Is there a way to serve google ads when iOS user uses content blocking vpn? - ios

I am using google ads in my iOS app and I am wondering if there is a way to avoid vpn content blockers? One being for example lockdown.
I was thinking if its possible to fetch the ads trough custom urls so they do not get blocked by default.
Thanks for any tips.


Different analytics for website and app with webview

I don't have a lot of experience with Google Analytics so sorry if it's an easy question.
At the moment, I have a website with Google Analytics. I am planning to do an app that will contain a webview with this website. Is there a way I can differentiate the analytics coming from the app and the ones coming from the website?
We now have some tracking coming from webviews but this is when someone opens the link of our website in other apps (like Mail, Twitter...).
I basically need a specific tracking for our specific app.
Thank you for your help!

View Facebook Live in iOS App

I think I understand that the API allows for broadcasting to Facebook live from app, but is it possible to listen for a particular user and VIEW the live video within an app? I've never seen an example of an app doing this, but was just curious if it is possible to do so.

Tracking Hybrid Apps with Google Analytics

I have an app with some native screens and some additional content I load via UIWebView. I am trying to track both native and web content into the same google analytics account. I'm able to create an account that tracks web and I can create a separate account that tracks the native screens. How can I combine this tracking into a single account?
Track web code using ga.js and native code using GA iOS SDK
You should have a UA account ID of the sort "UA-xxxxxxxx". If you use this
same Analytics tracking ID across your web app & native iOS app, all your data will end up in the same Google Analytics bucket. Obviously, you'll have to use the javascript library in your web app and native SDK in your iOS app.
Alternative Solution (I dont really recommend this)
You can you have your web app pipe in your GA events into your iOS app. How I did this in the past was like so.
I created a special GA codes like myapp://ga-pageview/<pagename> and myapp://ga-event/event_category/event_name.
Use the UIWebViewDelegate method webView:shouldStartLoadWithRequest:navigationType: to intercept these "special" urls and do the GA callback natively.
In the web app, whereever you need you need call a GA event, create an iframe with the myapp://ga-* url scheme above. Then remove that iframe.

iOS - Google Analytics for one page

I have created a game for iOS and I want to be able to track when people are playing.
By this, I simply mean I want to know how often people are opening the app (and thus find out if users are returning or playing it only once).
Because of this, I don't want to have to include the entire Google Analysics SDK in my project. Does anyone know if it's possible to make a request from in an iOS app (possibly using NSURLRequest?) to call Google Analytics and make it think a web page has been visited?
Thanks in advance.

Wallet Instant Buy in webview

My app will use Wallet Instant-Buy on Android. It's being used for physical goods. I'd like to use something similar on iOS.
Does anyone know if I can use the web-version of Wallet Instant Buy inside a UIWebView in my iOS app? Will cookies be persistent across app sessions? i.e. user won't need to sign-in repeatedly.
No you cannot use the Instant Buy web API from a webview either or iOS or Android.
You should use a mWeb site for iOS users.
The list of supported browsers are available at
