Why is "no code allowed to be all ones" in libjpeg's Huffman decoding? - huffman-code

I'm trying to satisfy myself that METEOSAT images I'm getting from their FTP server are actually valid images. My doubt arises because all the tools I've used so far complain about "Bogus Huffman table definition" - yet when I simply comment out that error message, the image appears quite plausible (a greyscale segment of the Earth's disc).
From https://github.com/libjpeg-turbo/libjpeg-turbo/blob/jpeg-8d/jdhuff.c#L379:
while (huffsize[p]) {
while (((int) huffsize[p]) == si) {
huffcode[p++] = code;
/* code is now 1 more than the last code used for codelength si; but
* it must still fit in si bits, since no code is allowed to be all ones.
if (((INT32) code) >= (((INT32) 1) << si))
code <<= 1;
If I simply comment out the check, or add a check for huffsize[p] to be nonzero (as in the containing loop's controlling expression), then djpeg manages to convert the image to a BMP which I can view with few problems.
Why does the comment claim that all-ones codes are not allowed?

It claims that because they are not allowed. That doesn't mean that there can't be images out there that don't comply with the standard.
The reason they are not allowed is this (from the standard):
Making entropy-coded segments an integer number of bytes is performed
as follows: for Huffman coding, 1-bits are used, if necessary, to pad
the end of the compressed data to complete the final byte of a
If the all 1's code was allowed, then you could end up with an ambiguity in the last byte of compressed data where the padded 1's could be another coded symbol.


Lua: Working with the Modbus TCP/IP Protocol

This question is based off a previous question I asked concerning a similar topic: Lua: Working with Bit32 Library to Change States of I/O's . I'm trying to use a Lua program that, when a PLC changes the state of a coil at a given address (only two addresses will be used) then it triggers a reaction in another piece of equipment. I have some code that is basically the exact same as my previous topic. But this has to do with what this code is actually doing and not so much the bit32 library. Usually I run code I don't in understand in my Linux IDE and slowly make changes until I finally can make sense of it. But this is producing some weird reactions that I can't make sense of.
Code example:
local unitId = 1
local funcCodes = {
readCoil = 1,
readInput = 2,
readHoldingReg = 3,
readInputReg = 4,
writeCoil = 5,
presetSingleReg = 6,
writeMultipleCoils = 15,
presetMultipleReg = 16
local function toTwoByte(value)
return string.char(value / 255, value % 255)
local coil = 1
local function readCoil(s, coil)
local req = toTwoByte(0) .. toTwoByte(0) .. toTwoByte(6) .. string.char(unitId, funcCodes.readCoil) .. toTwoByte(coil - 1) .. toTwoByte(1)
s:write(req) --(s is the address of the I/O module)
local res = s:read(10)
return res:byte(10) == 1 -- returns true or false if the 10th bit is ==1 I think??? Please confirm
The line that sets local req is the part I'm truly not making sense of. Because of my earlier post, I understand fully about the toTwoByte function and was quickly refreshed on bits & byte manipulation (truly excellent by the way). But that particular string is the reason for this confusion. If I run this in the demo at lua.org I get back an error "lua number has no integer representation". If I separate it into the following I am given back ascii characters that represent those numbers (which I know string.char returns the ascii representation of a given digit). If I run this in my Linux IDE, it displays a bunch of boxes, each containing four digits; two on top of the other two. Now it is very hard to distinguish all of the boxes and their content as they are overlapping.
I know that there is a modbus library that I may be able to use. But I would much rather prefer to understand this as I'm fairly new to programming in general.
Why do I receive different returned results from Windows vs Linux?
What would that string "local req" look like when built at this point to the I/O module. And I don't understand how this req variable translates into the proper string that contains all of the information used to read/write to a given coil or register.
If anyone needs better examples or has further questions that I need to answer, please let me know.
ETA: This is with the Modbus TCP/IP Protocol, not RTU. Sorry.

Xcode iOS: how to find position of one audio file (snippet) inside another?

I have audio files, with different durations. They have common content and unique content. E.g. two files, 70 seconds each, last 10 seconds of the first file is the same as first two seconds of the second file. How can I find the exact position of common content (e.g. 60.0 of the first file)?
Sounds a little bit messy, hope the following image can help https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzBE2Kfw8uQoUWNTN1RXOEtLVEk/view?usp=sharing
So, I'm looking for the red mark - common content starts at 60.0 sec of the first file.
The problem is that I have files with different durations. Sometimes it's 70 seconds long, sometimes one file is 70 seconds, the other is 80 seconds long, etc. Most likely they have 60.0 seconds of unique content, but I'm not sure (it could be 59.9 of unique content, etc.).
Thus, I assume I need to get a short snippet of the second file from first 10 seconds and find it in the first file:
For example, output: 2.5 sec of the second file = 62.5 from the first file - works for me, as well.
THE MAIN GOAL IS TO PLAY FILE AFTER FILE GAPLESS. If I get the values, I'll be able to do this. Sometimes the values can be: 2.5 = 63.7, that's why I need the exact match.
Can anybody help with the code or at least some information of how to compare two snippets of audio content? Thanks in advance!
Wow, that is quite a problem to solve. And I must confess that i've not done anything exactly like this or have any code based suggestions.
All I will say is that if I were looking to try and solve this problem, then I would try and save the audio file as some kind of uncompressed and fixed size (as in a known number of bytes per second) format.
Then you could take a section of one file and byte match it with another, then you would know how many bytes inwards that snippet occurred. Then, knowing the bytes per ms (sort of frame size), you could work out the exact time position.
It's a bit hair brained, but i've used that technique with images before but at least audio is linear!
Here is an approximate example of how I would go about doing the comparison of a sample within a sound file.
- (int)positionOf:(NSData*)sample inData:(NSData*)soundfile {
// the block size has to be big enough to find something genuinely unique but small enough to ensure it is still fast.
int blockSize = 128;
int position = 0;
int returnPosition = INT32_MAX;
// check to see if the block size exceeds the sample or data file size
if (soundfile.length < blockSize || sample.length < blockSize) {
return returnPosition;
// create a byte array of the sample, ready to use to compare with the shifting buffer
char* sampleByteArray = malloc(sample.length);
memcpy(sampleByteArray, sample.bytes, sample.length);
// now loop through the sound file, shifting the window along.
while (position < (soundfile.length - blockSize)) {
char* window = malloc(blockSize);
memcpy(window, soundfile.bytes + position, blockSize);
// check to see if this is a match
if(!memcmp(sampleByteArray, window, blockSize)) {
// these are the same, now to check if the whole sample is the same
if ((position + sample.length) > soundfile.length) {
// the sample won't fit in the remaining soundfile, so it can't be this!
if(!memcmp(sampleByteArray, soundfile.bytes + position, sample.length)) {
// this is an entire match, position marks the start in bytes of the sample.
returnPosition = position;
return returnPosition;
It compiles, didn't have time to setup the scenario to check your exact case, but i'm quite confident this may help.

Decoding Huffman file from canonical form

I am writing a Huffman file where I am storing the code lengths of the canonical codes in the header of the file. And during decoding, I am able to regenerate the canonical codes and store them into a std::map<std:uint8_it, std::vector<bool>>. The actual data is read into a single std::vector<bool>. Before anyone suggests me to use std::bitset, let me clarify that Huffman codes have variable bit length, and hence, I am using std::vector<bool>. So, given that I have my symbols and their corresponding canonical codes, how do I decode my file? I don't know where to go from here. Can someone explain to me how I would decode this file since I couldn't find anything proper related to it on searching.
You do not need to create the codes or the tree in order to decode canonical codes. All you need is the list of symbols in order and the count of symbols in each code length. By "in order", I mean sorted by code length from shortest to longest, and within each code length, sorted by the symbol value.
Since the canonical codes within a code length are sequential binary integers, you can simply do integer comparisons to see if the bits you have fall within that code range, and if it is, an integer subtraction to determine which symbol it is.
Below is code from puff.c (with minor changes) to show explicitly how this is done. bits(s, 1) returns the next bit from the stream. (This assumes that there is always a next bit.) h->count[len] is the number of symbols that are coded by length len codes, where len is in 0..MAXBITS. If you add up h->count[1], h->count[2], ..., h->count[MAXBITS], that is the total number of symbols coded, and is the length of the h->symbol[] array. The first h->count[1] symbols in h->symbol[] have length 1. The next h->count[2] symbols in h->symbol[] have length 2. And so on.
The values in the h->count[] array, if correct, are constrained to not oversubscribe the possible number of codes that can be coded in len bits. It can be further constrained to represent a complete code, i.e. there is no bit sequence that remains undefined, in which case decode() cannot return an error (-1). For a code to be complete and not oversubscribed, the sum of h->count[len] << (MAXBITS - len) over all len must equal 1 << MAXBITS.
Simple example: if we are coding e with one bit, t with two bits, and a and o with three bits, then h->count[] is {0, 1, 1, 2} (the first value, h->count[0] is not used), and h->symbol[] is {'e','t','a','o'}. Then the code to e is 0, the code for t is 10, a is 110, and o is 111.
#define MAXBITS 15 /* maximum bits in a code */
struct huffman {
short *count; /* number of symbols of each length */
short *symbol; /* canonically ordered symbols */
int decode(struct state *s, const struct huffman *h)
int len; /* current number of bits in code */
int code; /* len bits being decoded */
int first; /* first code of length len */
int count; /* number of codes of length len */
int index; /* index of first code of length len in symbol table */
code = first = index = 0;
for (len = 1; len <= MAXBITS; len++) {
code |= bits(s, 1); /* get next bit */
count = h->count[len];
if (code - count < first) /* if length len, return symbol */
return h->symbol[index + (code - first)];
index += count; /* else update for next length */
first += count;
first <<= 1;
code <<= 1;
return -1; /* ran out of codes */
Your map contains the relevant information, but it maps symbols to codes.
Yet, the data you are trying to decode comprises codes.
Thus your map cant be used to get the symbols corresponding to the codes read in an efficient way since the lookup method expects a symbol. Searching for codes and retrieving the corresponding symbol would be a linear search.
Instead you should reconstruct the Huffman tree you constructed for the compression step.
The frequency values of the inner nodes are irrelevant here, but you will need the leaf nodes at the correct positions.
You can create the tree on the fly as you read your file header. Create an empty tree initially. For each symbol to code mapping you read, create the corresponding nodes in the tree.
E.g. if the symbol 'D' has been mapped to the code 101, then make sure there is a right child node at the root, which has a left child node, which has a right child node, which contains the symbol 'D', creating the nodes if they were missing.
Using that tree you can then decode the stream as follows (pseudo-code, assuming taking a right child corresponds to adding a 1 to the code):
// use a node variable to remember the position in the tree while reading bits
node n = tree.root
while(stream not fully read) {
read next bit into boolean b
if (b == true) {
n = n.rightChild
} else {
n = n.leftChild
// check whether we are in a leaf node now
if (n.leftChild == null && n.rightChild == null) {
// n is a leaf node, thus we have read a complete code
// add the corresponding symbol to the decoded output
// reset the search
n = tree.root
Note that inverting your map to get the lookup into the correct direction will still result in suboptimal performance (compared to binary tree traversal) since it can't exploit the restriction to a smaller search space as the traversal does.

Boost spirit can handle Postscript/PDF like languages?

I noticed that Boost spirit offers some limits, in a question here on SO there is an user asking for help about boost spirit and the other user who gave the answer specified that boost spirit works well with statements and not with "generic text" ( I'm sorry if I don't recall it correctly ).
Now I would like to think about Postscript and PDF in terms of tokens and simplify my approach to this formats this way, the problem is that the PDF is kind of a mix between a markup language and a programming language with jumps and tables in it, and I can't think about something similar when considering the most popular file formats like XML, C++ code and others languages and formats.
There is also another fact: I can't really find people that had some kind of experience with boost::spirit wiriting a pdf parser or writer, so I'm asking, boost::spirit it's capable of parsing a PDF file and output the elements as tokens ?
Although this has nothing to do with Boost, let me assure you that the parsing of PDF (and PostScript) are about as trivial as you could want. Let's say that you have a scanner object that returns a series of tokens. The token types you will get from the scanner are:
Dict begin (<<)
Dict End (>>)
Name (/whatever)
Hex array
Left Angle (<)
Right Angle (>)
Array begin ([)
Array end (])
Procedure begin ({)
Procedure end (})
Comment (%foo)
My scanner is a finite-state automata with states for Start, Comment, String, HexArray, Token, DictEnd, and Done.
The way you parse PDF is not by parsing it, but by executing it. Given these tokens, my "parser" looks like this (in C#):
while (true) {
MLPdfToken = scanner.GetToken();
if (token == null)
return MachineExit.EndOfFile;
PdfObject obj = PdfObject.FromToken(token);
PdfProcedure proc = obj as PdfProcedure;
if (proc != null)
if (IsExecuting())
if (token.Type == PdfTokenType.RBrace)
else {
if (proc.IsTerminal)
return Machine.ParseComplete;
else {
I'll also add that if you give every PdfObject an Execute() method such that the base class implementation is machine.Push(this) and IsTerminal that returns false, the REPL gets easier:
while (true) {
MLPdfToken = scanner.GetToken();
if (token == null)
return MachineExit.EndOfFile;
PdfObject obj = PdfObject.FromToken(token);
if (IsExecuting())
if (token.Type == PdfTokenType.RBrace)
else {
if (obj.IsTerminal)
return Machine.ParseComplete;
There's more support in Machine - Machine has a Stack of PdfObject and a few methods for accessing it (Push, Pop, Mark, CountToMark, Index, Dup, Swap), as well as ExecProcBegin and ExecProcEnd.
Beyond that, it's very light. The only thing that is slightly odd is that PdfObject.FromToken takes a token and if it is a primitive type (number, string, name, hex, bool) returns a corresponding PdfObject. Otherwise, it takes the given token and looks in a "proc set" dictionary of procedure names associated with PdfProcedure objects. So when you encounter the token << that gets looked up in a the proc set and comes up with this code:
void DictBegin(PdfMachine machine)
machine.Push(new PdfMark(PdfMarkType.Dictionary));
So << really means "mark the stack as the start of a dictionary. >> gets more interesting:
void DictEnd(PdfMachine machine)
PdfDict dict = new PdfDict();
// PopThroughMark pops the entire stack up to the first matching mark,
// throws an exception if it fails.
PdfObject[] arr = machine.PopThroughMark(PdfMarkType.Dictionary);
if ((arr.Length & 1) != 0)
throw new PdfException("dictionaries need an even number of objects.");
for (int i=0; i < arr.Length; i += 2)
PdfObject key = arr[i], val = arr[i + 1];
if (key.Type != PdfObjectType.Name)
throw new PdfException("dictionaries need a /name for the key.");
dict.put((PdfName)key, val);
So >> Pops up to the nearest dictionary mark into an array then puts each pair into the dictionary. Now, I could have done this without allocating the array. I could just pop pairs, putting them into the dictionary until I either hit the mark, fail to get a name or underflow the stack.
The important takeaway is that there really isn't any syntax in PDF, nor is there any in PostScript. At least not so much as you'd notice. The only real Syntax (and the read-eval-(push) loop shows it) is '}'.
So when you this is a PDF 14 0 obj << /Type /Annot /SubType /Square >> endobj what your really seeing is a series of procedures:
Push 14
Push 0
Execute obj (Pop two numbers and push a "definition" object).
Execute dictionary begin
Push /Type
Push /Annot
Push /SubType
Push /Square
Execute dictionary end
Execute endobj (pop the top object and then get (not pop) the next one. If the second is a definition, set its "value" to the first object, else throw).
Since "endobj" is terminal, parsing ends and the top of the stack is the result.
So when you are asked to look up object 14 in the PDF, the cross-reference table tells you where to seek to, you make a new Machine with the stream pointer at that location and run it. If the top of the stack is a "definition" object, you've succeeded.
About now you should be nodding but not trusting me, since you're thinking about PDF streams, which look like this:
<< [/key value]* >> stream ...raw data... endstream endobj
Again, there is no syntax. The proc stream looks at the top of the stack, which should be a PdfDict. If it is, it consumes characters until the next newline (scanner does this), stores the current file position in the stream as data start, reads the stream length from the dict (which may cause another Machine to get newed up), and skips past the end of stream and pushes the new stream object on the stack. endstream is a no-op. The only difference between a PdfDict and a PdfStream is that a PdfStream has a start position and a bool saying that it's a stream, otherwise I dual-purpose the object.
PostScript is almost identical except that the execution environment is a little more complex. For example, you need several stacks in your machine: a parameter stack, a dictionary stack, and an execution stack. From there, you more or less just bind your tokenizer into the set of primitive procedures as well as the word exec, and then most of your interpreter is written in PS itself.
If you're talking about boost, you're looking at C++, which means that you can't be as fast and loose with memory as I am, so you'll want to either use smart pointers or figure out where you scope is and be careful to dispose objects instead of blithely throwing them away, but that's just the normal C++ stuff.
Currently, I make PDF tools for my company in .NET, but in a former life I worked on Acrobat versions 1-4, and most of what I described is exactly what Acrobat did under the hood (well, more or less - it was C, not C++, but it's the same approach).
With respect to the xref table (or xref stream), you read that first - the spec tells you that if you jump to EOF and scan back, you find the start of the xref table. You parse that (which is a CS 101 assignment), parse the trailer, seek to the /Prev if any and repeat until no more /Prev entries. That gives you a complete xref for looking up objects.
As for writing - there are a number of approaches that you can take. The most obvious one is that when an object is meant to be referenced, you create a new reference object by assigning the newest available xref entry to it. Whenever objects refer to other objects for writing, they ask if these objects are referenced. If they are, they write the reference (ie, 14 0 R). When it comes time to write a referenced object, you get the current stream pointer and store it in the xref, then write <objnum> <generation> obj <object contents> endobj. For example, my code to write a dictionary looks like this:
public override ToStream(PdfStreamingContext context)
if (context.HasReference(this)) // is object referenced in xref
PdfUtils.WriteObjectDefinitionBegin(this, context);
if (context.HasReference(this))
PdfUtils.WriteObjectDefinitionEnd(this, context);
I've chopped out some chaff so you can see the wheat underneath. The context is an object that holds a new xref table as well as an object for writing to streams that automagically handles appropriate newline discipline, indentation, line wrapping, and so on.
What you should see is that the basics here are straight forward, if not trivial. And now's when you should be asking yourself the question, "if it's trivial, how come there isn't more (serious) competition for Acrobat in the market? The answer is that even though it's trivial, it's still easy to write PDFs that aren't spec compliant and Acrobat handles most of those. The real challenge is to be able to honor the spec and make sure that you include all required values in a dictionary and that they are in range and semantically correct. Hell, even the date time format--which is pretty well-specified--is a mound of special case code in my library to manage where other people have screwed it up royally. Being able to generate consistently correct PDF is hard and consuming the garbage in the sea of PDFs in the world is harder.
I could (and probably should) write a book about how to do this. While a lot of the fringe code is grubby, the overall structure can be very pretty.
tl;dr - If you're thinking of a recursive descent parser for PDF, you're thinking too hard. All you need is a tokenizer and a simple REPL.

Correct Media Type settings for a DirectShow filter that delivers Wav audio data?

I am using Delphi 6 Pro with the DSPACK DirectShow component library to create a DirectShow filter that delivers data in Wav format from a custom audio source. Just to be very clear, I am delivering the raw PCM audio samples as Byte data. There are no Wave files involved, but other Filters downstream in my Filter Graph expect the output pin to deliver standard WAV format sample data in Byte form.
Note: When I get the data from the custom audio source, I format it to the desired number of channels, sample rate, and bits per sample and store it in a TWaveFile object I created. This object has a properly formatted TWaveFormatEx data member that is set correctly to reflect the underlying format of the data I stored.
I don't know how to properly set up the MediaType parameter during a GetMediaType() call:
function TBCPushPinPlayAudio.GetMediaType(MediaType: PAMMediaType): HResult;
with FWaveFile.WaveFormatEx do
MediaType.majortype := (1)
MediaType.subtype := (2)
MediaType.formattype := (3)
MediaType.bTemporalCompression := False;
MediaType.bFixedSizeSamples := True;
MediaType.pbFormat := (4)
// Number of bytes per sample is the number of channels in the
// Wave audio data times the number of bytes per sample
// (wBitsPerSample div 8);
MediaType.lSampleSize := nChannels * (wBitsPerSample div 8);
What are the correct values for (1), (2), and (3)? I know about the MEDIATYPE_Audio, MEDIATYPE_Stream, and MEDIASUBTYPE_WAVE GUID constants, but I am not sure what goes where.
Also, I assume that I need to copy the WaveFormatEx stucture/record from the my FWaveFile object over to the pbFormat pointer (4). I have two questions about that:
1) I assume that should use CoTaskMemAlloc() to create a new TWaveFormatEx object and copy my FWaveFile object's TWaveFormatEx object on to it, before assigning the pbFormat pointer to it, correct?
2) Is TWaveFormatEx the correct structure to pass along? Here is how TWaveFormatEx is defined:
tWAVEFORMATEX = packed record
wFormatTag: Word; { format type }
nChannels: Word; { number of channels (i.e. mono, stereo, etc.) }
nSamplesPerSec: DWORD; { sample rate }
nAvgBytesPerSec: DWORD; { for buffer estimation }
nBlockAlign: Word; { block size of data }
wBitsPerSample: Word; { number of bits per sample of mono data }
cbSize: Word; { the count in bytes of the size of }
UPDATE: 11-12-2011
I want to highlight one of the comments by #Roman R attached to his accepted reply where he tells me to use MEDIASUBTYPE_PCM for the sub-type, since it is so important. I lost a significant amount of time chasing down a DirectShow "no intermediate filter combination" error because I had forgotten to use that value for the sub-type and was using (incorrectly) MEDIASUBTYPE_WAVE instead. MEDIASUBTYPE_WAVE is incompatible with many other filters such as system capture filters and that was the root cause of the failure. The bigger lesson here is if you are debugging an inter-Filter media format negotiation error, make sure that the formats between the pins being connected are completely equal. I made the mistake during initial debugging of only comparing the WAV format parameters (format tag, number of channels, bits per sample, sample rate) which were identical between the pins. However, the difference in sub-type due to my improper usage of MEDIASUBTYPE_WAVE caused the pin connection to fail. As soon as I changed the sub-type to MEDIASUBTYPE_PCM as Roman suggested the problem went away.
(1) is MEDIATYPE_Audio.
(2) is typically a mapping from FOURCC code into GUID, see Media Types, Audio Media Types section.
(3) is FORMAT_WaveFormatEx.
(4) is a pointer (typically allocated by COM task memory allocator API) to WAVEFORMATEX structure.
1) - yes you should allocate memory, put valid data there, by copying or initializing directly, and put this pointer to pbFormat and structure size into cbFormat.
2) - yes it looks good, it is defined like this in first place: WAVEFORMATEX structure.
