentials of the account agent. A developer account didn´t work.

in my application this issue was coming due to of one error that's i uploaded wrong size image in ipad2x that's 152*152 by 144*144 , but some how i export the build and i uploaded it through application loader. application loader told me abt two warning after uploading the build that was not proper icon size image for ipad #2x and the other was 64 bit warning so i solved the icon problem and now i was abled to validate my app successfully with one warning still that's of 32 bit. if u had repeated the steps like you uploaded the build first from application builder than donot forgot to change build number.

Please check the application bundleID from itunesconnect & your project in Xcode.We will get this issue if our bundleID mismatch from itunesconnect & project..
I was getting same error. After some investigation, I identify the issue with bundleID. I changed the bundleId as per itunesconnect. App was validated & submitted successful in App Store.


iTunes (TestFlight) - Uploaded and Visible in Activity but not available in TestFlight

I am extremely confused on trying to fix this different kind of Issue faced in iTunes. Actually I am Using Appcelerator to develop and build the Application. I had successfully get the .ipa file from the Appcelerator and by using the Application Loader I am uploading the App to the iTunes. Once my Upload is completed in iTunes my App gets visible in Activity tab that Which I had mentioned in the first Image as well as I had received the mail that "The App has been successfully moved to the iTunes and Ready for move to Testflight". In TestFlight Initially under the version number build is available with the tabular column showing the alert of Missing Compliances, then for the first question I gave "NO" and then gave start Internal testing, after this my build is no longer available in Testflight and then seems to be the second Image that I had Attached. I had a cross check with my distribution profile , Certificate and App ID that's all fine. I had been searching in many forums to fix this Issue. Can anyone faced this Issue? Please assist me on this Issue, I had been struggling for a week.
Yeah I had fixed the Issue by changing my provisioning profile from Adhoc Distribution profile to AppStore Distribution Profile and then take a build and upload it via Organiser of xCode. Then the App details are visible in Test flight.

Testflight - Build is there but not showing?

So I just got an email telling me that my build has completed processing.
I go to iTunes connect and sure enough there it is. I go to add testers, and it asks me to input some contact info before it adds the testers.
Somewhere here the whole thing just stops working, so I reload the page and this is all I can see now:
My Build is there, it is the correct version, but I cant see it, or do anything with it, really weird. What is this?
To create .ipa file i'm using Ad Hoc option. But for testing apple send an email like this ....
Missing beta entitlement - Your app does not include the beta-reports-active entitlement. If you intend to distribute this build via TestFlight for beta testing, please re-build this app with an App Store Distribution provisioning profile. Do not use ad-hoc profiles.
After you’ve corrected the issues, you can use Xcode or Application Loader to upload a new binary to iTunes Connect.
The App Store team
Now i selected App Store option to create .ipa file. Now i uploaded the .ipa through application builder. Then only i'm getting my build in TestFlight. I think this will help you...

Unable to upload app to iTunes Connect - iTunes Store operation failed. Authentication timeout

I'm trying to upload my app to iTunes Connect with Xcode. I chose product > archive, choose my account, it compiles and when I try to upload it hand for a long time on:
Uploading Archive
Sending API usage to iTunes Connect...
Then it shows an error message:
I've restarted Xcode and the entire machine but still it keeps repeating itself.
What's wrong here?
This usually happens to me when the phone is connected while uploading the archive, and removing the phone so far has been solving the issue for me.
My solution was to install Application Loader. At first it seemed like it's stuck as well, but after about 10 minutes it started uploading.
I solved this issue.
There is a checkbox "include bitcode" at the bottom of the Summary screen (when you validate Archive) or Send XXX to Apple screen (when you upload to App Store) where the Organizer show the Binary and Entitlements together with Provisioning Profile. In XCode 7 it is checked by default. I unchecked it and re-run Validation - worked fine. As soon as checked the checkbox back on, it started failing with same error.
I have also unchecked the other checkbox on the same screen - symbolis upload.
Successfully uploaded the binary using the Organizr just now.
Here the solution that helped in Xcode 8, summary screen:
Still getting the same error despite "unchecking" bitcode and also archiving with the bitcode under Basic Profile turned off in the info.plist.
It would only work if I used Application Loader, like this:
First, export the application Archive from Xcode's Organizer window (it saves this into a directory on the Desktop).
Then, from Xcode:
Xcode > Open Developer Tool > Application Loader
My guess is that there is a bug somewhere either with iTunes Connect back end or xCode itself.
A couple of Xcode restart didn't resolve the issue but Application Loader solved it for the very first attempt. Also, Application Loader, is more descriptive for letting one know what's going on during the whole upload process. Plus simultaneous apps upload is possible via Application Loader.
I got this error when trying to upload an app to App Store Connect (01/20/2020). Restarting Xcode fixed the issue for me.
I've had the same issue.
Tried to upload the app with Transporter with no success.
Restarting of Mac and Xcode didn't help.
Solution was to logout from Xcode and log in back
Xcode -> Preferences -> Accounts -> Select your Apple ID and click on "-" below
To submit to App Store use Application Loader but after creating the "App-Specific" password as the following:
Log in to and enter your 2FA (TWO-FACTOR AUTHENTICATION) code.
Then in the Security section on the bottom right area, you'll see: APP-SPECIFIC PASSWORDS.
Generate Password... Click the link to create an app-specific password, Enter your password.
Copy the app-specific password. Enter the password into the Application Loader.
Choose the exported ipa to submit it.
For developers uploading apps with Xcode: simply change network and restart your Mac.
I solved this issue with Transporter, native Apple application. You can download it from AppStore.
This application has a much more information about uploading process and possible errors.
Install the "Transporter" app from the MacOS app store.
From Xcode's organizer, select your archive and press "Distribute App"
Select "Export" and proceed as usual.
Choose the exported .ipa file into the transporter and press "Deliver".
I was getting the same error. Application Loader didn't work. I couldn't open any Apple Developer/Forum webpages either to find an answer there. And iTunesConnect wouldn't let me log in. I thought the site was down and I couldn't even access the Apple Status pages.
My VPN was connecting outside the US. After turning off the VPN everything returned to normal. I have been letting the VPN connect to random places around the globe, probably should keep it in my area.
In my case, The build with the same number (e.g. Version 1.0(1.6)) was already been uploaded to AppStore. I found that after logging into itunes and checked the TESTFLIGHT BUILDS -> iOS and there I saw 1.6 (Processing)
Note: 1.0 is the version number and 1.6 is build number.

Xcode 7.1 "iTunes store operation failed you are not authorized to use this service"

Trying to submit iOS and Apple Watch OS2 extension update from ios 9.0 to 9.1. I recently updated Xcode to version 7.1 and now I'm hitting this problem without changing anything else.
iTunes store operation failed you are not authorized to use this service
What I've tried:
Removed developer account from Xcode -> added developer account back into Xcode -> Still hit the error.
I tried Xcode -> Preferences -> Apple ID -> Download All to get my latest provisioning profiles up to date. Still get the error.
Deleted all old archives, cleaned project, archive again. Still get the error.
Increased build number and version number in both the project and in itunes connect. Still get the error.
Deleted derived data in the Library -> Developer folder and I still get the error.
Cleaned the project -> Archived the project again -> Unchecked "enable bitcode" and I still receive the error.
Code Signing Settings:
Watch Target -> Provisioning profile automatic code signing iOS Developer
Watch Target Extension -> Provisioning profile automatic code signing iOS Developer
iOS Target -> Provisioning profile automatic code signing iOS Developer
Still hit the error message with the provisioning profile settings.
Reinstalled Xcode 7.1 -> Still hit the error message.
I've also confirmed that all my developer and distribution provisioning profiles are valid and downloaded.
One thing I've noticed is that when I archive the app and look in the Window -> Organizer I notice my iOS apps on the left side for my archives. This app I'm trying to submit has no name next to it. However, if I delete all old archives for this app the app name shows up again next to the app icon. Maybe a bug with Xcode but I have no clue.
Another thing I've noticed is I've been able to successfully submit iOS archives that have no WatchKit extension using Xcode 7.1. I'm not sure if the WatchKit extension could be the problem but it is a possibility.
Also when the archive is ready to be uploaded to iTunes Connect I notice a couple of things. First, the iOS App defaults to the active provisioning profile: "MyApp" Distribution profile. However, both the WatchKit app and app extensions automatically default to the XC* wildcard provisioning profile. I'm not sure if this whole problem could just be related to a provisioning profile error but it is possible.
iOS Target -> Build Phases -> Embed Watch Content is set as:
Application Loader Submission Attempt:
Tried and failed with the following error message:
ERROR ITMS-90171 "Invalid Bundle Structure - The Binary file '' is not permitted. Your app can't contain stand alone executables or libraries other then the CFBundleExecutable of supported bundles. Refer to the Bundle Programming Guide..."
Again, I used this exact same project structure to submit the ios app and watchkit OS2 extension on Xcode 7.0 ios 9.0.x no problem. I think the error message is inaccurate unless I'm misconfiguring something but I imagine I would've hit the error back on Xcode 7.0
Any help on how to solve this would be awesome. I've found no help googling and reading other SO posts and I've been stuck on this for far too long. Thanks!
I met the same issue today and I think it is a bug of Xcode 7.1
Finally I managed to submit my app via Application Loader. There were warnings but it did work.
Here are the basic steps:
Xcode menu --> Xcode --> Open Developer Tool --> Application Loader
Double click "Deliver Your App" and choose the file exported in step #2
click next and follow the instructions until the end
I found the solution by unchecking the Include bitcode option.
In mi case, it seems that updating to Xcode 7.1 removed some account information. So, after a few attempts to upload it from Xcode, I opened Application Loader, and it asked me to login. I logged in and finally could submit to the App Store from the Organizer. Hope it helps someone.
it is the enable bitcode on the bottom when you submit the upload. uncheck the box. for some reason it comes with 2 boxes checked by default on xcode 7.1
Set team in target-> General-> Team
Check and set appropriate provisioning profile in targets/project build settings.
Try with Xcode to upload build if find same issue.
Try with application loader it will work.
In my case I think it should be a xcode 7.1 bug. I re-added my account, re-generated profile, rebuild the app (restart my mac) but none of them work! I got this error when I first validated the app.
Then I created a new profile and the validation passed. But the first time uploading the app xcode still showed that error. Unwilling to give up I clicked the upload button again and this time it succeeded!
I faced the same issue then I uploaded through Application Loader from XCODE menu and it showed so many error like missing icon for iPad etc .
So please try you app to load through Application Loader and see complete detail of errors you might have in your application.
I got it working through Application Loader after fixing these issues.
I am using Xcode 7.1.1. and it appears to be an issue with Xcode, because I successfully submitted the build via Application Loader. Now, I suspect that I added too many SDKs / adapters inside the code that may have caused issues with the app's delivery. But there's no way of knowing that for sure.
During upload my API Analysis to the App Store was skipped, because it was too large, but I doubt that may caused Xcode to upload the app to the App Store.
If Xcode fails to upload, try Application Loader.
Solved for Xcode 7.2 by revoking and recreating the cert:
Image of what to click here (sorry no embed reputation)
In XCode go into this menu:
XCode -> Preferences -> Accounts
When on the accounts tab, I selected my email in the Apple Id list (on the left).
Then on the right there is a list of of teams under Team Name, select the correct Team and click on View Details.
Finally, there's a list of Signing Identities, next to "iOS Distribution" click Reset.
I didn't have to restart XCode, I just immediately resubmitted to iTunes from Organizer with no problems.
Edit: Thanks #Dover8 for the info about possible effects.
Resetting Certificates Using Xcode
If Xcode detects an issue with a signing identity, it displays an
appropriate action in Accounts preferences. If Xcode displays a Create
button, the signing identity doesn’t exist in Member Center or on your
Mac. If Xcode displays a Reset button, the signing identity is not
usable on your Mac—for example, it is missing the private key. If you
click the Reset button, Xcode revokes and re-creates the corresponding
Try to check your iOS Provisioning Profiles on
In my case one of profiles was marked as "Invalid" and after profile regeneration an error no longer appears
I got the same problem.
Tried to Upload To App Store.. 3-4 times.
Then I Hit the Validate... button and validation was success.
After that tried to upload again and it succeeded.
Then i cursed apple...
It seems to be related to the latest iTunesConnect update and "roles".
If I look at the "iTunesConnect Users" screen, we have three accounts,
(1) is "Admin, Legal", (2) is "Technical, Marketer", and (3) is "Technical Only".
Now when you click the email address to check the details and "roles" of #2 then only "Marketer" is checked, and only the marketer permissions are available.
For #3 the correct checkmark ( Technical ) is set, and also "Create Apps and Submit versions" is shown as an available "App feature".
It might be a work-around to change permissions to disable and re-enable "technical", or maybe give more permissions and make the person an Admin (temporary, of course).
Also - for the Jenkins users out there, you might have copied some certificates from the "login" keychain to the "system" keychain. Try removing them from the system-keychain ( I think that was this step which made my "Archive" not end up in 'not authorized ...' message and actually pass the verify again).

No .app bundle found in the package, while uploading with Application Loader

I know there are already several questions on the subject, but I am really desperate. I don't know what else to do than to look for an advice here.
So, I have an app ready to be uploaded.
I have checked all the pre-steps, before trying to upload:
Bundle ID matches in info.plist, iTunesConnect, Apple developer, Provisioning profile
Game works perfectly when I run it on the device, in app purchase works with a test user, and not a single issue appears
Here are some screenshots with some info:
What I have noticed is that there isn't any Provisioning Profile selected:
Yet, when I select the provisioning profile I made earlier, I get this error. When I clock "Fix" it changes it back to none provisioning profile selected.
I don't know if that's the cause of the trouble
All in all, this is the Error I get:
This is my first time that I'm uploading an app with in app purchase. So I might missed some obvious step. I really hope that somebody will see the problem here, because I've been trying to fight this for 2 days now :(
When you see "iPhone Developer" in the code signing identity, that means Xcode will automatically select a matching identity to sign the app (It doesn't mean that no profile is selected).
From what I can see it looks like "iPhone Developer" is chosen for both Debug and Release configurations which will likely cause a problem because you cannot submit a Developer signed app to the App Store, it must be signed with a Distribution certificate and Distribution profile.
You will need to ensure that you have created a Distribution Certificate and profile to sign your app with before archiving it and submitting it via Xcode.
I would recommend you read up on how app store distribution works from the Apple documentation here:
Then if you still are having trouble, read the trouble shooting guide from the docs here:
I have had a similar problem. We received an APP from an external provider and re-signed the APP ourselves using our own certificate and provisioning profile. When uploading the APP with Application Loader I received the error ITMS-90167: No .app bundles found in the package.
I have sierra installed on my Mac and I am using XCode 8.0 but had an old version of Application Loader (3.0) that was installed separately. Using this version of Application Loader I got the message. If I instead used the Application Loader that is part of Xcode (from the XCode/Open Developer Tool menu), ie version 3.6 everything worked out great and the ipa file was successfully uploaded to ITunesConnect.
