Take screenshot than post it to twitter, without saving. iOS - ios

Helle there,
I want to write a code for making a screenshot and than post it to twitter without saving the pic to the library.
I don't know how to start...
Can anybody help me?
Thanks a lot!

First, you need to make this screenshot:
Then you are ready to send it. There are many tutorials on that:


How to extract media from TWTRTweet iOS

I'm working on an iOS Twitter app. Is anyone know how to extract media, like image, video, from TWTRTweet Class?
I used break point to check the content of TWTRTweet, there's the media content, but I don' t know how to get them.
If you know, please tell me. Thank you.
I've got the same issue, I found a way to access it :
[myTWTRTweetInstance valueForKey:#"media"]
Hope it will work for you ;)

PFIncrementalStore for iOS...Has anyone made it work?

Has anyone had any success with PFIncremental store? Here: http://sbonami.github.io/PFIncrementalStore/
When I load of the sample project, then add my Parse keys and start the app, I don't see any objects appear in Parse. Additionally, if I implement my own test of the library, and try to save an object, it does not appear in the Parse interface.
Any assistance or insight would be appreciated. Please let me know if there is more information that I can provide.
Thanks in advance.

How do you create a new order in paypal here from an iOS homescreen webapp?

I am aware that PayPal Here can be accessed via an iOS URL scheme similar to: "paypalhere://takePayment?arguments".
I don't know what this URL scheme is but people have already been able to do what I am trying to do, a sample can be read here: https://github.com/paypal/PayPalHere-Sample/blob/master/PPHSample/PPHSample/PPHSampleViewController.m at line 171.
I just want to open paypal here and at the very least pass the total and receive a pass/fail callback. Now if you know how to create an entire order (product name,price,quantity), that would be even better!
Please help me out! I haven't been able to figure it out from reading this ViewController and it looks like it's the only thing that hints at how to get it done. Thanks in advance!
Check this comment:
It has 2 documents that may be of use to you.

How to edit standard class of android?

I am trying to build an app which acquired information from WiFi Access point, however, this information is not a standard information. i am transmitting additional information from the access point. Now to receive this information, i need to modify the class "WifiInfo." I am not sure how can I do it. I tried googling it, but no luck.
Is it possible to do this?
If yes, How,
Can I do this using any alternate way?
Thanks in advance for your help. :)

I need a Twitter widget that isn't hideous

I need a Twitter widget that isn't chunky and disgusting like the official one (http://twitter.com/about/resources/widgets/widget_profile) and more like this one on some guy's blog (http://kelwynshade.blogspot.com/).
I've checked his source, obviously - and it appears to be part of the Google Friend Connect service, which seems like it aims to solve a lot of problems I just don't have. And by that I mean it's bloated as hell.
Please advise.
Okay, ultimately I determined that I had enough CSS control over the stock widget to make do. If anyone has a better solution though I'd still like to hear it.
I dont know if this helps but u can check the post to twitter app from here:
and here
Hope it helpes:)
