Revoke JWT Oauth2 Refresh Token - spring-security

I am trying to find a way to revoke Oauth2 JWT Refresh Token with vanilla Spring implementation and JwtTokenStore.
First: can somebody confirm that there is no API similar to /oauth/token that allows me to revoke a refresh token?
I wanted to add a custom API that would delete the refresh token along the folowing lines:
OAuth2RefreshToken oauth2RefreshToken=tokenStore.readRefreshToken(refreshToken);
Now, looking at the JwtTokenStore, I noticed that it uses an ApprovalStore. So I went ahead and provided an InMemoryApprovalStore to my JwtTokenStore. My JwtTokenStore instantiation this look as follows:
protected JwtAccessTokenConverter jwtTokenEnhancer() {
JwtAccessTokenConverter converter = new JwtAccessTokenConverter();
return converter;
public JwtTokenStore getTokenStore(){
tokenStore= new JwtTokenStore(jwtTokenEnhancer());
tokenStore.setApprovalStore(new InMemoryApprovalStore());
return tokenStore;
Results: with no InMemoryApprovalStore, I can authenticate users and refresh tokens without problems. However, as soon as I add InMemoryApprovalStore to the token store, I start getting the following error message:
{"error":"invalid_grant","error_description":"Invalid refresh token: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJleHAiOjE0NDUwMjQ2MTcsInVzZXJfbmFtZSI6IjYzZjIyYjZlLWU5MGUtNDFjYS1iYzJlLTBmZTgzNmY3MTQ2NyIsImF1dGhvcml0aWVzIjpbIlJPTEVfQURNSU4iLCJST0xFX1VTRVIiXSwianRpIjoiMjgwMDgwNWQtMjk1Zi00ZDQzLWI2NTYtMDNlZWYwMWFkMjg0IiwiY2xpZW50X2lkIjoid2ViLWNsaWVudCIsInNjb3BlIjpbInJlYWQiLCJ3cml0ZSIsInRydXN0Il19.BPC0HqLYjWGM0IFjvsUGGKQ9dyIXSXwMhraCVFIxD0U"}
My second question is thus what is the proper way to revoke a refresh token?
Edit: I found the following thread that suggests that ApprovalStore is indeed the way to revoke JWT tokens. I now just need to find out how to use them properly.

First: can somebody confirm that there is no API similar to /oauth/token that allows me to revoke a refresh token?
You don't need to define JwtTokenStore bean, spring will create it for you using AuthorizationServerEndpointsConfigurer
private TokenStore tokenStore() {
if (tokenStore == null) {
if (accessTokenConverter() instanceof JwtAccessTokenConverter) {
this.tokenStore = new JwtTokenStore((JwtAccessTokenConverter) accessTokenConverter());
else {
this.tokenStore = new InMemoryTokenStore();
return this.tokenStore;
private ApprovalStore approvalStore() {
if (approvalStore == null && tokenStore() != null && !isApprovalStoreDisabled()) {
TokenApprovalStore tokenApprovalStore = new TokenApprovalStore();
this.approvalStore = tokenApprovalStore;
return this.approvalStore;
My second question is thus what is the proper way to revoke a refresh token?
revoke the approval for the token, this was used by JwtTokenStore
private void remove(String token) {
if (approvalStore != null) {
OAuth2Authentication auth = readAuthentication(token);
String clientId = auth.getOAuth2Request().getClientId();
Authentication user = auth.getUserAuthentication();
if (user != null) {
Collection<Approval> approvals = new ArrayList<Approval>();
for (String scope : auth.getOAuth2Request().getScope()) {
approvals.add(new Approval(user.getName(), clientId, scope, new Date(), ApprovalStatus.APPROVED));


JHipster - OAuth2/OIDC need to read groups from access token

The JHipster OAuth2/OIDC default configuration expects the "groups' to be found in the idToken. Can anyone explain how to read the "groups" from the access token instead?
Here are the changes made to retrieve the user's groups / granted authorities from the access token.
Note that for my case the Access Token (JSON) that the auth code is exchanged for contains an "access_token" field as a peer to the idToken. The "access_token" field is an ID or reference to the actual access token with the user's groups. An extra http request is needed to retrieve that "actual" access token.
For Okta the access token is a JWT similar to the idToken so if for some reason you need to configure Okta to add the groups to the access token instead of the idToken you will find them there.
Solution was based in this Spring doc:
Delegation-based strategy with OAuth2UserService
In your WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter class edit your oauth2Login config:
Then create the custom oidcUserService():
private OAuth2UserService<OidcUserRequest, OidcUser> oidcUserService() {
final OidcUserService delegate = new OidcUserService();
return (userRequest) -> {
// Delegate to the default implementation for loading a user
OidcUser oidcUser = delegate.loadUser(userRequest);
// The access token will be a reference to the actual token
// ( for Okta this would be the actual JWT access token )
String accessTokenRef = userRequest.getAccessToken().getTokenValue();
// Call the end point to get the actual access_token
// ( httpClient is just a RestTemplate impl w/the required configs )
String[] groups = httpClient.fetchGroups(accessTokenRef);
// Create the GrantedAuthority objs & add to mappedAuthorities set
Set<GrantedAuthority> mappedAuthorities = new HashSet<>();
for (String group: groups) {
mappedAuthorities.add(new SimpleGrantedAuthority(group));
// Create a copy of oidcUser but use the mappedAuthorities instead
oidcUser = new DefaultOidcUser(mappedAuthorities, oidcUser.getIdToken(), oidcUser.getUserInfo());
return oidcUser;
If you are using JHipster there will be a GrantedAuthoritiesMapper that will need to be updated to map the authorities passed in directly to your application roles rather than reading them from the idToken. Something like:
public GrantedAuthoritiesMapper userAuthoritiesMapper() {
return (authorities) -> {
Set<GrantedAuthority> mappedAuthorities = new HashSet<>();
Collection<String> roles = new HashSet();
authorities.forEach(authority -> {
List<GrantedAuthority> list = SecurityUtils.mapRolesToGrantedAuthorities(roles);
mappedAuthorities = new HashSet<GrantedAuthority>(list);
return mappedAuthorities;
There are likely some other ways to do this and I would be happy to hear any advice.
Thanks to the commenters for their help.

Spring Oauth2 Client, automatically refresh expired access_token

Let me explain my use case.
I need to have a spring boot oauth2 client application (not a resource server As we already have a separate resource server). Also I have following requirements:
For each out going request to resource server, we need to send id_token. (Done by customizing resttemplate).
For any request, no matter if it invokes resource server or not, If access token is expired my application must refresh it automatically (without any user intervention like any popup or redirection.).
If refresh_token is also expired, user must be logged out.
For point 2 and 3, I have spent many hours reading documents and code and Stack Overflow but was not able to find the solution (or did not understand). So I decided to put all pieces together which I found on many blogs and documents, and come up with my solution. Below is my solution for point 2.
Can we please have a look to below code and suggest if there could be any problem with this approach?
How to solve point 3 I am thinking of extending solution for point 2 but not sure what code I need to write, can anyone guide me?
* #author agam
public class ExpiredTokenFilter extends OncePerRequestFilter {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ExpiredTokenFilter.class);
private Duration accessTokenExpiresSkew = Duration.ofMillis(1000);
private Clock clock = Clock.systemUTC();
private OAuth2AuthorizedClientService oAuth2AuthorizedClientService;
CustomOidcUserService userService;
private DefaultRefreshTokenTokenResponseClient accessTokenResponseClient;
private JwtDecoderFactory<ClientRegistration> jwtDecoderFactory;
private static final String INVALID_ID_TOKEN_ERROR_CODE = "invalid_id_token";
public ExpiredTokenFilter() {
this.accessTokenResponseClient = new DefaultRefreshTokenTokenResponseClient();
this.jwtDecoderFactory = new OidcIdTokenDecoderFactory();
protected void doFilterInternal(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, FilterChain filterChain)
throws ServletException, IOException {
log.debug("my custom filter called ");
* check if authentication is done.
if (null != SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication()) {
OAuth2AuthenticationToken currentUser = (OAuth2AuthenticationToken) SecurityContextHolder.getContext()
OAuth2AuthorizedClient authorizedClient = this.oAuth2AuthorizedClientService
.loadAuthorizedClient(currentUser.getAuthorizedClientRegistrationId(), currentUser.getName());
* Check if token existing token is expired.
if (isExpired(authorizedClient.getAccessToken())) {
* do something to get new access token
"=========================== Token Expired !! going to refresh ================================================");
ClientRegistration clientRegistration = authorizedClient.getClientRegistration();
* Call Auth server token endpoint to refresh token.
OAuth2RefreshTokenGrantRequest refreshTokenGrantRequest = new OAuth2RefreshTokenGrantRequest(
clientRegistration, authorizedClient.getAccessToken(), authorizedClient.getRefreshToken());
OAuth2AccessTokenResponse accessTokenResponse = this.accessTokenResponseClient
* Convert id_token to OidcToken.
OidcIdToken idToken = createOidcToken(clientRegistration, accessTokenResponse);
* Since I have already implemented a custom OidcUserService, reuse existing
* code to get new user.
OidcUser oidcUser = this.userService.loadUser(new OidcUserRequest(clientRegistration,
accessTokenResponse.getAccessToken(), idToken, accessTokenResponse.getAdditionalParameters()));
"=========================== Token Refresh Done !! ================================================");
* Print old and new id_token, just in case.
DefaultOidcUser user = (DefaultOidcUser) currentUser.getPrincipal();
log.debug("new id token is " + oidcUser.getIdToken().getTokenValue());
log.debug("old id token was " + user.getIdToken().getTokenValue());
* Create new authentication(OAuth2AuthenticationToken).
OAuth2AuthenticationToken updatedUser = new OAuth2AuthenticationToken(oidcUser,
oidcUser.getAuthorities(), currentUser.getAuthorizedClientRegistrationId());
* Update access_token and refresh_token by saving new authorized client.
OAuth2AuthorizedClient updatedAuthorizedClient = new OAuth2AuthorizedClient(clientRegistration,
currentUser.getName(), accessTokenResponse.getAccessToken(),
this.oAuth2AuthorizedClientService.saveAuthorizedClient(updatedAuthorizedClient, updatedUser);
* Set new authentication in SecurityContextHolder.
filterChain.doFilter(request, response);
private Boolean isExpired(OAuth2AccessToken oAuth2AccessToken) {
Instant now = this.clock.instant();
Instant expiresAt = oAuth2AccessToken.getExpiresAt();
return now.isAfter(expiresAt.minus(this.accessTokenExpiresSkew));
private OidcIdToken createOidcToken(ClientRegistration clientRegistration,
OAuth2AccessTokenResponse accessTokenResponse) {
JwtDecoder jwtDecoder = this.jwtDecoderFactory.createDecoder(clientRegistration);
Jwt jwt;
try {
jwt = jwtDecoder
.decode((String) accessTokenResponse.getAdditionalParameters().get(OidcParameterNames.ID_TOKEN));
} catch (JwtException ex) {
OAuth2Error invalidIdTokenError = new OAuth2Error(INVALID_ID_TOKEN_ERROR_CODE, ex.getMessage(), null);
throw new OAuth2AuthenticationException(invalidIdTokenError, invalidIdTokenError.toString(), ex);
OidcIdToken idToken = new OidcIdToken(jwt.getTokenValue(), jwt.getIssuedAt(), jwt.getExpiresAt(),
return idToken;
I am open for any suggestion to improve my code. Thanks.
There are not enough details to understand your use-case fully. It would be great to understand:
Spring security is rapidly evolving around OAuth2, consider mentioning the version you are using. My answer assumes 5.2+
Are you in servlet (user logged in somehow) or non-servlet (like #Scheduled method) environment
From the limited information and my limited knowledge I have following hints:
Consider using WebClient instead of RestTemplate, this is they way to go for the future. It is reactive but don't be scared. It can be used in "blocking" environment as well, you will not use it's full potential but you can still benefit from its better support for OAuth2
WebClient itself has a ServletOAuth2AuthorizedClientExchangeFilterFunction which does pretty much what you are trying to achieve
When creating ServletOAuth2AuthorizedClientExchangeFilterFunction you pass in AuthorizedClientServiceOAuth2AuthorizedClientManager which is a strategy on how to (re)authenticate client.
Sample configuration may look as follows:
public WebClient webClient(ClientRegistrationRepository clientRegistrationRepository, OAuth2AuthorizedClientService authorizedClientService) {
AuthorizedClientServiceOAuth2AuthorizedClientManager manager = new AuthorizedClientServiceOAuth2AuthorizedClientManager(clientRegistrationRepository, authorizedClientService);
manager.setAuthorizedClientProvider(new DelegatingOAuth2AuthorizedClientProvider(
new RefreshTokenOAuth2AuthorizedClientProvider(),
new ClientCredentialsOAuth2AuthorizedClientProvider()));
ServletOAuth2AuthorizedClientExchangeFilterFunction oauth2 = new ServletOAuth2AuthorizedClientExchangeFilterFunction(manager);
return WebClient.builder()
And use it as:
private final WebClient webClient;
.map(string -> "Retrieved using password grant: " + string)
Hope this helps to move in the right direction! Have fun

#FrameworkEndpoint to oAuth 2.0 revokeToken

I have a #FrameworkEndpoint based controller in order to implement DELETE of token as follows
public class RevokeTokenEndpoint {
#Resource(name = "tokenServices")
ConsumerTokenServices tokenServices;
#RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.DELETE, value = "/oauth/token")
public void revokeToken(HttpServletRequest request) {
String authorization = request.getHeader("Authorization");
if (authorization != null && authorization.contains("Bearer")) {
String tokenId = authorization.substring("Bearer".length() + 1);
System.out.println("tokenId : " + tokenId);
My request is a DELETE (http://localhost:8081/oauth/token request with Authorization Bearer ce8b914d-57db-4ad7-86d9-be2d7f47b203
The problem is that the end-point does not get hit at all and the message returned back is "unauthorized". When I fire the request with Authorization Basic with client_id and secret then it does hit the end-point. But then in that case I will be forced to pass another parameter or header to carry the token and change the code to get the value of token from this another parameter or header.
I believe, the ideal way would be tell spring security to allow unauthorized calls to remove the access token. Does this make sense ? and if yes then how ?
I have implemented like this
public ResponseEntity<Boolean> revokeToken(
#RequestHeader(value = "Authorization") final String tokenId) {
try {
final String[] token = tokenId.split("\\s+");
return new ResponseEntity<>(true, HttpStatus.OK);
} catch (final Exception e) {"Exception while removing access token");
return new ResponseEntity<>(HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
tokenId contains Bearer b133b6ee-59db-4809-b546-e47cb879bea1. In this way i have implemented and its working fine

How to acquire a new Access token using Refresh token in Google OAuth 2.0 in .NET?

I have built MVC app using OAuth 2.0 to Access Google APIs.
On thirst call I receive an Access token + Refresh token.
Next calls come without a Refresh token, its ok, I saved it on a first call.
After 1 hour Access token expires and I need to get a new one, using previously saved refresh token.
How do I check that Access token expired? Didnt see any IsExpired properties.
What is the proper syntax to acquire a new Access token using Refresh token (for MVC app)? Couldnt find any reference or documentation how to do that.
Should I write any new code or call existing API to do that?
Where should I do that, in my HomeController's Index action or before calling any Google API?
My app is built as described in here (basically the same code), but no code to acquire a new Access token:
Thank you
For more details I added here how I wrote the code.
public async Task<ActionResult> Index(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
if (result == null || result.Credential == null)
result = await new AuthorizationCodeMvcApp(this, new AppFlowMetadata()).AuthorizeAsync(cancellationToken);
if (result.Credential == null) return new RedirectResult(result.RedirectUri);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(result.Credential.Token.RefreshToken))
return View();
SaveRefreshTocken - just saves a Refresh token in web.config.
public ActionResult Gmail()
if (result == null || result.Credential == null) throw new Exception("expired_credential");
return PartialView(GmailManager.GetGmail(result.Credential));
And, simplified GmailManager class:
public static class GmailManager
public static List<Message> GetGmail(UserCredential credential)
var mygmail = new MyGmail();
var service = new GmailService(new BaseClientService.Initializer { HttpClientInitializer = credential });
var request = service.Users.Messages.List("me");
request.Q = "in:inbox is:unread";
var messages = request.Execute().Messages;
return messages;
Question - where and how should I USE refresh token?
If I saved it, I would have to use it when Access token expires to get a new Access token, right?
However it doesnt seem like its trying to acquire a new access token automatically:

Authenticating users with auth token in query string with ASP.NET MVC

[This question relates to ASP.NET MVC4, and it is about best-practice approach - so please, don't suggest hacks.]
I want to authenticate users using an auth token sent in the request URL. It works similarly to a password reset token, except in this case it does not go to a reset page but instead grants access to some portion of the site. The idea is to send the URL with the auth token to a verified email address of the user. Users can click the link and perform some actions without typing their password.
Out-of-the-box, ASP.NET has the [Authorize] attribute and the SimpleMembershipProvider - these seem to work great, but they do some voodoo magic under the hood (like auto-generating database tables), so I don't know how to extend them to add this link-based auth token.
I don't expect an exact answer, but please do point me to the right direction.
Uf, broad question. But I will try at least to direct you to a right direction.
So first if suggest that you use Forms Authentication as a base, but you will have to customize using of it. And I presume that you do not want to use cookies for the authentication as this is native behaviour of the Forms Authentication.
The most important point you should consider to have it you custom query string token based authentication.
Create a login action and in this action you will authorize the user, if he have granted access you ask FormsAuthentication to create AuthCookie. For the further on you just take the httpCookie.Value as your auth token that you will carry in query string.
You need to implement the Application_BeginRequest in the Global.asax that will handle this query string tokens and translate it into the cookie. With this approach you can leverage all the ASP.NET Forms Authentication infrastructure.
This is quite high level picture w/o code. If you need more detail help I can also provide it to you.
You should just use a regular Action that accepts HttpGet.
Upon receiving the token, immediately invalid it so it can't be used again.
Also, only accept tokens that are within your pre-defined range of time period, like 24 or 72 hours.
Thank you Peter for idea.
If smb need to create JWT token authorization for old ASP.NET MVC5.I wrote small example. I don't serialize cookie to JWT. I create a JWT and after I am checking it in the BeginRequest. If everything is ok, I create a cookie and set it to the httpContext.Request. I used authentication mode="Forms" for application and it require cookies.
For create JWT token:
const string secret = "GQDstcKsx0NHjPOuXOYg5MbeJ1XT0uFiwDVvVBrk";
public ActionResult LoginJWT(LoginViewModel model)
ActionResult response = null;
if (ModelState.IsValid)
if (true) //todo: check user login&password
var payload = new Dictionary<string, object>
{ "iss", "subject" },
{ "sub", "api" },
{ "exp", DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.AddHours(2).ToUnixTimeSeconds()},
{ "iat", DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.ToUnixTimeSeconds()},
{ "jti", Guid.NewGuid() },
{ "uid", "64" } //custom field for identificate user
IJwtAlgorithm algorithm = new HMACSHA256Algorithm(); // symmetric
IJsonSerializer serializer = new JsonNetSerializer();
IBase64UrlEncoder urlEncoder = new JwtBase64UrlEncoder();
IJwtEncoder encoder = new JwtEncoder(algorithm, serializer, urlEncoder);
var token = encoder.Encode(payload, secret);
response = Content(token);
response = new HttpStatusCodeResult(System.Net.HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "Login or password are not found");
response = new HttpStatusCodeResult(System.Net.HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "Errors in Model");
return response;
For check JWT token in Global.asax:
public override void Init()
this.BeginRequest += this.BeginRequestHandler;
private void BeginRequestHandler(object sender, EventArgs e)
var bearerToken = this.Context.Request.Headers["Authorization"];
if (bearerToken != null)
var token = bearerToken.StartsWith("Bearer ") ? bearerToken.Substring(7) : bearerToken;
const string secret = "GQDstcKsx0NHjPOuXOYg5MbeJ1XT0uFiwDVvVBrk";
int userId = 0;
IJsonSerializer serializer = new JsonNetSerializer();
var provider = new UtcDateTimeProvider();
IJwtValidator validator = new JwtValidator(serializer, provider);
IBase64UrlEncoder urlEncoder = new JwtBase64UrlEncoder();
IJwtAlgorithm algorithm = new HMACSHA256Algorithm(); // symmetric
IJwtDecoder decoder = new JwtDecoder(serializer, validator, urlEncoder, algorithm);
var json = decoder.DecodeToObject<IDictionary<string, string>>(token, secret, verify: true);
if (json.TryGetValue("uid", out var uid))
userId = Convert.ToInt32(uid);
catch (TokenExpiredException)
Console.WriteLine("Token has expired");
catch (SignatureVerificationException)
Console.WriteLine("Token has invalid signature");
if (userId != 0)
// check user by id, if found create cookie.
I used:
jwt-dotnet/jwt library 7.2.1
