Separate a String By Semicolon - ios

I am using following code to separate a string into multiple strings and getting an error
NSArray *arr = [randomStr componentsSeparatedByString:#";"];
-[__NSDictionaryM componentsSeparatedByString:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x1758f230
-[__NSDictionaryM componentsSeparatedByString:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x1758f230
This is my Sample Data
NSArray *data = {
name = "name1";
address = "RWP";
ID = 0;
name = "name2";
address = "RWP";
ID = 1;
name = "name3";
address = "RWP";
ID = 2;
NSString *randomStr = data[0];
What's wrong in my code

You have an array of dictionaries, not strings. There is nothing to split.
You want something like this:
NSDictionary *dict = data[0];
NSString *name = dict[#"name"];
NSString *address = dict[#"address"];

You have to be sure randomStr as a NSString.
You can check like
if ([randomStr isKindOfClass:[NSString Class]]) {
NSArray *arr = [randomStr componentsSeparatedByString:#";"];

It sounds like the randomStr variable is an MutableDictionary. Thats why its not working.
here is my Test:
NSString *foo = #"BAR;FOO;VAR";
NSArray *arr = [foo componentsSeparatedByString:#";"];
NSLog(#"%#", arr);
Thise Logs:
Dictionary to array:
NSMutableDictionary *dict = #{#"aKey1" :#"BAR",
#"aKey2" :#"FOO",
#"aKey3" :#"VAR"}.mutableCopy;
NSMutableArray *array = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
for (NSString *key in dict) {
[array addObject:dict[key]];
This Logs:


'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[NSTaggedPointerString objectForKey:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0xa000000617461644'

I am developing simple app that gets json data and stores into different variables
here is my code that gets json data
if ([method isEqualToString:#"getmobiledata"]){
defaultDict = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc]init];
[defaultDict addEntriesFromDictionary:[NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:[data dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] options:0 error:nil]];
mobile = [defaultDict objectForKey:#"data"];
here is my son data:
data = (
id = 1;
package = 819MB;
rate = "$1";
type = Somnet;
id = 2;
package = "1,638MB";
rate = "$2";
type = Somnet;
here is paring json into nstring :
for(NSDictionary *getData in mobile){
NSString *idno = [getData objectForKey : #"id"];
NSString *package = [getData objectForKey :#"package"];
NSString *rate = [getData objectForKey :#"rate"];
NSString *type = [getData objectForKey :#"type"];
please help me how to solve this
The data model will collide with the same name as the system property ID, and it will collide and crash.
You can use a new ID like this:
- (void)setValue:(id)value forUndefinedKey:(NSString *)key {
if([key isEqualToString:#"id"])
self.NewId = value;

How to retrieve specific value of key in json?

this is my json content.
"name":"Madhura Bhave",
"name":"Madhura Bhave",
"message":"Merge branch '1.5.x'",
and this is my main.i just want to retrieve key value from message and name,email,date from committer dictionary.i got stuck how to do that.
NSMutableArray *CommitArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
for (NSDictionary *CommitDictionary in CommitJson) {
CommitDict *commitDictObj = [[CommitDict alloc] init];
commitDictObj.message = [CommitDictionary objectForKey:#"message"];
for (NSDictionary *CommitterDictionary in [CommitDictionary objectForKey:#"committer"]) {
Committer *author = [[Committer alloc] init]; = [CommitterDictionary objectForKey:#"name"]; = [CommitterDictionary objectForKey:#"email"]; = [CommitterDictionary objectForKey:#"date"];
[CommitArray addObject:commitDictObj];
for (int i =0 ; i < [CommitArray count] ; i++){
CommitDict *commitDictObj = [CommitArray objectAtIndex:i];
NSLog(#"Commit Message: %#", commitDictObj.message);
return 0;
i try fetch the json and display it value of message,name,email and can i log the value of message, name, email and date?
Your array contains a dictionary, and that dictionary contains the commit dictionary, not the commit dictionary directly. Replace that part of your code:
for (NSDictionary *CommitDictionary in CommitJson) {
CommitDict *commitDictObj = [[CommitDict alloc] init];
With that:
for (NSDictionary *shaCommitDictionary in CommitJson) {
CommitDict *commitDictObj = [[CommitDict alloc] init];
NSDictionary *CommitDictionary = [shaCommitDictionary objectForKey:#"commit"];
(1) Convert JSON to NSDictionary
NSData *jsonData= ... // Assume you got the data already loaded
NSError *error = nil;
NSDictionary *dictionary = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:data options:kNilOptions error:&error];
(2) Access the dictionary values (fast enumeration available by now!!
NSString *message = dictionary[#"message"];
NSDictionary *author = dictionary[#"author"];
NSString *name = author[#"author"];
NSString *email = author[#"author"];
NSString *date = author[#"author"];
// OR:
// NSString *name = dictionary[#"author"][#"author"];
// NSString *email = dictionary[#"author"][#"author"];
// NSString *date = dictionary[#"author"][#"author"];
And thats it. I think the tricky thing is to get the JSON Data to the NSDictionary?
See here:

Adding a value and key into an NSMutableArray - Objc

I've read and tried a dozen or more variants of my own question, but still need some help please.
I have a large existing array, and I want to add a new object (key and value) to each record.
This is an element in the incoming array:
"trip_id": 65,
"arrival_time": "08:56:08",
"departure_time": "08:56:08",
"stop_id": 1161,
"stop_sequence": 8,
"stop_headsign": 0
This is what I want to achieve:
"trip_id": 65,
"arrival_time": "08:56:08",
"departure_time": "08:56:08",
"stop_id": 1161,
"stop_name": "a stop name",
"stop_sequence": 8,
"stop_headsign": 0
This is my code so far -- the commented lines are other attempts:
NSString *nameKey = #"stop_name";
int i=0;
for (i=0; i<stopTimesArray.count; i++) {
NSNumber *stopTimesId = [stopTimesArray[i] valueForKey:#"stop_id"];
int j=0;
for (j=0; j<stopArray.count; j++) {
NSNumber *stopId = [stopArray[j] valueForKey:#"stop_id"];
if (stopId == stopTimesId) {
NSString *stopNameString = [stopArray[j] valueForKey:#"stop_name"];
NSLog(#"stopNameString: %#", stopNameString);
[outgoingStopTimesDictionary setObject:stopNameString forKey:#"stop_name"];
//[outgoingStopTimesArray addObject:outgoingStopTimesDictionary];
//[outgoingStopTimesArray addObjectsFromArray:stopTimesArray[i]];
//[stopTimesArray[i] addObject:#{#"stop_name":stopNameString}];
//[stopTimesArray[i] addObject:#{#"stop_name":stopNameString}];
[stopTimesArray[i] addObject: outgoingStopTimesDictionary];
//NSLog(#"outgoingStopTimesArray: %#", outgoingStopTimesArray);
//NSLog(#"outgoingStopTimesDictionary: %#", outgoingStopTimesDictionary);
//NSLog(#"stopTimesArray: %#", stopTimesArray);
The error I am getting with approach is:
stopNameString: S Monroe Street, NB # 18th Street S, NS
[__NSCFDictionary addObject:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x7fd7f2c22760
*** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[__NSCFDictionary addObject:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x7fd7f2c22760'
I'm either getting a null dictionary, or an unrecognised object exception when I try to add the dictionary to my array. Please point me to a working answer, and I'll delete my question.
It appears that your goal is to add one new key/value pair to the dictionary at stopTimesArray[i]. Here's your code all cleaned up with what I believe you need:
for (NSMutableDictionary *stopTimesDictionary in stopTimesArray) {
NSNumber *stopTimesId = stopTimesDictionary[#"stop_id"];
for (NSDictionary *stopDictionary in stopArray) {
NSNumber *stopId = stopDictionary[#"stop_id"];
if ([stopTimesId isEqual:stopId]) {
NSString *stopNameString = stopDictionary[#"stop_name"];
stopTimesDictionary[#"stop_name"] = stopNameString;
// Uncomment the following line if "stop_id" is unique within the "stopArray"
// break;
Since it seems your stopTimesArray contains immutable dictionaries, the above code won't work as written. Here is a solution that deals with that:
for (NSInteger i = 0; i < stopTimesArray.count; i++) {
NSDictionary *stopTimeDictionary = stopTimesArray[i];
NSNumber *stopTimesId = stopTimesDictionary[#"stop_id"];
for (NSDictionary *stopDictionary in stopArray) {
NSNumber *stopId = stopDictionary[#"stop_id"];
if ([stopTimesId isEqual:stopId]) {
NSString *stopNameString = stopDictionary[#"stop_name"];
NSMutableDictionary *tempDict = [stopTimesDictionary mutableCopy];
tempDict[#"stop_name"] = stopNameString;
[stopTimesArray replaceObjectAtIndex:i withObject:tempDict];
// Uncomment the following line if "stop_id" is unique within the "stopArray"
// break;
dictTo=[NSDictionary new];
dictTo =
#"vPLocationLat" : [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#",[[[[json valueForKey:#"result"] valueForKey:#"geometry"] valueForKey:#"location"] valueForKey:#"lat"]],
#"vPLocationLong" : [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#",[[[[json valueForKey:#"result"] valueForKey:#"geometry"] valueForKey:#"location"] valueForKey:#"lng"]]
arrLocationList =[NSMutableArray new];
arrLocationList =[dictTo[#"data"] mutableCopy];
another Solution
-> Try to implement your Code as per in given Code
NSMutableArray* newArray = [NSMutableArray array];
NSArray* oldArray = outerDictionary[#"scores"];
for (NSDictionary* dictEntry in oldArray) {
NSString* leagueCode = dictEntry[#"league_code"];
if ([leagueCode isEqualToString #"epl"]) {
[newArray addObject:dictEntry];
Another one Solution
Try something like this.
Assume your array is called array and yourNewNameString is your new value for name
for(NSMutableDictionary *dict in array){
if([[dict objectForKey:#"id"]integerValue]==5){
[dict setObject:yourNewNameString forKey#"name"];
edit This is assuming you initialized your array with NSMutableDictionarys (Not just NSDictionarys)
//You can create dictionary and add it into NSMutableArray Object Like..
NSMutableArray *arr = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
NSDictionary *inventory = #{
#"Mercedes-Benz SLK250" : [NSNumber numberWithInt:13],
#"Mercedes-Benz E350" : [NSNumber numberWithInt:22],
#"BMW M3 Coupe" : [NSNumber numberWithInt:19],
#"BMW X6" : [NSNumber numberWithInt:16],
[arr addObject:inventory];
//You can access using key like...
NSString *strForBMWX6 = [[arr objectAtIndex:0] valueForKey:#"BMW X6"];
// in your case you just miss objectAtIndex:j
First, thanks #rmaddy.
I modified his answer a bit, but his was basically correct.
My final code looks like this:
for (NSInteger i = 0; i < stopTimesArray.count; i++) {
NSDictionary *stopTimesDictionary = stopTimesArray[i];
NSNumber *stopTimesId = stopTimesDictionary[#"stop_id"];
for (NSDictionary *stopDictionary in stopArray) {
NSNumber *stopId = stopDictionary[#"stop_id"];
if ([stopTimesId isEqual:stopId]) {
NSString *stopNameString = stopDictionary[#"stop_name"];
NSMutableDictionary *tempDict = [stopTimesDictionary mutableCopy];
tempDict[#"stop_name"] = stopNameString;
[outgoingStopTimesArray addObject:tempDict];

How to iterate & retrieve values from NSArray of NSArrays of NSDictionaries

I'm stumpped on how iterate and get values for an Array of Arrays of NSDictionaries (different classes/entities). Here's what I'm currently doing:
1) Constructing two separate arrays of NSDictionaries (different entities)
2) Combining both arrays with:
NSMutableArray *combinedArrayofDicts = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithObjects: sizesArrayOfDicts, wishListArrayOfDicts , nil];
3) Then archive combinedArrayofDicts :
NSData *dataToSend = [NSKeyedArchiver archivedDataWithRootObject:combinedArrayofDicts];
4) Transmit over GameKit
[self.session sendDataToAllPiers:dataToSend withDataMode: GKSendDataReliable error:nil];
5) How would I manage traversing thru this array on the receiving end? I want to fetch values by for each class which is key'ed by classname:
Here's how it looks via NSLog (2 Sizes Dicts, and 1 Wishlist Dict)
Printing description of receivedArray:
<__NSArrayM 0xbc65eb0>(
<__NSArrayM 0xbc651f0>(
classname = Sizes;
displayOrder = 0;
share = 1;
sizeType = Neck;
value = "13\" or 33 (cm)";
classname = Sizes;
displayOrder = 0;
share = 1;
sizeType = Sleeve;
value = "34\" or 86 (cm)";
<__NSArrayM 0xbc65e80>(
classname = Wishlist;
detail = "";
displayOrder = 0;
imageString = "";
latitude = "30.33216666666667";
link = ",-81.41";
longitude = "-81.40949999999999";
name = bass;
share = 1;
store = "";
In my for loop I'm issuing this:
NSString *value = [dict objectForKey:#"classname"];
and get an exception:
* Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[__NSArrayM objectForKey:]:
unrecognized selector sent to instance 0xbc651f0'
Is this frowned upon as far as mixing object types in arrays of arrays?
#Will guided me to the answer with the right construct.. Here's the final answer:
NSArray *receivedArray;
NSArray *combinedArrayofDicts = [receivedArray objectAtIndex:0];
NSArray *sizesArray = [receivedArray objectAtIndex:0]; // Reference original received array
for(NSDictionary *sizeDict in sizesArray){
NSArray *wishListArray = [receivedArray objectAtIndex:1]; // Reference original received array
for(NSDictionary *wishDict in wishListArray){
for fetching the required dictionaries use the following code,
Assume receivedArray as the array receive from Game center
NSArray *receivedArray;
NSArray *combinedArrayofDicts = [receivedArray objectAtIndex:0];
NSArray *sizesArray = [combinedArrayofDicts objectAtIndex:0];
for(NSDictionary *sizeDict in sizesArray){
NSArray *wishListArray = [combinedArrayofDicts objectAtIndex:1];
for(NSDictionary *wishDict in wishListArray){
how iterate and get values for an Array of Arrays of NSDictionaries
As you said you have array of array of dictionaries, your current code will not retrive value of class name.
Your return values are in NSArray not in NSDictionary
So you need to do something like,
NSString *value = [returnArray[0][0] objectForKey:#"classname"];
You can iterate and get values like,
for (int i = 0; i < [returnArray count]; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < [returnArray[i] count]; j++) {
NSDictionary *dict = (NSDictionary*)returnArray[i][j];
NSLog(#"%# ...",[dict objectForKey:#"classname"]);
Perhaps you can try:
NSString *value = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#",[dict objectForKey:#"classname"]];
By the looks of your output, I don't think "Sizes" is a string.

I've got strange output from 'componentsSeparatedByString' method of NSString

I want to store the array of NSDictionary to a file. So I write a function to convert from NSArray to NSString. But I got a very strange problem. Here is my code.
+ (NSArray *)arrayForString:(NSString*)dataString
NSArray* stringArray = [dataString componentsSeparatedByString:ROW_SEPARATOR];
NSLog(#"%#", stringArray);
NSMutableArray* dictionaryArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:0];
for (int i = 0; i < [stringArray count]; i++)
NSString* string = [stringArray objectAtIndex:i];
NSLog(#"%#", string);
NSArray* subStrings = [string componentsSeparatedByString:COLUMN_SEPARATOR];
NSDictionary* dic = [[NSDictionary alloc] initWithObjectsAndKeys:[subStrings objectAtIndex:0], PHOTO_NAME, [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInt:[[subStrings objectAtIndex:1] unsignedIntValue]], PHOTO_SEQ_NO, nil];
[dictionaryArray addObject:dic];
return dictionaryArray;
Here is the log:
2012-05-05 23:57:35.113 SoundRecognizer[147:707] (
"new Photo/0",
"new Photo/1"
2012-05-05 23:57:35.118 SoundRecognizer[147:707] new Photo/0
2012-05-05 23:57:35.123 SoundRecognizer[147:707] -[__NSCFString unsignedIntValue]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x1d18c0
How do I get a #"-" from this following array?!
2012-05-05 23:57:35.113 SoundRecognizer[147:707] (
"new Photo/0",
"new Photo/1"
NSString doesn't have an unsignedIntValue method. Use intValue instead. But I'm not sure of the point of all this - you can write an array of dictionaries straight to a file anyway (as long as they only contain property list types) using writeToFile: atomically:.
