How to extract media from TWTRTweet iOS - ios

I'm working on an iOS Twitter app. Is anyone know how to extract media, like image, video, from TWTRTweet Class?
I used break point to check the content of TWTRTweet, there's the media content, but I don' t know how to get them.
If you know, please tell me. Thank you.

I've got the same issue, I found a way to access it :
[myTWTRTweetInstance valueForKey:#"media"]
Hope it will work for you ;)


Sharing text message to Instagram Direct

I want to find way sharing text message to Instagram Direct. I already find URL scheme in Instagram dev doc, but there is no one word about sharing to direct. I also check some third part libraries - nothing helpful. If sharing to Direct is impossible with using URL scheme, maybe you know another way for this. Thanks for all advice.
Unfortunately this is not possible but other alternatives you could try is to screen shot you text messages or copying and pasting your messages in Instagram direct and sending them.
I hope this has been helpful.
A Bit Late To Answer (Aug 2022)
This is a similar topic that I answered earlier, I was successfully able to achieve the solution, please refer to my solution on the link:
Precisely, there is a deep link available to solve this,

Disabling Youtube autoplay when providing a URL link

I need to provide people with a URL link to some of my Youtube videos, but I don't want Youtube to then automatically display some random video that it thinks should be "up next". There's nothing more embarrassing than trying to show people your work and then up pops a ridiculous video that they think must be yours as well.
I've tried tacking on "&autoplay=false" and "&autoplay=0" to the end of the URL, but that doesn't work.
Anyone know what needs to be done?
You can send people an embed link that shows the video only. I think in your case this would be fine, but for anyone that requires comments, it would be an issue. Also adding ?rel=0 will stop the end card from showing related videos from another users channel.
A list of embed params can be found here:
I guess that's not possible, but maybe you could embed that video via API to some server you own, and disable the suggestions.
Check this documentation for disabling, controls and siggestions.
Or this:
This feature does not seem to be customizable from the url; it's more of a user setting. You can find here some details about how to turn it off for yourself but you cannot control the way it will behave for others.
Also, I'm not sure if this question qualifies as a programming one. :)

Take screenshot than post it to twitter, without saving. iOS

Helle there,
I want to write a code for making a screenshot and than post it to twitter without saving the pic to the library.
I don't know how to start...
Can anybody help me?
Thanks a lot!
First, you need to make this screenshot:
Then you are ready to send it. There are many tutorials on that:

I need a Twitter widget that isn't hideous

I need a Twitter widget that isn't chunky and disgusting like the official one ( and more like this one on some guy's blog (
I've checked his source, obviously - and it appears to be part of the Google Friend Connect service, which seems like it aims to solve a lot of problems I just don't have. And by that I mean it's bloated as hell.
Please advise.
Okay, ultimately I determined that I had enough CSS control over the stock widget to make do. If anyone has a better solution though I'd still like to hear it.
I dont know if this helps but u can check the post to twitter app from here:
and here
Hope it helpes:)

Anyone know which image uploader facebook uses?

Want to add a nice multiple image upload feature to a site so I figured use one that most people already know. This is a .Net MVC App
Anyone know what Facebook uses?
If not, then does anyone know of one that is similar?
Their own? I'm pretty sure when get to facebook like scale everything becomes modified and customized so suit your needs.
This looks like it will work perfectly and seems pretty close to FB:
