In OpenCV many conversions to JPG using imEncode fails - opencv

For a specific purpose I am trying to convert an AVI video to a kind of Moving JPEG format using OpenCV. In order to do so I read images from the source video, convert them to JPEG using imEncode, and write these JPEG images to the target video.
After several hundreds of frames suddenly the size of the resulting JPEG image nearly doubles. Here's a list of sizes:
Anybody got a clue what's going on here?
By the way: I'm using OpenCV.Net as a wrapper for OpenCV.
Thanks a lot in advance,

I found the solution. If I explicitly enter the third parameter to imEncode (for JPEG encoding this indicates the quality of the encoding, ranging from 0 to 100) instead of using the default (95) the problem disappears. It's likely this is a bug in OpenCV.Net, but it could also be a bug in OpenCV itself.


Does OpenCV 3.0 Still Has Limits On VideoWriter Size?

OpenCV 2.4 VideoWriter couldn't save video files larger than 2GB, since it only accepts .avi files, I am wondering if this is still the case in OpenCV 3.0, or if it can save other kind of video files that doesn't have this limitations.
I tried to find any documentations pointing to a limit of 2GB or a release note saying it's capable to handle larger files, but I can't find none.
Even though the OpenCV 3.0-beta documentation states otherwise, OpenCV 3.0's VideoWriter seems to handle other file formats, such as mkv, as shown in this issue.
I adapted the code from the above issue to generate a 4GB mkv video (4096 frames of random 2048x2048).
The things to be aware is that the image size should be passed as width then height in the VideoWriter whereas the numpy array should be initialized with height then width. VideoWriter will fail silently otherwise.
You will also require a recent OpenCV 3.0 source to handle uncompressed streams.
This is not OpenCV limitation. AVI file size cannot be larger than 2 GB due to format limitations (4-byte size signed integer has max value 2,147,483,647).
Is it possible to pack video in another container with OpenCV (mkv etc)?
the RIFF header has the following form:
'RIFF' fileSize fileType (data)
where 'RIFF' is the literal FOURCC code 'RIFF',
fileSize is a 4-byte value giving the size of the data in the file,
and fileType is a FOURCC that identifies the specific file type.

Mov file has more frames than written/Possible iOS AVAsset writer usage issue

I am manually generated a .mov video file.
Here is a link to an example file: link, I wrote a few image frames, and then after a long break wrote approximately 15 image frames just to emphasise my point for debuting purposes. When I extract images from the video ffmpeg returns around 400 frames instead of the 15-20 I expected. Is this because the API i am using is inserting these image files automatically? Is it a part of the .mov file format that requires this? Or is it due to the way the library is extracting the image frames from the video? I have tried searching the internet but could not arrive at an answer.
My use case is that I am trying to write the current "sensor data" (from core motion) from core motion while writing a video. For each frame I receive from the camera, I use "AppendPixelBuffer" to write the frame to the video and then
Thanks for any help. The end result is I want a 1:1 ratio of Frames in the video to rows in the CSV file. I have confirmed I am writing the CSV file correctly using various counters etc. So my issue is cleariy the understanding of the movie format or API.
Thanks for any help.
It looks like your ffmpeg extractor is wrong. To extract only the timestamped frames (and not frames sampled at 24Hz) in your file, try this:
ffmpeg -i -r 1/1 image-%03d.jpeg
This gives me the 20 frames expected.
ffprobe reports that your video has a frame rate of 2.19 frames/s and a duration of 17s, which gives 2.19 * 17 = 37 frames, which is closer to your expected 15-20 than ffmpeg's 400.
So maybe the ffmpeg extractor is at fault?
Hard to say if you don't show how you encode and decode the file.

Generating a 16-bits per channel PNG file procedurally

Is there any way to generate a 16-bits per channel(RGBA) PNG file using D3DX11SaveTextureToFile?
Or any version of DirectX, any image library(C++), any image format
I tried to use the sample code here:
and modified the function names to D3D11 version.
The program works perfectly when I set the desc.Format to DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM .
But the D3DX11SaveTextureToFile returns E_FAIL when I changed the desc.Format to DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_UNORM .
I've tried to use DevIL (developer's image library) but it doesn't support 16-bits per channel png file.
The only format which can save all texture-formats is D3DX11_IFF_DDS. It seems that D3DX11SaveTextureToFile can't save 16Bit pngs. One possibility is to extract the imagedata of your texture and save it manually with one of the possibilities (e.g. OpenCV or libpng) discussed here: Writing 16 bit uncompressed image using OpenCV.

OpenCV imwrite increases the size of png image

I am doing image manipulation on the png images. I have the following problem. After saving an image with imwrite() function, the size of the image is increased. For example previously image is 847KB, after saving it becomes 1.20 MB. Here is a code. I just read an image and then save it, but the size is increased. I tried to set compression params but it doesn't help.
Mat image;
image = imread("5.png", -1);
vector<int> compression_params;
What could be a problem? Any help please.
PNG has several options that influence the compression: deflate compression level (0-9), deflate strategy (HUFFMAN/FILTERED), and the choice (or strategy for dynamically chosing) for the internal prediction error filter (AVERAGE, PAETH...).
It seems OpenCV only lets you change the first one, and it hasn't a good default value for the second. So, it seems you must live with that.
Update: looking into the sources, it seems that compression strategy setting has been added (after complaints), but it isn't documented. I wonder if that source is released. Try to set the option CV_IMWRITE_PNG_STRATEGY with Z_FILTERED and see what happens
See the linked source code for more details about the params.
#Karmar, It's been many years since your last edit.
I had similar confuse to yours in June, 2021. And I found out sth which might benefit others like us.
PNG files seem to have this thing called mode. Here, let's focus only on three modes: RGB, P and L.
To quickly check an image's mode, you can use Python:
from PIL import Image
Basically, when using P and L you are attributing 8 bits/pixel while RGB uses 3*8 bits/pixel.
For more detailed explanation, one can refer to this fine stackoverflow post: What is the difference between images in 'P' and 'L' mode in PIL?
Now, when we use OpenCV to open a PNG file, what we get will be an array of three channels, regardless which mode that
file was saved into. Three channels with data type uint8, that means when we imwrite this array into a file, no matter
how hard you compress it, it will be hard to beat the original file if it was saved in P or L mode.
I guess #Karmar might have already had this question solved. For future readers, check the mode of your own 5.png.

File Format Conversion to TIFF. Some issues?

I'm having a proprietary image format SNG( a proprietary format) which is having a countinous array of Image data along with Image meta information in seperate HDR file.
Now I need to convert this SNG format to a Standard TIFF 6.0 Format. So I studied the TIFF format i.e. about its Header, Image File Directories( IFD's) and Stripped Image Data.
Now I have few concerns about this conversion. Please assist me.
SNG Continous Data vs TIFF Stripped Data: Should I convert SNG Data to TIFF as a continous data in one Strip( data load/edit time problem?) OR make logical StripOffsets of the SNG Image data.
SNG Data Header uses only necessary Meta Information, thus while converting the SNG to TIFF, some information can’t be retrieved such as NewSubFileType, Software Tag etc.
So this raises a concern that after conversion whether any missing directory information such as NewSubFileType, Software Tag etc is necessary and sufficient condition for TIFF File.
Encoding of each pixel component of RGB Sample in SNG data:
Here each SNG Image Data Strip per Pixel component is encoded as:
Out^[i] := round( LineBuffer^[i * 3] * **0.072169** + LineBuffer^[i * 3 + 1] * **0.715160** + LineBuffer^[i * 3+ 2]* **0.212671**);
Only way I deduce from it is that each Pixel is represented with 3 RGB component and some coefficient is multiplied with each component to make the SNG Viewer work RGB color information of SNG Image Data. (Developer who earlier work on this left, now i am following the trace :))
Thus while converting this to TIFF, the decoding the same needs to be done. This raises a concern that the how RBG information in TIFF is produced, or better do we need this information?.
Please assist...
Are you able to load this into a standard windows bitmap handle? If so, there are probably a bunch of free and commercial libraries for saving it as TIFF.
The standard for TIFF is libtiff -- it's a C library. Here's a version for Delphi made by an expert in the TIFF format:
There seems to be a lot of choices.
I think the approach of
Loading your format into an in-memory standard bitmap (which you need to do to show it, right?)
Using a pre-existing TIFF encoding library to save as TIFF
Will be a lot easier than trying to do a direct format-to-format conversion. The only reasons I wouldn't do it this way are:
The bitmap is too big to keep in memory
The original format is lossy and I will lose more quality in the re-encoding -- but you'd have to be saving in a standard lossy format (JPEG) to save quality.
Disclaimer: I work for Atalasoft.
We make .NET imaging codecs (including TIFF) -- that are a lot easier to use than LibTiff -- you can call them in Delphi through COM. We can convert standard windows bitmaps to TIFF or PDF (or other formats) with a couple of lines of code.
One approach, if you have a Windows application which handles and can print this format, would be to let it do the work for you, and call it to print the file to one of the many available 'printer drivers' which support direct output to TIFF.
