does showing tab bar at top violate apple Human Interface Guidelines? - ios

I am developing an app on which i want to show a tab bar at the top of the screen.When user tap on tab then it should redirect user to different screen.Normally i see tab bar at bottom.So What will happen if i show tab bar at top.
1.Does it violate apple human interface guidelines?
2. If i don't follow apple Human Interface Guidelines.Will apple reject my app on app store?
Please suggest me what to do?

Are you thinking tabs, as in browsers? If so, then no putting your tabs or a tab button in the top of the screen doesn't violate any guidelines. For example, the newly released Firefox for iOS has a tab button in the top right corner.
However, you should generally show how you have tried to find an answer, as the iOS Human Interface Guidelines provide clear guidelines about how you should design your app.
iOS Human Interface Guidelines


the name of a feature in iBooks

In iBooks there is a bottom bar filed with miniature images in which the user can scroll through and thus move between the pages I would like to know the name of the bar.
When you want to know about UI elements provided by Apple you need to refer to the iOS Human Interface Guidelines. In fact, this should be one of the first documents every iOS developer goes through in its entirety.
Going through this document will reveal that your question is about the Tab Bar. This is usually created with a UITabBarController.

Will apple human interface guidelines violated if i put tab bar on top?

I am developing an app in which i am putting tab bar on top as per requirements.I know apple put tab bar at bottom with maximum 5 tabs.So if make my own custom tab bar & i put it on top.
I have two questions.
Will apple human interface guidelines will be violated?
If i violate apple human interface guidelines will apple reject the
app on app store?
Short answer:
1. Yes, that's not the appearance on tab bars on iOS
2. No
Long answer:
As long as you're designing the tab bar (that's what you call it) to be easy to use and it's clear to understand its purpose, then no harm is made. If, however, there is no clear purpose, why move it?
Apple will not reject apps that violates the HIG, but the HIG is created to be followed, to create a consistent experience for all users, regarding app.

iOS app with Custom Tabbar

I am using a custom tabbar. Related to this I have a question regarding the iOS Human Interface Guidelines.
First I will state something about my app development process. In my custom tabbar, for example: if I select Settings, it will move to the settings view, but in that settings view there won't be Custom tabbar. Instead, there will be a back button. Like this, it'll be the same for the remaining tabs also.
Because of this, is there a problem while submitting the app to the App Store? Based on iOS Human Interface Guidelines, as far as I checked, there isn't any problem.
It's OK. No problem with that. I already added an app like this. Please check this one:
I added the gallery like you said (without any tab bar).

Can Tab Bar view be used only in the second screen application?

I am just starting out iOS development and have some doubts about Tab Bars Human Interface Guidelines provided by Apple.
On the iOS HIG document concerning Tab Bars, it reads:
"A tab bar appears at the bottom edge of the screen and should be
accessible from every location in the app."
The app I am developing and would like to see published in the App Store once finished, would have a ListView as it's first screen that would then go to another screen with a tabbed interface after an item being selected. It would also be possible to go back to the first screen (the one with the list) at any time within the tabbed interface (the 2nd screen).
So, my question is if it's ok to have a Tab Bar interface only in the second screen of an iOS application or would something like that might result in some restrictions by apple approving?
Short answer is YES.
Yes, you can have tab bar in second screen. Consider the app where you have first screen as language select screen and second screen with tab bar controller.
With statement below, what Apple means is once you are in tab-bar controller and tab-bar controller is in scope, tab-bar controller should be accessible. You can hide the tab-bar, but on tapping, it should come again at the bottom of screen.
"A tab bar appears at the bottom edge of the screen and should be accessible from every location in the app."
Main words -> Should be. Apple wants you to make your apps in the most intuitive and user friendly way possible. Many standard apps use this paradigm (ie App Store Application) so they know iOS users are accustomed as to how to navigate. However, Apple themselves even make exceptions to this rule (ie. Playing a song inside the Music App). But yeah, they'll let you do it no problem.

iOS Navigation Bar icons issue

I have a question regarding iOS user interface guidelines and Navigation Bars: I'd like to display some icons just to let users be aware of some parameters' status. Those icons appearance may change according to such status. I've reading the iOS Human Interface Guidelines documentation regarding Navigation Bars and it looks like its icons are expected to be buttons the user could touch to trigger some action. Would the app be rejected when submiting to the Apple Store if icons in Navigation Bar are only for user information?
You should check out the Submission guidelines as Apple changes it often! Assuming you have a developer account, here is the link
