I need to use a method that is not marked as #api in OpenLayers 3, i.e. it is not exported in the default minimized build that comes with releases of OpenLayers 3. The method in question is: getTileCoordExtent, of the ol.tilegrid.TileGrid class.
I tried to add "ol.tilegrid.TileGrid#getTileCoordExtent" in the build json configuration, as suggested in the configuration documentation, but I got the following error:
ERR! No matching symbol found: ol.tilegrid.TileGrid#getTileCoordExtent
Does that mean that methods that are not marked as #api can't be exported ? Is there a way to accomplish what I'm trying to do other than editing the code and add the #api myself ?
To borrow Andreas Hocevar's response:
The exports are determined by tasks/generate-exports.js reading symbols from build/info,json. If you want custom symbols, you can add them to the symbols object in info.json, e.g.
"symbols": [
"name": "ol.tilegrid.TileGrid#getTileCoordExtent",
Of course you should not be doing that, unless you are aware that you have no guarantee that what you add this way will be stable.
Original answer: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/ol3-dev/HwWRoJF0eRU/MYvEa6-aAwAJ
I'm seeing the following error:
link: package conflict error: google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/annotations: multiple copies of package passed to linker:
Set "importmap" to different paths or use 'bazel cquery' to ensure only one
package with this path is linked.
#org_golang_google_genproto//googleapis/api/annotations:annotations is being brought in through:
Can #org_golang_google_genproto//googleapis/api/annotations:annotations be disabled or shadowed by #go_googleapis//google/api:annotations_go_proto? If so, how?
Option I went with:
Change what uses #org_golang_google_genproto//googleapis/api/annotations to use #go_googleapis//google/api:annotations_go_proto instead by using appropriate gazelle:resolve directives in the repositories.bzl file:
name = "com_google_cloud_go",
build_directives = [
# #go_googleapis is the modern version of #org_golang_google_genproto
# use #go_googleapis to avoid dependency conflicts between the two
"gazelle:resolve go google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/iam/v1 #go_googleapis//google/iam/v1:iam_go_proto", # keep
name = "com_google_cloud_go_storage",
build_directives = [
# #go_googleapis is the modern version of #org_golang_google_genproto
# use #go_googleapis to avoid dependency conflicts between the two
"gazelle:resolve go google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/iam/v1 #go_googleapis//google/iam/v1:iam_go_proto", # keep
"gazelle:resolve go google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/type/expr #go_googleapis//google/type:expr_go_proto", # keep
"gazelle:resolve go google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/annotations #go_googleapis//google/api:annotations_go_proto", # keep
The following also works but I preferred the above since it uses the newer library:
Change what uses #go_googleapis//google/api:annotations_go_proto to use #org_golang_google_genproto//googleapis/api/annotations instead by using appropriate gazelle:resolve directives in the root BUILD file:
# gazelle:resolve go google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/annotations #org_golang_google_genproto//googleapis/api/annotations
Other options considered and reasons I didn't go with them:
Upgrade to the latest #com_google_cloud_go_storage. Didn't go with this option because the latest version (v1.24.0 at the time of this post) still uses #org_golang_google_genproto.
Upgrade #com_google_cloud_go_storage to use #go_googleapis. Didn't go with this option because it looked too difficult to get merged.
repo_mapping = {"#org_golang_google_genproto" : "#go_googleapis"} for com_google_cloud_go_storage. Didn't go with this option because #go_googleapis isn't a drop-in replacement for #org_golang_google_genproto (#go_googleapis uses the prefix google while #org_golang_google_genproto uses the prefix googleapis).
"gazelle:exclude **/common/archiver/gcloud/**" for com_github_uber_cadence. Didn't go with this option because common/archiver/provider depends on common/archiver/gcloud.
Set prefix for go_googleapis from google to googleapis. Didn't go with this option because it breaks expectations for those familiar with go_googleapis standard practice.
I'm using the rollup plugin strip to exclude the console.logs in the production built with following settings
plugins: [
include: ['**/*.(js|svelte)'],
labels: ['dev'],
functions: ['console.log'],
I now have the situation that I would like to keep one special log in production. So I created a function in a new file logInProduction.js
export function logInProduction(msg) {
throw new Error('PRODUCTION')
and added the file to the plugin options by adding this line
exclude: ['logInProduction.js'],
But when calling the function, the error is thrown, so the function was called, but the log before doesn't appear.
Is this because the .js ending is generally included before so the specific exclusion doen't have any effect? Is it possible to do this?
Or is there another maybe better way to keep one specific console.log?
Problem was, that the filename was missing the directory, so
exclude: ['src/utils/logInProduction.js'],
exclude: ['**/logInProduction.js'],
does work
I don't know how to define an export in my custom build. In my map definition I have:
controls: ol.control.defaults({ zoom: false, attribution: false })
But I can't seem to get the "exports" right in my build.json file. When I build I get errors like:
No matching symbol found: ol.control.defaults.extend
In my build.json file I have:
Followed by each of the following, one at a time:
(Obviously the trial-and-error approach) Any clue as to what I'm overlooking? Is "extend" a member of some other object?
extend is a ol.Collection method, so add this "ol.Collection#extend" to your build.json.
I would like to change package prefix and suffix in my ant build while generating java from idl. This has to be generic solution! The idea goes like that:
I have idl files (ONE.idl, TWO.idl) with namespace ONE_cb in first and TWO_cb in second (as _cb suffix is required for c++ compatibility). TWO_cb has atributes from ONE_cb, ONE_cb has only basic types. I want to change that to packages going like com.example.ONE and com.example.TWO.
I'm using JacORB 3.6. and I don't know how to do it.
My code looks like that:
<target name="idlj-generate">
<define key="__JACORB_GENERATE__"/>
<i2jpackage names=":com.example"/>
<i2jpackage names="_cb:"/>
It doesn't work. As I stated before it has to be generic solution. adding
<i2jpackage names="TWO_cb:TWO"/> //option 2
<i2jpackage names="ONE_cb:ONE"/> //option 2b
Is not acceptable
Thank you for Your time.
If I understand you correctly you have something like
module ONE_cb
but you want it to be
com.example.ONE { ... }
This is feasible with i2jpackage e.g.
idl -forceOverwrite -d /tmp/generated -i2jpackage ONE_cb:com.example.ONE myfile.idl
The problem you have is that you are compiling both files at once. Remove the "all" and try compiling them in two phases.
If you are using Maven I would also recommend trying org.codehaus.mojo:idlj-maven-plugin as you can do multiple executions very easily with that.
To use multiple i2jpackage I got it working with
idl -forceOverwrite -d /tmp/generated -all -i2jpackagefile /tmp/file antBugJac608-2.idl
(where antBugJac608-2 #includes antBugJac608).
For various research I concluded that generic solution is immpossible.
Only way to perform changing prefix and suffix the same time is to explicite set all included names.
The "Manage Open Modules" dialog of DOORS 8.3 lists all open modules, their mode, if visible, etc. and the number of references. I want to use that reference count to decide if my script can securely close the module and to avoid closing if it is currently in use. I'm not sure what the "References" column displays exactly. I didn't find a description of it in the help or corresponding informations on the internet. Does anybody know if there is some undocumented DXL API which gives me access to that information?
Edit: I found the function refcount_ which returns an integer. But I have no idea what the return value means.
It looks like References refers to the number of open modules currently referencing that module. For example: when you open a module that has links, DOORS also opens in the background all of the Link Modules that the links use. So if I open a document that has links through LINKMOD_A, LINKMOD_A will show 1 reference. If I then open another document that has links through that same LINKMOD_A the number of references will increase to 2. I do not see the number of references ever higher than 1 on a Formal Module. Try this on some of your modules and see when you get more than one reference on a link module, then run your refcount_ function against that link module and see if you get the same number. I am not sure if that is the function you are looking for but it is certainly possible. Good Luck!
I assume your script is opening the modules, so all you need to do is check if it is already open first.
string sModuleFullName = "/Some/Module/Path"
Module oModule = module(sModuleFullName)
bool bClose = null(oModule)
if(null(oModule)) {
oModule = read(sModuleFullName, true,true)
// do stuff
if(bClose) {
Alternative method for closing modules opened by triggers, attribute or layout dxl
// Save currently open Modules to a Skip
Skip oOpenModulesSkip = createString()
Module oModule
for oModule in database do {
put(oOpenModulesSkip, fullName(oModule), fullName(oModule))
// do stuff
// Close Modules not in the Skip
for oModule in database do {
if(!find(oOpenModulesSkip, fullName(oModule))) {
close(oModule, false)