My requirement is something like this (but this doesn't work)
array.each do |x|
x.find 1 # the x is of class String
each elements of the array is an model name in my application. The 'x' obtained inside the looping is of class string but i want it to be of a model.
I want to do certain same task on each of the models, doing something like this can reduce some 60 lines of code in my program. can anybody help..
You can use constantize like so:
array.each do |x|
klass = x.constantize
klass.find 1
In ActiveSupport (part of Rails) there is a method constantize available on Strings which might help you:
array.each do |x|
instance = x.constantize.find 1
You can do it like this:
array.each do |x|
a = (Object.const_get x).find 1
I am studying Ruby and can't figure this out. I have an exercise where I have to add a method into a Library class which contains games. Each game is an instance of a class Game. So the solution is the following:
class Library
attr_accessor :games
def initialize(games) = games
def has_game?(search_game)
for game in games
return true if game == search_game
def add_game(game)
#games << game
I can't understand how << works in this case. Is this a bitwise left shift? Does Library class just assumes that games is an array, I believe I can pass anything to the Library class when I am initialising, single game or an array of games?
When you have:
#games << game
<< is actually a method. If it is a method, you ask, why isn't it written in the normal way:
? You could, in fact, write it that way and it would work fine. Many Ruby methods have names that are symbols. A few others are +, -, **, &, || and %. Ruby knows you'd prefer writing 2+3 instead of 2.+(3), so she let's you do the former (and then quietly converts it to the latter). This accommodation is often referred to as "syntactic sugar".
<< is one of #games' methods (and game is <<'s argument), because #games is the receiver of the method << (technically :<<). Historically, it's called the "receiver" because with OOP you "send" the method to the receiver.
To say that << is a method of #games means that << is an instance method of #games's class. Thus, we have:
#games.methods.include?(:<<) #=> true
#games.class.instance_methods.include?(:<<) #=> true
I expect #games is an instance of the class Array. Array's instance methods are listed here. For example:
#games = [1,2,3]
#games.class #=> [1,2,3].class => Array
#games << 4 #=> [1,2,3,4]
#games.<<(5) #=> [1,2,3,4,5]
On the other hand, suppose #games were an instance of Fixnum. For example:
#games = 7
#games.class #=> 7.class => Fixnum
which in binary looks like this:
#games.to_s(2) #=> "111"
#games << 2 #=> 28
28.to_s(2) #=> "11100"
because << is an instance method of the class Fixnum.
As a third example, suppose #games were a hash:
#games = { :a => 1 }
#games.class #=> { :a => 1 }.class => Hash
#games << { :b => 2 }
#=> NoMethodError: undefined method `<<' for {:a=>1}:Hash
The problem is clear from the error message. The class Hash has no instance method <<.
One last thing: consider the method Object#send. Recall that, at the outset, I said that methods are sent to receivers. Instead of writing:
#games = [1,2,3]
#games << 4 #=> [1,2,3,4]
you could write:
#games.send(:<<, 4) #=> [1, 2, 3, 4]
This is how you should think of methods and receivers. Because send is an instance method of the class Object, and all objects inherit Object's instance methods, we see that send is "sending" a method (:<<, which can alternatively be expressed as a string, "<<") and its arguments (here just 4) to the receiver.
There are times, incidentally, when you must use send to invoke a method. For one, send works with private and protected methods. For another, you can use send when you want to invoke a method dynamically, where the name of the method is the value of a variable.
In sum, to understand what method does in:
look for the doc for the instance method method in receiver's class. If you Google "ruby array", for example, the first hit will likely be the docs for the class Array.
It's not a bitwise left shift, it's "shovel" operator. You, probably, know that in Ruby operators are implemented as methods, i.e. when you write
1 + 1
what is actually going on:
The same is true for "shovel" (<<) operator, it's just a method on Array class, that appends its arguments to the end of the array and returns the array itself, so it can be chained:
>> arr = []
=> []
>> arr << 1
=> [1]
>> arr
=> [1]
>> arr << 2 << 3
=> [1, 2, 3]
It looks like #games is an array. The shift operator for an array adds an element to the end of the array, similar to array#push.
ary << obj → ary
Append—Pushes the given object on to the end of this array. This expression returns the array itself, so several appends may be chained together.
I am trying to build an array of hashes (I THINK that's the way I phrase it) with a helper method so that I can use it in my view. I am getting the 2 values from columns #other_events.time_start and #other_events.time_end.
def taken_times()
#taken_times = []
#other_events.each do |e|
#taken_times << { e.time_start.strftime("%l:%M %P") => e.time_end.strftime("%l:%M %P")}
What I am trying to have is an array of hashes like this:
['10:00am', '10:15am'],
['1:00pm', '2:15pm'],
['5:00pm', '5:15pm'],
which is essentially
['e.time_start', 'e.time_end'],
I think you should refactor your method to this:
def taken_times(other_events) { |event| [event.time_start, event.time_end] }
The helper method is not setting a global variable #taken_times anymore but you can easily call #taken_times = taken_times(other_events).
The helper method is using it's argument other_events and not on the global variable #other_events which could be nil in certain views.
The helper method returns an array of arrays, not an array of hashes. It is a two-dimensionnal array ("width" of 2, length of x where 0 ≤ x < +infinity).
The helper method returns an array of arrays containing DateTime objects, not String. You can easily manipulate the DateTime objects in order to format it in the way you want. "Why not directly transform the DateTime into nice-formatted strings?" you would ask, I would answer with "because you can do that in the view, at the last moment, and maybe someday you will want to do some calculation between the time_start and the time_end before rendering it.
Then in your view:
taken_times(#your_events).each do |taken_time|
"starts at: #{taken_time.first.strftime("%l:%M %P")}"
"ends at: #{taken_time.last.strftime("%l:%M %P")}"
You are asking for an array of hashes ([{}, {}, {}, ...]):
Array: []
Hash: {}
But you are expecting an array of array ([[], [], [] ...])
You should do something like this:
def taken_times()
#taken_times = []
#other_events.each do |e|
#taken_times << [e.time_start.strftime("%l:%M %P"), e.time_end.strftime("%l:%M %P")]
This question already has an answer here:
How to implement injection in Ruby?
(1 answer)
Closed 8 years ago.
I have a class called Hsh which basically simulates a hash. It has an array of Couple objects (which hold fields named one and two, one is an int another is a string name of that int).
I am supposed to be able to accept the following call:
h = x.inject({}) {|a, b| a[] = b.two; a}
Where x is the Hsh object.
I am not sure how to implement the inject method within Hsh? Like, what would I write in:
def inject ????
All it's supposed to do is create a hash map.
you shouldn't really need to implement it, just implement Hsh#eachand include Enumerable, you'll get inject for free.
For your specific example something like this should work:
def inject accumulator
#I assume Hsh has some way to iterate over the elements
each do |elem|
accumulator = yield accumulator, elem
But the real implementation of inject is a bit different (e.g. works without providing an accumulator, takes a symbol instead of a block etc)
require 'ostruct'
class Hsh
include Enumerable
def initialize
#arr = (0..9).map{ |i| => i, :two => "#{i}")}
def each(&block)
p{}) {|a, b| a[] = b.two; a}
#=> {5=>"5", 0=>"0", 6=>"6", 1=>"1", 7=>"7", 2=>"2", 8=>"8", 3=>"3", 9=>"9", 4=>"4"}
In this particular case Hsh is actually an array, so unless you use it for something else such a complex code doesn't make sense, it can be done much easier:
p (0..9).map{ |i| => i, :two => "#{i}")} \
.inject({}) {|a, b| a[] = b.two; a}
#=> {5=>"5", 0=>"0", 6=>"6", 1=>"1", 7=>"7", 2=>"2", 8=>"8", 3=>"3", 9=>"9", 4=>"4"}
I have used OpenStruct instead of classes. See if this works for you
require 'ostruct'
class Hsh
attr_accessor :arr
def initialize
obj = = 1
obj.two = "two"
#arr = [obj]
def inject(hash)
#arr.each do |arr|
yield hash, arr
x =
p x.inject({}) {|a, b| a[] = b.two} #prints {1 => "two"}
Why does
a = [].tap do |x|
x << 1
puts "a: #{a}"
work as expected
a: [1]
b = [].tap do |x|
x = [1]
puts "b: #{b}"
b: []
The reason why the second snippet does not change the array is the same why this snippet:
def foo(x)
x = [1]
a = []
does not change variable a. Variable x in your code is local to the scope of the block, and because of that you can assign anything to it, but the assignment won't be visible outside (Ruby is a pass-by-value language).
Of course, blocks have also closures on the local variables where they were declared, so this will work:
def foo(x)
b = []
foo(123) do |x|
b = [1]
p b # outputs [1]
The first method put 1 on the end of an empty array. In the same way you cant say that an empty array is equal to 1. Rather you would try and replicate it...
b = [].tap do |x|
This is just an example yet have a look at the method call you can use on an Array by typing.
All the best and Good luck
This is slightly unrelated -- but that [].tap idiom is horrible. You should not use it. Even many of the people who used it in rails code now admit it's horrible and no longer use it.
Do not use it.
What's the most elegant way to select out objects in an array that are unique with respect to one or more attributes?
These objects are stored in ActiveRecord so using AR's methods would be fine too.
Use Array#uniq with a block:
#photos = #photos.uniq { |p| p.album_id }
Add the uniq_by method to Array in your project. It works by analogy with sort_by. So uniq_by is to uniq as sort_by is to sort. Usage:
uniq_array = my_array.uniq_by {|obj|}
The implementation:
class Array
def uniq_by(&blk)
transforms = [] do |el|
should_keep = !transforms.include?(t=blk[el])
transforms << t
Note that it returns a new array rather than modifying your current one in place. We haven't written a uniq_by! method but it should be easy enough if you wanted to.
EDIT: Tribalvibes points out that that implementation is O(n^2). Better would be something like (untested)...
class Array
def uniq_by(&blk)
transforms = {}
select do |el|
t = blk[el]
should_keep = !transforms[t]
transforms[t] = true
Do it on the database level:
YourModel.find(:all, :group => "status")
You can use this trick to select unique by several attributes elements from array:
#photos = #photos.uniq { |p| [p.album_id, p.author_id] }
I had originally suggested using the select method on Array. To wit:
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7].select{|e| e%2 == 0}
gives us [2,4,6] back.
But if you want the first such object, use detect.
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7].detect{|e| e>3} gives us 4.
I'm not sure what you're going for here, though.
I like jmah's use of a Hash to enforce uniqueness. Here's a couple more ways to skin that cat:
objs.inject({}) {|h,e| h[e.attr]=e; h}.values
That's a nice 1-liner, but I suspect this might be a little faster:
h = {}
objs.each {|e| h[e.attr]=e}
Use Array#uniq with a block:
objects.uniq {|obj| obj.attribute}
Or a more concise approach:
The most elegant way I have found is a spin-off using Array#uniq with a block
…it reads better too!
If I understand your question correctly, I've tackled this problem using the quasi-hacky approach of comparing the Marshaled objects to determine if any attributes vary. The inject at the end of the following code would be an example:
class Foo
attr_accessor :foo, :bar, :baz
def initialize(foo,bar,baz)
#foo = foo
#bar = bar
#baz = baz
objs = [,2,3),,2,3),,3,4)]
# find objects that are uniq with respect to attributes
objs.inject([]) do |uniqs,obj|
if uniqs.all? { |e| Marshal.dump(e) != Marshal.dump(obj) }
uniqs << obj
You can use a hash, which contains only one value for each key:
Hash[*{|ar| [ar[attr],ar]}.flatten].values
Rails also has a #uniq_by method.
Reference: Parameterized Array#uniq (i.e., uniq_by)
I like jmah and Head's answers. But do they preserve array order? They might in later versions of ruby since there have been some hash insertion-order-preserving requirements written into the language specification, but here's a similar solution that I like to use that preserves order regardless.
h ={|el| h.add?(el.attr)}
ActiveSupport implementation:
def uniq_by
hash, array = {}, []
each { |i| hash[yield(i)] ||= (array << i) }
Now if you can sort on the attribute values this can be done:
class A
attr_accessor :val
def initialize(v); self.val = v; end
objs = [1,2,6,3,7,7,8,2,8].map{|i|}
objs.sort_by{|a| a.val}.inject([]) do |uniqs, a|
uniqs << a if uniqs.empty? || a.val != uniqs.last.val
That's for a 1-attribute unique, but the same thing can be done w/ lexicographical sort ...
If you are not married with arrays, we can also try eliminating duplicates through sets
set =
set << obj1
set << obj2
Note that in case of custom objects, we need to override eql? and hash methods