Ruby's bitwise shift operator "<<" confusion in conjuction with array - ruby-on-rails

I am studying Ruby and can't figure this out. I have an exercise where I have to add a method into a Library class which contains games. Each game is an instance of a class Game. So the solution is the following:
class Library
attr_accessor :games
def initialize(games) = games
def has_game?(search_game)
for game in games
return true if game == search_game
def add_game(game)
#games << game
I can't understand how << works in this case. Is this a bitwise left shift? Does Library class just assumes that games is an array, I believe I can pass anything to the Library class when I am initialising, single game or an array of games?

When you have:
#games << game
<< is actually a method. If it is a method, you ask, why isn't it written in the normal way:
? You could, in fact, write it that way and it would work fine. Many Ruby methods have names that are symbols. A few others are +, -, **, &, || and %. Ruby knows you'd prefer writing 2+3 instead of 2.+(3), so she let's you do the former (and then quietly converts it to the latter). This accommodation is often referred to as "syntactic sugar".
<< is one of #games' methods (and game is <<'s argument), because #games is the receiver of the method << (technically :<<). Historically, it's called the "receiver" because with OOP you "send" the method to the receiver.
To say that << is a method of #games means that << is an instance method of #games's class. Thus, we have:
#games.methods.include?(:<<) #=> true
#games.class.instance_methods.include?(:<<) #=> true
I expect #games is an instance of the class Array. Array's instance methods are listed here. For example:
#games = [1,2,3]
#games.class #=> [1,2,3].class => Array
#games << 4 #=> [1,2,3,4]
#games.<<(5) #=> [1,2,3,4,5]
On the other hand, suppose #games were an instance of Fixnum. For example:
#games = 7
#games.class #=> 7.class => Fixnum
which in binary looks like this:
#games.to_s(2) #=> "111"
#games << 2 #=> 28
28.to_s(2) #=> "11100"
because << is an instance method of the class Fixnum.
As a third example, suppose #games were a hash:
#games = { :a => 1 }
#games.class #=> { :a => 1 }.class => Hash
#games << { :b => 2 }
#=> NoMethodError: undefined method `<<' for {:a=>1}:Hash
The problem is clear from the error message. The class Hash has no instance method <<.
One last thing: consider the method Object#send. Recall that, at the outset, I said that methods are sent to receivers. Instead of writing:
#games = [1,2,3]
#games << 4 #=> [1,2,3,4]
you could write:
#games.send(:<<, 4) #=> [1, 2, 3, 4]
This is how you should think of methods and receivers. Because send is an instance method of the class Object, and all objects inherit Object's instance methods, we see that send is "sending" a method (:<<, which can alternatively be expressed as a string, "<<") and its arguments (here just 4) to the receiver.
There are times, incidentally, when you must use send to invoke a method. For one, send works with private and protected methods. For another, you can use send when you want to invoke a method dynamically, where the name of the method is the value of a variable.
In sum, to understand what method does in:
look for the doc for the instance method method in receiver's class. If you Google "ruby array", for example, the first hit will likely be the docs for the class Array.

It's not a bitwise left shift, it's "shovel" operator. You, probably, know that in Ruby operators are implemented as methods, i.e. when you write
1 + 1
what is actually going on:
The same is true for "shovel" (<<) operator, it's just a method on Array class, that appends its arguments to the end of the array and returns the array itself, so it can be chained:
>> arr = []
=> []
>> arr << 1
=> [1]
>> arr
=> [1]
>> arr << 2 << 3
=> [1, 2, 3]

It looks like #games is an array. The shift operator for an array adds an element to the end of the array, similar to array#push.
ary << obj → ary
Append—Pushes the given object on to the end of this array. This expression returns the array itself, so several appends may be chained together.


After Rails Proc turns a block into an object, why can a class call it?

I got a sample code that turns a block into an object using so that it can be executed independently. There are two puts at the end to print the result, in this example, the array is brought into the block for execution. At this point, I have something that I don't understand.
In the following code, why is .iterate!(square) valid? They are the method defined in the class and the name of a separate block object. Why can they be written together?
Second, what is the working process of def iterate!(code)? Why is the value being carried into (code)? And what are self and here?
square = do |n|
n ** 2
class Array
def iterate!(code) {|n|}
puts [1, 2, 3].iterate!(square)
puts [4, 5, 6].iterate!(square)
I'm a beginner, please explain as detailed as possible, thank you.
square = do |n|
n ** 2
This is a simple proc, which expect an integer argument, and return square of the argument.
eg: => 25
square.(5) => 25
Now, You have opened Array class and added iterate! method which takes an argument. and the method just work on self (self here refers to same array on which you are calling the iterate method. here self = [1,2,3] in your first case and [4,5,6] in you second case.
in the iterate! method definition, you are mapping/looping the array elements and you are calling the square proc with each element as arguments.
So it is more like => 1 => 4 => 9

Having a hash, set object properties in Ruby

Having a hashmap, such as:
{:foo => 1, :bar => 2}
in Ruby, is there an easy way to assign those values as properties of the object, to automatically cause this to happen: = 1 = 2
To be precise, some Ruby-idiomatic way of doing:
hashmap.each { |k,v| obj.send("#{k}=", v) }
obj is an object that doesn't inherit ActiveModel and it's not a Struct and I can't control it's type as it's coming from a third party library.
I'm using Rails, so if the answer comes from Rails, that's acceptable.
What you have there is (almost) the most concise, readable, idiomatic solution already:
hashmap.each { |k,v| obj.send("#{k}=", v) }
There is only one thing left to improve:
hashmap.each { |k,v| obj.public_send("#{k}=", v) }
Use public_send instead of send to make it clear to others that you are using it only to pass a method name dynamically and not to circumvent access restrictions.
Maybe you could create an OpenStruct from your hash, do whatever you need with the OpenStruct and its attributes, then convert it back into a hash?
require 'ostruct'
h = {:foo => 1, :bar => 2}
o = # Output: => 1 # Output: => 2
# if necessary, convert it back into a hash
h = o.to_h
From the Ruby docs:
An OpenStruct is a data structure, similar to a Hash, that allows the
definition of arbitrary attributes with their accompanying values.
This is accomplished by using Ruby’s metaprogramming to define methods
on the class itself.
An OpenStruct utilizes Ruby’s method lookup structure to and find and
define the necessary methods for properties. This is accomplished
through the method method_missing and define_method.
This should be a consideration if there is a concern about the
performance of the objects that are created, as there is much more
overhead in the setting of these properties compared to using a Hash
or a Struct.
Doing this on mobile so let's give this a try:
class Something
attr_reader :foo, :bar
def initialize(hash = {})
foo = hash[:foo]
bar = hash[:bar]
obj ={foo: 1, bar: 2}) = 1 =2
class Klass
def initialize(h)
h.each { |iv, val| instance_variable_set("##{iv}", val) }
k = => 1, :bar => 2)
#=> #<Klass:0x007ff1d9073118 #foo=1, #bar=2>
You can use method_missing if you need to set data dynamically.
class Foo
def method_missing(sym, *args)
super unless instance_variables.include?("##{sym}".to_sym)
obj =
h = {:foo => 1, :bar => 2}
h.each { |k, v| obj.instance_variable_set("##{k}", v) }
# => 1
# => 2
If you are using Rails, a minor improvement on your suggested solution would be to use Object#try from Active support extensions
hashmap.each {|k,v| obj.try "#{k}=", v }
As per documentation,
Invokes the public method whose name goes as first argument just like
public_send does, except that if the receiver does not respond to it
the call returns nil rather than raising an exception.

Ruby (Monkey Patching Array)

Back for more help on my coursework at Bloc. Decided to bring you guys in on a problem I'm having with Monkey Patching the Array Class. This assignment had 8 specs to be met and I'm stuck now with one left and I'm not sure what to do.
I'm only going to give you the RSpecs and written requirements for the part that I'm having trouble w/ since everything else seems to be passing. Also I'll include the starter scaffolding that they gave me to begin with so there's no confusion or useless additions to the code.
Here are the written requirements for the Array Class Monkey Patch:
Write a new new_map method that is called on an instance of the Array class. It should use the array it's called on as an implicit (self) argument, but otherwise behave identically. (INCOMPLETE)
Write a new_select! method that behaves like the select, but mutates the array on which it's called. It can use Ruby's built-in collection select method. (COMPLETE)
Here are the RSpecs that need to be met regarding the Array class:
Note: "returns an array with updated values" Is the only Spec not passing.
describe Array do
describe '#new_map' do
it "returns an array with updated values" do
array = [1,2,3,4]
expect( array.new_map(&:to_s) ).to eq( %w{1 2 3 4} )
expect( array.new_map{ |e| e + 2 } ).to eq( [3, 4, 5, 6] )
it "does not call #map" do
array = [1,2,3,4]
array.stub(:map) { '' }
expect( array.new_map(&:to_s) ).to eq( %w{1 2 3 4} )
it "does not change the original array" do
array = [1,2,3,4]
expect( array.new_map(&:to_s) ).to eq( %w{1 2 3 4} )
expect( array ).to eq([1,2,3,4])
describe '#new_select!' do
it "selects according to the block instructions" do
expect( [1,2,3,4].new_select!{ |e| e > 2 } ).to eq( [3,4] )
expect( [1,2,3,4].new_select!{ |e| e < 2 } ).to eq( [1] )
it "mutates the original collection" do
array = [1,2,3,4]
expect(array).to eq([2,4])
Here is the scaffolding they started me with:
class Array
def new_map
def new_select!(&block)
Lastly, here is my code:
class Array
def new_map
new_array = []
self.each do |num|
new_array << num.to_s
def new_select!(&block)!(&block)
Ruby Array Class:
map { |item| block } → new_ary
A block is like a method, and you specify a block after a method call, for example:
[1, 2, 3].map() {|x| x*2} #<---block
method call(usually written without the trailing parentheses)
The block is implicitly sent to the method, and inside the method you can call the block with yield.
yield -> calls the block specified after a method call. In ruby, yield is equivalent to yield(), which is conceptually equivalent to calling the block like this: block().
yield(x) -> calls the block specified after a method call sending it the argument x, which is conceptually equivalent to calling the block like this: block(x).
So, here is how you can implement new_map():
class Array
def new_map
result = []
each do |item|
result << yield(item)
arr = [1, 2, 3].new_map {|x| x*2}
p arr
[2, 4, 6]
This comment is a bit advanced, but you don't actually have to write self.each() to call the each() method inside new_map(). All methods are called by some object, i.e. the object to the left of the dot, which is called the receiver. For instance, when you write:
self.each {....}
self is the receiver of the method call each().
If you do not specify a receiver and just write:
each {....}
...then for the receiver ruby uses whatever object is assigned to the self variable at that moment. Inside new_map() above, ruby will assign the Array that calls the new_map() method to self, so each() will step through the items in that Array.
You have to be a little bit careful with the self variable because ruby constantly changes the value of the self variable without telling you. So, you have to know what ruby has assigned to the self variable at any particular point in your code--which comes with experience. Although, if you ever want to know what object ruby has assigned to self at some particular point in your code, you can simply write:
puts self
Experienced rubyists will crow and cluck their tongues if they see you write self.each {...} inside new_map(), but in my opinion code clarity trumps code trickiness, and because it makes more sense to beginners to write self there, go ahead and do it. When you get a little more experience and want to show off, then you can eliminate explicit receivers when they aren't required. It's sort of the same situation with explicit returns:
def some_method
return result
and implicit returns:
def some_method
Note that you could write new_map() like this:
class Array
def new_map(&my_block) #capture the block in a variable
result = []
each do |item|
result << #call the block
arr = [1, 2, 3].new_map {|x| x*2}
p arr
[2, 4, 6]
Compare that to the example that uses yield(). When you use yield(), it's as if ruby creates a parameter variable named yield for you in order to capture the block. However, with yield you use a different syntax to call the block, namely (), or if their are no arguments for the block, you can eliminate the parentheses--just like you can when you call a method. On the other hand, when you create your own parameter variable to capture a block, e.g. def new_map(&my_block), you have to use a different syntax to call the block:, ...)
myblock[arg1, ...]
Note that #2 is just like the syntax for calling a method--except that you substitute [] in place of ().
Once again, experienced rubyists will use yield to call the block instead of capturing the block in a parameter variable. However, there are situations where you will need to capture the block in a parameter variable, e.g. if you want to pass the block to yet another method.
Looking at the spec here:
it "returns an array with updated values" do
array = [1,2,3,4]
expect( array.new_map(&:to_s) ).to eq( %w{1 2 3 4} )
expect( array.new_map{ |e| e + 2 } ).to eq( [3, 4, 5, 6] )
It looks like they just want you to re-write so that it will work with any given block. In your implementation you are telling the method to work in a very specific way, namely to call .to_s on all of the array elements. But you don't want it to always stringify the array elements. You want it to do to each element whatever block is provided when the method is called. Try this:
class Array
def new_map
new_array = []
each do |num|
new_array << yield(num)
Notice in my example that the method definition doesn't specify any particular operation to be performed on each element of self. It simply loops over each element of the array, yields the element (num) to whatever block was passed when .new_map was called, and shovels the result into the new_array variable.
With that implementation of .new_map and given array = [1,2,3,4], you can call either array.new_map(&:to_s) (the block is where the arbitrary operation to be performed on each element of the array is specified) and get ["1","2","3","4"] or you can call array.new_map { |e| e + 2 } and get [3,4,5,6].
I would like to say a few words about new_select!.
select vs select!
You have:
class Array
def new_select!(&block)!(&block)
which you could instead write:
class Array
def new_select!! { |e| yield(e) }
This uses the method Array#select!. You said Array#select could be used, but made no mention of select!. If you cannot use select!, you must do something like this:
class Array
def new_select!(&block)
Let's try it:
a = [1,2,3,4,5]
a.new_select! { |n| n.odd? }
#=> [1, 3, 5]
a #=> [1, 3, 5]
Explicit vs implicit receivers
Notice that I have written this without any explicit receivers for the methods Array#replace and Array#select. When there is no explicit receiver, Ruby assumes that it is self, which is the a. Therefore, Ruby evaluates replace(select(&block)) as though it were written with explicit receivers:
It's up to you to decide if you want to include self.. Some Rubiests do, some don't. You'll notice that self. is not included in Ruby built-in methods implemented in Ruby. One other thing: self. is required in some situations to avoid ambiguity. For example, if taco= is the setter for an instance variable #taco, you must write self.taco = 7 to tell Ruby you are referring to the setter method. If you write taco = 7, Ruby will assume you want to create a local variable taco and set its value to 7.
Two forms of select!
Is your method new_select! a direct replacement for select!? That is, are the two methods functionally equivalent? If you look at the docs for Array#select!, you will see it has two forms, the one you have mimicked, and another that you have not implemented.
If select! is not given a block, it returns an enumerator. Now why would you want to do that? Suppose you wish to write:
a = [1,2,3,4,5]!.with_index { |n,i| i < 2 }
#=> [1, 2]
Has select! been given a block? No, so it must return an enumerator, which becomes the receiver of the method Enumerator#with_index.
Let's try it:
enum0 =!
#=> #<Enumerator: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]:select!>
enum1 = enum0.with_index
#=> #<Enumerator: #<Enumerator: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]:select!>:with_index>
You can think of enum1 as a "compound enumerator". Look carefully at the description (above) of the object Ruby returns when you define enum1.
We can see the elements of the enumerator by converting it to an array:
# => [[1, 0], [2, 1], [3, 2], [4, 3], [5, 4]]
Each of these five elements is passed to the block and assigned to the block variables by Enumerator#each (which calls Array#each).
Enough of that, but the point is that having methods return enumerators when no block is given is what allows us to chain methods.
You do not have a test that ensures new_select! returns an enumerator when no block is given, so maybe that's not expected, but why not give it a go?
class Array
def new_select!(&block)
if block_given?
Try it:
a = [1,2,3,4,5]
a.new_select! { |n| n.odd? }
#=> [1, 3, 5]
a #=> [1, 3, 5]
a = [1,2,3,4,5]
enum2 = a.new_select!
#=> #<Enumerator: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]:new_select!>
enum2.each { |n| n.odd? }
#=> [1, 3, 5]
a #=> [1, 3, 5]
a = [1,2,3,4,5]
enum2 = a.new_select!
#=> #<Enumerator: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]:new_select!>
enum2.with_index.each { |n,i| i>2 }
#=> [4, 5]
a #=> [4, 5]

What's the difference between "=" & "=>" and "#variable", "##variable" and ":variable" in ruby?

I know these are the basics of rails but i still don't know the full difference between = sign and => and the difference between #some_variable, ##some_variable and :some_variable in rails.
The difference between the = and the => operators is that the first is assignment, the second represents an association in a hash (associative array). So { :key => 'val' } is saying "create an associative array, with :key being the key, and 'val' being the value". If you want to sound like a Rubyist, we call this the "hashrocket". (Believe it or not, this isn't the most strange operator in Ruby; we also have the <=>, or "spaceship operator".)
You may be confused because there is a bit of a shortcut you can use in methods, if the last parameter is a hash, you can omit the squiggly brackets ({}). so calling render :partial => 'foo' is basically calling the render method, passing in a hash with a single key/value pair. Because of this, you often see a hash as the last parameter to sort of have a poor man's optional parameters (you see something similar done in JavaScript too).
In Ruby, any normal word is a local variable. So foo inside a method is a variable scoped to the method level. Prefixing a variable with # means scope the variable to the instance. So #foo in a method is an instance level.
## means a class variable, meaning that ## variables are in scope of the class, and all instances.
: means symbol. A symbol in Ruby is a special kind of string that implies that it will be used as a key. If you are coming from C#/Java, they are similar in use to the key part of an enum. There are some other differences too, but basically any time you are going to treat a string as any sort of key, you use a symbol instead.
Wow, a that's a lot of different concepts together.
1) = is plain old assignment.
a = 4;
puts a
2) => is used to declare hashes
hash = {'a' => 1, 'b' => 2, 'c' => 3}
puts hash['b'] # prints 2
3) #var lets you access object instance variable.
class MyObject
def set_x(x)
#x = x
def get_x
o =
o.set_x 3
puts o.get_x # prints 3
4) ##var lets you access class ('static') variables.
class MyObject
def set_x(x)
##x = x # now you can access '##x' from other MyObject instance
def get_x
o1 =
o1.set_x 3
o2 =
puts o2.get_x # prints 3, even though 'set_x' was invoked on different object
5) I usually think of :var as special 'label' class. Example 2 can be rephrased like this
hash = {:a => 1, :b => 2, :c => 3}
puts hash[:b] # prints 2

can you pass self to lambda in rails?

I want to define a class method that has access to a local variable. So this would be different for each instance of the class. I know you can make a class method dynamic with lambda like when you use it with named_scope. But can this be done for values that are specific to an instance?
In detail it is the has_attached_file method for the paperclip plugin in rails. I want to pass a lambda for the styles hash so that the image styles can be based off of attributes of the object stored in the DB. Is this possible?
Disclaimer: First, the question (Can you pass self to lambda?) and the problem you're trying to solve (dynamic styles with paperclip) don't fully match up. I won't answer the original question because it's not entirely related to your problem, and rampion took a valiant stab at it.
I'll instead answer your paperclip question.
In detail it is the has_attached_file method for the paperclip plugin in rails. I want to pass a lambda for the styles hash so that the image styles can be based off of attributes of the object stored in the DB. Is this possible?
Yes, it is possible. In paperclip, the :styles option can take a Proc. When the attachment is initialized, if a Proc was used, the attachment itself is passed to the Proc. The attachment has a reference to the associated ActiveRecord object, so you can use that to determine your dynamic styles.
For example, your has_attached_file declaration might look something like this (assuming a User and avatar scenario where the user can customize the size of their avatar):
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_attached_file :avatar, :styles => lambda { |attachment|
user = attachment.instance
dimensions = "#{user.avatar_width}x#{user.avatar_height}#"
{ :custom => dimensions }
Ok, you're being unclear.
Local variables in ruby begin with a lowercase letter (like foo, bar, or steve), and are lexically scoped (like C variables). They have nothing to do with "an instance of a class"
Instance variables in ruby begin with an # sigil (like #foo, #bar, or #carl), and are in scope whenever the current value of self is the object they are stored in.
If you want a method that can access the instance variables of an object directly, that's called an instance method. For example, battle_cry and initialize are both instance methods:
class Character
def initialize(name)
def battle_cry
#name.upcase + "!!!"
def Character.default
new("Leeroy Jenkins")
A class method, by contrast, is a method for a Class object, and doesn't have access to any of the instance variables of that object. In the above example,
default is a class method.
If you want a (class or instance) method that triggers a change in or gets a value from the current scope, ruby uses a type of callback called a block.
class Character
ATTACKS = [ "Ho!", "Haha!", "Guard!", "Turn!", "Parry!", "Dodge!", "Spin!", "Ha", "THRUST!" ]
def attack
ATTACKS.inject(0) { |dmg, word| dmg + yield(word) }
person = Character.default
puts person.battle_cry
num_attacks = 0;
damage = person.attack do |saying|
puts saying
num_attacks += 1
puts "#{damage} points of damage done in #{num_attacks} attacks"
In the above example, attack uses the yield keyword to call the block passed
to it. When we call attack, then, the local variable num_attacks is still
in scope in the block we pass it (delimited here by do ... end), so we can
increment it. attack is able to pass values into the block, here
they are captured into the saying variable. The block also passes values
back to the method, which show up as the return value of yield.
The word lambda in ruby usually means the lambda keyword, which is used
to make blocks into freestanding, function like objects (which themselves are usually
referred to as lambdas, procs, or Procs).
bounce = lambda { |thing| puts "I'm bouncing a #{thing}" }
So I think what you're asking is whether you can pass a Proc in place of a Hash
for an argument to a method. And the answer is "it depends". If the method only
ever uses the #[] method, then yes:
class Character
attr_accessor :stats
def set_stats(stats)
#stats = stats
frank ="Victor Frankenstein")
frank.set_stats({ :str => 7, :dex => 14, :con => 9, :int => 19, :wis => 7, :cha => 11 })
monster ="Frankenstein's Monster")
monster.set_stats(lambda do |stat_name|
However, it might use some other Hash specific methods, or call the same key multiple times,
which can produce weird results:
monster ="Frankenstein's Monster")
monster.set_stats(lambda do |stat_name|
monster.stats[:dex] #=> 19
monster.stats[:dex] #=> 1
In which case, you may be better off caching the requests in an intermediate hash. This is fairly easy,
since a Hash can have an initializer block. So if we change the above to:
monster.set_stats( do |stats_hash, stat_name|
stats_hash[stat_name] = rand(20)
monster.stats[:dex] #=> 3
monster.stats[:dex] #=> 3
The results are cached in the hash
To see more about Hash block initializers, see ri Hash::new:
-------------------------------------------------------------- Hash::new => hash => aHash {|hash, key| block } => aHash
Returns a new, empty hash. If this hash is subsequently accessed
by a key that doesn't correspond to a hash entry, the value
returned depends on the style of new used to create the hash. In
the first form, the access returns nil. If obj is specified, this
single object will be used for all default values. If a block is
specified, it will be called with the hash object and the key, and
should return the default value. It is the block's responsibility
to store the value in the hash if required.
h ="Go Fish")
h["a"] = 100
h["b"] = 200
h["a"] #=> 100
h["c"] #=> "Go Fish"
# The following alters the single default object
h["c"].upcase! #=> "GO FISH"
h["d"] #=> "GO FISH"
h.keys #=> ["a", "b"]
# While this creates a new default object each time
h = { |hash, key| hash[key] = "Go Fish: #{key}" }
h["c"] #=> "Go Fish: c"
h["c"].upcase! #=> "GO FISH: C"
h["d"] #=> "Go Fish: d"
h.keys #=> ["c", "d"]
