WinObjC in Macbook - ios

The prerequisite to work with BridgeiOS is to have windows 10 and latest visual studio.
Is there a way we can develop it in Macbook?

Yes, you can develop Windows 10 apps on a Mac Book, but you will need to have Windows installed. I use a Mac Book pro, and I have three ways of running windows:
1) Installed via Bootcamp, which Apple provides
2) Installed via a virtualized piece of software, like Parallels, which allows me to boot into OS X, then into a Windows environment.
3) If you have an Azure subscription, you can create an Azure VM with Visual Studio already installed, and that way you can do development from any machine. Here is a tutorial on how to do that.
If you need a free Azure account, you may be eligible for BizSpark. This can pay for the bill for your Azure VM running Visual Studio.

Just as you need a Mac to build for iOS, you need a Windows Machine to build for Windows (even with the iOS Bridge).
However, unlike with Apple, Microsoft will let you use a virtual machine.
I have a MacBook running Windows via Parallels. There's also a free version of Visual Studio available. So it's definitely possible to build for Windows 10 on a Mac.


Xamarin iOS App deployment

The docs from Xamarin aren't explicit as to where an iOS device needs to be attached. I'm using VS to build a Xamarin app through a remote Mac Builder (connected via VPN) but my iphone is attached to my PC with Visual Studio. Its completely unclear as to whether or not you can deploy a compiled to from the PC you're running Visual Studio on or whether the iOS device needs to be USB'd to the remote Mac running the build.
Even though Xamarin offers developers the way to use C# creating native iOS applications, we also need to pair to a Mac which is required for compiling native iOS applications. So of course if you want to deploy on a real device, you need to connect it to the Mac.
It seems you have already known how to create a provisioning profile. This documentation tells you how to pair to a Mac to deploy applications. Also before doing that you also need to complete the following steps:
On a Windows machine, install Visual Studio 2017
On a Mac, install Xcode and Visual Studio for Mac

Debug IOS Application on the AMD notebook

I have notebook with the AMD FX 7500 processor and Windows 10 pro.
I also have installed VS 2015 Community and Xamarin. Is it possible to debug developed iOS application without iPhone? If yes, then how ?
You cannot build, run or test an iOS app without a Mac.
You may install Mac OS on VM on a PC but it's illegal (Apple does not allow this in the Mac OS TOS) and it often does not really work.
As Xamarin doc says:
There are a few requirements that must be adhered to when developing
for iOS in Visual Studio. As briefly mentioned in the overview, a Mac
is required to compile IPA files, and applications cannot be deployed
to a device without Apple’s certificates and code-signing tools. Also,
the iOS simulator can be used only on a Mac.
No. You have to have an OSX machine to act as a build host.

Connect several PC to the same Xamarin Mac Agent on Apple

Any info on this:
Just to clarify, with Xamarin 4, The Xamarin Mac Agent supports multiple instances of Visual Studio to connect to one Apple Mac machine for build.
But: can you connect 2 PC to the one Apple mac for build?
Got info on twitter from #JamesMontemagno
Its multiple VS to 1 Mac. It is based on logged in users

Xamarin iOS | Error Connecting Xamarin Build Host from Visual Studio on Windows

We are attempting to connect to a Xamarin build host running on a Mac Mini (OS X 10.11 Yosemite) to a Visual Studio running on a Windows 8.1 Machine. We have updated Xamarin.iOS to same version on both system.
The issue:
My Visual Studio can detect the build host and asks for PIN to pair with the build host. But even if I'm entering the same PIN, it never accepts, and keeps giving this error(PFA Screenshots):
The PIN you entered was invalid.
Please ensure you have entered the correct PIN.
You may have to close this dialog and retry from Visual Studio.
I've restarted both systems and tried to unpair and pair again with new PIN, but no success.
Needless to say, but both systems are on same network and VS can detect the build host.
My Mac Details are in attached image –
Visual Studio Details:
Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2013
Version 12.0.31101.00 Update 4
Connecting to your build host via telnet you should not be receiving any response until you enter HELO.
The response that you are getting before the HELO MTBSERVERPORTS:62592;62595 is incorrect (a Xamarin bug).
objc[66118]: Class WebAnimationController is implemented in both /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/WebKitLegacy.f‌​ramework/Versions/A/WebKitLegacy and /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Versions/A/WebKit. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
If you are running any thing older that the Xamarin 3.9 release, you need to upgrade. If that does not help, either contact Xamarin Support to help troubleshoot why this is happening or upgrade to the Xamarin 4.0 for Visual Studio.
Personally, I would upgrade to the Xamarin 4.0 for Visual Studio (currently an alpha release) as it replaces the PIN pairing with a SSH tunnel that avoids all of the older issues with 3.0 Build Host connection problems.
This version also introduces the new Xamarin Mac Agent which replaces
the old Xamarin Build Host with a new approach taking advantage of the
built-in MacOS Remote Login feature based on SSH for a faster and more
reliable connectivity.
First check firewall rule on your both machines if the port (5000) is not blocked.
Second read this link
Try to connect manually by telnet.

Template for Windows Phone Apps Development in Visual Studio 2010

I have Visual Studio 2010 Professional installed but it does not give option to develop windows phone apps. Is there any template that I can download for this or any other solution so that i can carry out win apps development with my current Visual Studio.
First of all, you have to download and install this:
Windows Phone SDK
You can choose here which version you want to install. The SDK provides an emulator and several other tools for developing Windows Phone apps as well as templates for Visual Studio.
Hope this helps.
