Airplay and Use of Bluetooth LE accessories - ios

My app is using airplay. Do i need to select "Uses Bluetooth LE accessories" option in info.plist.
I submitted the app with checking this option and my app got rejected. Apple said that "Your app declares support for bluetooth-central in the UIBackgroundModes key in your Info.plist, but does not provide Bluetooth Low Energy functionality. The Bluetooth Background modes are for applications that communicate to other devices using Bluetooth Low Energy and the Core Bluetooth framework."

You should just check the airplay not the other options . Like in picture you should only select first one unless you are also using LE and implementing corebluetooth.


I want to connect to iPhone's BLE through my BLE device

The purpose of this task is to connect to iPhone's BLE through BLE device to access ANCS of iphone. Please note that there is no app installed in iPhone to turn ON BLE of iPhone.
So, If we enable Bluetooth from iPhone setting, will it enable BLE along with BT classic?
Yes, if you enable BLE on an iPhone, you are enabling BT classic as well. The reason for this is that BLE is just a subset of the whole Bluetooth radio, along with BT classic. Since they use the same physical radio and chip, there is no way to enable BLE without turning on BT classic or vice versa. That being said, there is very limited functionality of BT classic on iPhones and most of that is restricted to developers unless you join the MFi program.
For more information on the different Bluetooth subsets, please see this answer:-
Can a Bluetooth LE powered device discover a classic Bluetooth device and vice-versa?
Please note that you will always have to enable Bluetooth manually on an iPhone and there is no way to enable this automatically.
I hope this helps.

HM-10 bluetooth pairing with iPhone

I am using a HM-10 bluetooth to pair with my iPhone but I noticed that HM-10 can't be paired with iPhone using the "settings". It just won't show up in my bluetooth list. I will need a special app like "Lightblue" or "Bluecap" to pair it.
My question is, if I need a certain app to pair the bluetooth module with my iPhone, why is that many devices such as bluetooth speakers could be paired using the "settings" even without having an app?
Are there any bluetooth modules that could be paired without having an app like "Lightblue" or "Bluecap"?
Pairing through settings is only available for devices that use legacy profiles such as handsfree or A2DP.
Bluetooth Low Energy devices, such as the HM-10 are discoverable by any app using Core Bluetooth. Apps, like LightBlue, are just general purpose BLE apps that let you explore available BLE devices.
BLE devices only require pairing if they are using encryption on their characteristics. In this case, iOS will show the pairing dialog and complete the pairing process when the app attempts to read the encrypted characteristic.
To use the HM-10 you will need to write your own app to perform whatever communication task you are trying to achieve.
You can use nrf52832 as Bluetooth module.
If you are not making hobby project hm10 is very bad choice
I shifted from hm10 to nrf52832 before 6 months

iOS: Bluetooth Sharing

I see there is a "Bluetooth Sharing" section under iOS 7/8's Privacy settings:
I have a couple questions about this:
What framework is used to access this?
Is this iOS to iOS device only, or can it be iOS to Android, or iOS to some other peripheral?
Is there anything else required, other than that framework, such as GameCenter or HomeKit; to implement the framework from Question 1?
Would use of it require a Private API?
Thank you for your time!
Apps that specify one of the two Bluetooth background modes (Central or peripheral) will appear in this list.
Details on acting as a Bluetooth Low Energy peripheral or central are contained in the Core Bluetooth Programming Guide
Bluetooth Low Energy can be used between any compatible device, including iOS and Android.

Route audio through bluetooth ios

I need some help from you ....
I have an app for VoIP calling and i need to route audio of call through bluetooth even in background (in case someone press home button while call is in progress ).. Do i need to set anything in info.plist file in background modes ??
This is what i have been set for background modes to use bluetooth and apple rejected app with given reason below :
2.16 Details
Your app declares support for bluetooth-central, and bluetooth-peripheral, in the UIBackgroundModes key in your Info.plist, but does not provide Bluetooth Low Energy functionality. The Bluetooth Background modes are for applications that communicate to other devices using Bluetooth Low Energy and the Core Bluetooth framework.
Next Steps
Please revise your app to add support for Bluetooth Low Energy communication through Core Bluetooth in your application or remove the bluetooth- values from the UIBackgroundModes key.
Please help me out ....
Thanks in Advance !!!
This is because you are not using core Bluetooth functions in your app.Just check "Audio and Airplay" and "Voice over IP" check boxes under Background Modes and resubmit the app.

Is there work background services for Bluetooth low energy (BLE) on iOS?

I would like do coding in ios with Bluetooth low energy(BLE). i wanting to show notification of new BLE device while app background. is possible do it? I bought BLE Device from sensor tag site.
Yes, it is possible both in central and peripheral mode. You should declare the necessary permissions in your Info.plist and then you can search for one specific service in the background with the standard method scanForPeripheralsWithServices:options: of CBCentralManager Start with reading the docs of Apple.
