Tracking Hybrid Apps with Google Analytics - ios

I have an app with some native screens and some additional content I load via UIWebView. I am trying to track both native and web content into the same google analytics account. I'm able to create an account that tracks web and I can create a separate account that tracks the native screens. How can I combine this tracking into a single account?

Track web code using ga.js and native code using GA iOS SDK
You should have a UA account ID of the sort "UA-xxxxxxxx". If you use this
same Analytics tracking ID across your web app & native iOS app, all your data will end up in the same Google Analytics bucket. Obviously, you'll have to use the javascript library in your web app and native SDK in your iOS app.
Alternative Solution (I dont really recommend this)
You can you have your web app pipe in your GA events into your iOS app. How I did this in the past was like so.
I created a special GA codes like myapp://ga-pageview/<pagename> and myapp://ga-event/event_category/event_name.
Use the UIWebViewDelegate method webView:shouldStartLoadWithRequest:navigationType: to intercept these "special" urls and do the GA callback natively.
In the web app, whereever you need you need call a GA event, create an iframe with the myapp://ga-* url scheme above. Then remove that iframe.


Is there a way to serve google ads when iOS user uses content blocking vpn?

I am using google ads in my iOS app and I am wondering if there is a way to avoid vpn content blockers? One being for example lockdown.
I was thinking if its possible to fetch the ads trough custom urls so they do not get blocked by default.
Thanks for any tips.

How to get statistical data of app usage of other applications on IOS using react native?

I've been trying to see if it's possible to get information about app usage on IOS. For example, how much time a user spends on his/hers Facebook or Safari applications. How could one go about doing this within a react native application? Is it possible to do it with any framework?
No, it’s not possible. Apple is very strict about this.
An app cannot access other apps' sandboxes, for any reason. Everything an app can do is restricted to its own sandbox, and in no way can other sandboxes be accessed.
User security is very important for Apple.
If the app you are trying to get the data about has an SDK that can be integrated in your react native app, and the SDK has APIs to provide information about usage analytics for the user(which I don't think is possible with FB SDK), you could ask the user for authorization via the SDK and show them the usage analytics information. Although, chances of these APIs being in an SDK are slim, this might be the only way.

Does the Soundcloud app support being shared to?

Can you share an audio file from within your app to Soundcloud, using the Soundcloud app? That is :
User hits the “Share” button
You present a UIActivityViewController
A bunch of apps are shown. Including the Soundcloud app.
If user selects Soundcloud app, the app is openend, and it begins the UI of uploading the audio file to Soundcloud.
It seems to me that Soundcloud does not support this, but I might be mistaken.
Note : Soundcloud used to support an iOS SDK. On top of that you would have to register your app at the developer portal of Soundcloud to get a unique key linked to your app.
The iOS SDK is no longer being supported by Soundcloud, and at this moment the Soundcloud website does “temporarily” not support registering any new apps, but it seems to be in this state for a long time.
No, this functionality does not exist in the SoundCloud app as a share extension. SoundCloud's old iOS SDK, CocoaSoundCloudAPI, did support this functionality. You can look at the code here to see how it worked (you'll have to find a CLIENT_ID to use since SoundCloud is no longer accepting API app registrations), or use the HTTP REST API.

Access DropBox or Google Drive API from a Web app

Apologies if this is a rubbish question, but it's something I've never had to give much thought and I'm short on time. I have a Web App which is required to run offline and on iOS. This Web App has a lot of content consisting mainly of videos. One solution we are thinking of is to utilise DropBox's or Google Drive's API's to download the content and access it.
The main issue with this is whether you can access a native app (DropBox or Google Drive) from a browser or Web App. Does anyone know if this is possible?
Ideas so far are:
Access Drop Box or Google Drive native app from a web app (not sure if this is possible and is the current question)
Wrap up the web app to make it a hybrid native app using something like Phone Gap (this is plan B but will have its own issues)
Convert to a Google Chrome App to get improved access to Google Drive API (not sure how this would function on iOS)
Start from scratch and build a native iOS app (a longer term solution)
Late, but maybe helpful:
It's a useful Javascript library to access the Dropbox and Google Drive API
We ended up making a hybrid app using PhoneGap for iOS.

Wallet Instant Buy in webview

My app will use Wallet Instant-Buy on Android. It's being used for physical goods. I'd like to use something similar on iOS.
Does anyone know if I can use the web-version of Wallet Instant Buy inside a UIWebView in my iOS app? Will cookies be persistent across app sessions? i.e. user won't need to sign-in repeatedly.
No you cannot use the Instant Buy web API from a webview either or iOS or Android.
You should use a mWeb site for iOS users.
The list of supported browsers are available at
