Google tag manager error - ios

I´m having these messages:
GoogleTagManager error: _us has no backing implementation.
GoogleTagManager error: Failed to parse an invalid boolean:
Do you know why this happens?

Seems like you're referring to a buil-in variable that no longer exists, see this answer on a similar post:
EDIT: this could happen if you deactivate a built-in variable or if you changed the GTM version you're using


unable to extract model type swift

I'm having a slight issue with CoreML using Swift Playgrounds while attempting to make a gender classifier model. When I add the Gender.mlmodel and Gender.swift to their respective folders within the Playground Page (Resources/ and Sources/), I get a rather peculiar error, shown below:
Fatal error: 'try!' expression unexpectedly raised an error: Error Code=0 "Unable to extract model type from stream in compiled model: Error opening file stream: /var/folders/kt/11b_lk412hv327qjhvgnhvzr0000gn/T/ unspecified iostream_category error" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Unable to extract model type from stream in compiled model: Error opening file stream: /var/folders/kt/11b_lk412hv327qjhvgnhvzr0000gn/T/ unspecified iostream_category error}: file /BuildRoot/Library/Caches/, line 181
I've thought that it had an issue accessing the file itself, so I tried using different locations and the absolute path as a String (which returned a value when force-unwrapped), but to no avail. In addition, I tried other models that I know are able to be loaded (SqueezeNet.mlmodel), and that did not work as well, returning a comparable error.
I appreciate any help that anyone would be able to offer, I'm completely perplexed by this issue. Thank you!
I found the solution to this: apparently Swift Playgrounds does not compile .mlmodel to .mlmodelc, thus causing the failure to read a non-compiled model. For anyone else wondering, just run MLModel.compile(at: URL?) to convert it to the compiled format.
In Swift 5.2.3, the following is correct.
let url = try MLModel.compileModel(at: URL(fileURLWithPath: "<#/path/to/read/model.mlmodel#>"))
let mode = try MLModel(contentsOf: url)

Getting Fatal error when running ZF2 project on php 7.1.1 Zend\Stdlib\PriorityQueue contains 1 abstract method

I'm getting the following Fatal error when running a ZendFramework2 project on PHP 7.1.1.
The error is:
Fatal error: Class Zend\Stdlib\PriorityQueue contains 1 abstract method and must therefore be declared abstract or implement the remaining methods (Serializable::unserialize) in F:\xampp\htdocs\MyZF2Site\vendor\zendframework\zendframework\library\Zend\Stdlib\PriorityQueue.php on line 28
What could be the sulution?
I had the same problem. Already I solved it.
PHP 7.1.9
Fatal error: Class Zend\Stdlib\PriorityQueue contains 5 abstract methods...
Change PHP 7.0.23. To change is very easy for me because I use wampserver.
It's work 0k ¡
Againg to change to PHP 7.1.9.
It worked 0k forever. Why?¡¡ I don't know. I think it is issue cache.
Almost always there are some backwards incompatible changes, in this case you can check out those changes here
Here you can see changes in previous versions.
You did not say which exactly version of ZF2 you use.

Delete parse class and object in class

I try to delete a class called "test". I found some code but nothing happens. The class are still exist.
PFObject *deleteClass = [PFObject objectWithClassName:#"test"];
[deleteClass deleteEventually];
Error message:
Failed to run command eventually with error: Error Domain=Parse Code=106 "(null)" UserInfo={message=Failed to run an eventually command., exception=Attempt to delete non-existent object.}
Edit 1: After looking through more Parse forums, I've found a definitive answer stating that you cannot do this with the Parse SDK; you must use the Parse website.
From this question on the Parse website, it looks like this should be done from your Parse dashboard. If you are constantly creating and deleting new classes and need to do this dynamically, I'm not sure you are using Parse in the way it was intended.

error Error: Attempted to assign to readonly property. ChildScope

This is an ionic app, I have no idea why I am getting the error below when I start my application. I didn't notice when it started to popup and now I cannot get rid of it. Any suggestions clues of how I could debug and find this issue?
896167 error Error: Attempted to assign to readonly property.
Any help is appreciated.
This error went away all together with the latest Ionic update, 1.0.0-rc.5 "tungsten-turkey"

Xamarin iOS Binding: Could not initialise an instance of the type, returned nil

I've bound an iOS library, SVGKit, to C# using Xamarin/Monotouch. After some issues I've managed to get the library to build ok.
My code can be found here:
Unfortunately, when I try to initialise a type from the class I receive the following error:
Could not initialize an instance of the type
'SVGKitBindings.SVGKFastImageView': the native 'init' method returned
nil. It is possible to ignore this condition by setting
MonoTouch.ObjCRuntime.Class.ThrowOnInitFailure to false.
The full stack trace is can be seen here.
Any idea as to what is causing this problem and what I can do to rectify it?
Update: Here is the full Build Output of my project.
Update 2: Tried setting SmartLink to false and rebuilding, same error though a slightly different build output.
Look at the source code for SVGKFastImageView init [1]:
- (id)init
NSAssert(false, #"init not supported, use initWithSVGKImage:");
return nil;
The managed exception is correct: you can't call this constructor.
