Unified Background Across Multiple LoginViews - ios

I have a login screen with multiple pages, I am just looking for an idea of what the best approach would be to slide between the different views, whilst maintaining the same background image.
I would like it to appear as if the background image is not changing but the appropriate view would slide in from the side.
Any ideas, or any suggestions on where to look would be greatly appreciated.

Best way is to add the imageView to the UIWindow and every Controller should be with background color clear ;)


Lower Navigation Controller Back Button and Text

I have standard looking back buttons that are created with the help of Navigation Controller and I need to move them +5 pt down on each screen my app have.
I haven't found any info about this topic, so I'm wondering if this possible at all without making custom buttons? Or maybe I wasn't searching good.
Possible solution that comes to my mind is to manually increase height of navigation bar, but I'm looking for a better way of making this task.
Would be grateful for any ideas.

Can anyone suggest what to use to make the UI screen as Mention?

I have design the UI for the below screen as I am little bit confuse that what should have to use for the below screen. As you seen the on the screen below things:
1.Scrolling part of Images swap.
2.Again another Scrolling images Swap.
So here for the scrolling Images what should I use its Collection View for both or Pagecontrol for one and Collection view for other. Please suggest me.
Thanks and Appreciate for the help...
Use UITableView and in its cell use UICollectionCell so that you can scroll horizontally and vertically.
see Back image, this is how you can implemented output looked like.
As Tinu Dahiya pointed it correctly, You should use tableView and custom tableViewCells to achieve your UI design. This approach will also make your coding easy to handle dynamic contents which you might be fetching from server. For your reference you can directly use this control from cocoa controls. This control is ready made dish for you, you just have to implement your logic to achieve your functionality.

use mapview as background for multiple screens

I'd like to be able to use a map view as a unified background for my app.
So different views would be overlaid on that map view.
Transitions from one view to another would ideally only affect the views on top of the map. Not the map it's self.
Has anyone tackled this before and maybe know the best course of action for achieving it?
Other than load times for the map are there any hard reasons why it might be a poor UI Design?
You could use Container View Controllers to achieve this effect. Take a look at apple docs for that. Basically you're root view would be the map view, and the "contained" views would be overlaid.
Hope this helps,

What is the canonical way to animate views over a fixed background?

In my two recent questions here and here I laid out my problem a bit, but I want to ask a more general question here. First my goal: I am trying to animate views side to side with a fixed background image.
I am new to iOS, and so I don't know all the tools that are available to me, but each time I started hacking this together I kept thinking that there must be a built-in way to do this. I didn't want to reinvent the wheel, so what is the common way to implement this?
The best approach I think is making a UIView based in two main views:
The background, that always will stay
And on top of it, another UIView with your animated view
In case you want to animate it, its quite easy, just check this:
iPhone UIView Animation Best Practice

2 UITableViewCells side by side without a custom background image?

I'm trying to make something like this in my iPhone app:
Is there an easy-ish way to do this without making background images and such? I'm following a "Drawing a Grid in a UITableView" guide found here: http://usxue.is-programmer.com/posts/14176.html but so far I can't get the rounded edges with borders like a normal grouped table view has.
Any ideas? Thanks!
After looking around and running into issues, I think my best bet is just to make two UIButton objects here. A LOT EASIER than what I was trying to do.
