Horizontal scroll in UIWebView and vertical scroll in UITableView - ios

I have a UITableView with cells. One of the cells has a full size UIWebView.
On the web view I want ONLY to enable horizontal scroll (like coverflow).
I can do that with this ansawer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/12575036/406055
But: Then the UIWebView intercepts the vertical scroll (thus without performing it). I want the vertical scroll gesture to affect the tableview, not the web view.
The idea I have is to either overlay the web view with a UIView and add gesture recognizers and then pass the gesture on to the UIWebView only if it is horizontal.
But any other suggestions is welcome too.


How to embed scrollview to tableview cell?

I have a scrollview embedded in a cell of tableview. The scrollview is a Foxit PDF rendering engine.
I want to scroll vertically the tableview, horizontally the scroll view. I couldn't. As on the first GIF you see scrollview is bouncing even the content height and scroll height is equal. But at least paging is possible.
Then I added a custom scrollview over the Foxit view into the cell. The bouncing disappeared and scrolling up and down the scrollview scrolls the table view. That is good. But now I can not horizontally scroll and change pages of the PDF.
What to do how to "merge" the two approach?
Try to play with panGestureRecognizer of scrollView and tableView. Install a relationship to prevent scrollView getting gestures before tableView scrollView.panGestureRecognizer.require(toFail: tableView.panGestureRecognizer).

Enable PanGesture Recognizer for collection View with horizontal and vertical scrolling content

I am using UIPageViewController for showing different viewControllers as tabs.
In my child view controllers I have vertical as well as horizontal scrolling content, so I think UIPageViewController is disabling Pan Gesture.
So I am not able to change current view by swiping left or right.
My pageViewController also returns nil for self.pageController.gestureRecognizers
I know that UIPageViewController already has UIPanGesture to change views.
So how can I enable or achieve swipe to change view in my UIPageViewController?
According to screenshot I have tabs at the top and my child view controllers are vertical scrolling and I have few sections with horizontal scrolling content.
Any help would be much appreciable.

Vertical UIScrollView over horizontal UIScrollView

iOS 8, Swift.
I'm trying to have a vertically scrolling view over a horizontally scrolling view. They're both UIScrollViews. The vertical scroll view is there to allow swiping up a view from the bottom. There is a spacer view on top using auto layout that is 1 pixel wide but the screens height.
This works fine until the underlying view is itself a scrollview to support horizontal scrolling.
I somehow need to pass the left/right pan gesture to the subview which is a UIScrollView.
Currently, the top level vertical scroll view is capturing all the gestures and not letting the underlying horizontal scroll view see the events.
I've tried various combinations of hitTest, gestureRecognizer delegate methods, scrollview subclassing but having come up with a nice clean solution.
I can use hitTest to pass events to the underlying horizontal scroll view when tapping the empty space at the top of the vertical scroll view, but then the vertical scroll view never processes a pan or swipe up to reveal the content that should appear on a swipe up.
Ideally, I'd like the top vertical scroll view to only handle pan up/down, and pass left/right pan to subview when the vertical scroll view is at the top.
Here's a brief method that may help you out:
create scroll view that is invisible, and then pass the offset of the invisible scroll view or the touch events to the scroll views below depending on the offset of the touch events on the top invisible scroll view that covers the two underlying scroll views:
-(void)scrollViewDidScroll:(UIScrollView *)scrollView {
[_verticalScrollView setContentOffset:CGPointMake(0, _insivibleScrollView.contentOffset.y)];
[_horizontalScrollView setContentOffset:CGPointMake(_insivibleScrollView.contentOffset.x, 0)];
You create an invisible scroll view, and by invisible, I mean you may have to keep the alpha value at like 0.01. You don't allow user interaction for the horizontal and vertical scroll views, but instead use the method above so that when the user touches the invisible scroll view you translate those touches to the scroll views below that are locked down to respond to only the offset of the invisible scroll view. As you've stated in your comment, there's probably more to this answer for your individual needs, but this is the basic "foundation" that will give you the effect that you probably want.
Same method as above, but here's the function that you'll need:
func scrollViewDidScroll(scrollView: UIScrollView!) {
verticalScrollView.contentOffset = CGPointMake(0, invisibleScrollView.contentOffset.y)
horizontalScrollView.contentOffset = CGPointMake(invisibleScrollView.contentOffset.x, 0)

How to enable UIPageViewController's page scroll while scrolling its content vertically (a collection view)?

I'm making an app like SmartNews, with a UIPageViewController that contains many UICollectionView pages.
The structure:
A UIPageViewController, with pages scrolling horizontally. (Transition style is UIPageViewControllerTransitionStyleScroll)
Each page in it contains a UICollectionView scrolling a set of cells vertically.
Both view have the same size and touch areas on the screen are common.
The problem:
While the collection view is scrolling down by itself (i.e. the user is no longer touching the screen but the collection view is still scrolling by decelerating), the user can't swipe pages.
It seems if another pan gesture occurs at this moment, it is tracked by the collection view to stop the current scroll and it doesn't allow the user to swipe the page view controller.
Is there a way to allow the user to scroll pages (horizontally), while the collection view is still scrolling (vertically)?
(Instagram's search view realizes this feature.)
Found what I wanted to do here:
Cross Directional UIScrollViews - Can I Modify the Scrolling Behaviour?
I guess it's unsafe to do the same with UIPageController as the scroll view inside it is undocumented.
I will try to replace the UIPageController with a UISCrollView with paging enabled.

Disable horizontal swipe for UIPageViewController (except at edges)

I essentially want a UITextView to scroll vertically but not ever be able to accidentally scroll the UIPageViewController when the gesture occurs within the UITextView.
I do still want the page turning gesture to work along the edges though:
