View component in Rails - ruby-on-rails

Is there any gem available for implementing view components in Rails? I had look at 'cells' and 'apotomo'. I found them good but documentation is not updated for the latest versions. Any one knows about any other good gem for implementing widgets kind of structures in rails?

You can use React js for view level components , use react-rails to integrate it with rails

If you are concerned with performance, you should try solutions like Angular.js , Backbone.js, React.js, Ember.js or any front end MVC framework.
Your code can be organized and run faster than use Apomoto or Rails partials, for example.


How do I turn a RoR view to Responsive (html5)

I have a normal view in html in Rails, containing images and links. How do I turn it to be responsive? (I want it to fit also mobile browser sizes, make it html5)
I know I should use fluid, but what is the full command? Or is there another/better way directly from the text editor?
Rails has limited control on the HTML that comes on to the browse.
Try looking at frameworks like Bootstrap or Foundation.
There are some gems that can help you
There is also a railscast episode on Bootstrap basics.
This has nothing much to do with Rails. Rails is a server side language and responsive templates are frontend (html/css) dependent.
However if you are specifically using bootstrap as many beginners do, you could try : gem for a quick integration of things.

Can an admin template be used in a Ruby on Rails web app?

I have been doing UI research and have come across admin templates at I was wondering how do you apply these onto a web app built on Rails. These templates look very similar to wordpress themes. Are they that easy to configure? Is it just as simple as setting up a link to the database to make the fields form capture data? I've been looking at this theme.
For admin templates I recommend using Active Admin. It's relatively easy to implement and gives you great admin screens with little effort.
Yes, You can. I'm trying to solve the same problem and so far I have a couple options:
1.) do it by hand, I've done this before, it works but takes a lot of time to truly understand how your theme is put together. First I would recommend using the included themes assets exactly as they are bundled with the theme. Don't assume that just because you have twitter-bootstrap-rails gem that the bootstrap classes in the theme will work. Link the assets statically and slowly extract out the static assets and replace them in the asset pipeline once you know they work.
2.) Use the strategy suggested in the install_theme gem ( the gem itself is not maintained any longer (i'm not sure about any forks), but the strategy is sound. Extract the core parts of the template into partials.
The short answer is yes, but there is no straight forward way to "import to rails"

ruby on rails 3.1 web design

May I ask you how to make rails web design more efficient?
Is compass plus blueprint the perfect match?
Is the current version of compass support rails3.1
Are there any other frameworks that will make rails web deign easier?
Definitely a framework like compass is awesome, it includes a lot of helpers, and provides a good solid base.
For form-styling I would recommend using a gem like [formtastic][1], which not only greatly simplifies making forms, but also provides a standard css file. So all needed tags are then known (and can be overwritten if needed).
There a few alternatives to kickstart your application's layout:
twitter-bootstrap: it is plainly awesome and provides a great start (it does not play nice with formtastic, but works perfectly well with simple_form).
web-app-theme provides generators, and a set of templates to style your application quickly
activo is a template that is contained in web-app-theme, but can also be used standalone
Hope this helps.

Ruby On Rails CMS Framework

I want to create a framework for rails application. It will be a rails application but packed into gem (like a Radiant CMS).
It must work like this:
gem install cmsframework
and then:
cmsframework the_app
After that we have a skeleton framework for a rails app, without any controllers, etc. All controllers are loaded from cmsframework gem.
If I want to rewrite some files (for example public/styles.css), I must simply create it in my app (the_app).
If I want new functions in my app I can create a plugin. But the main functionalities must be loaded from cmsframework gem.
What is the best way to implement this?
Maybe start here: Pay close attention to the parts about adding custom generators and packaging as a gem. This may help as well:
You can use this framework it is very good CamaleonCMS

Are there any tabbed navigation plugins or gems you would recommend for Rails?

I am going to develop a Rails application and the designer wants to include tabs as part of the interface / navigation (probably it will included nested tabs).
Are there any places you would recommend I look, as I guess this has all been done before.
Thank you.
have a look at this collection of
widgets you can put in your Ruby On Rails application.
I've created the tabulous gem just for this purpose.
