Filter Issues by JQL - jira

I have list of issues which contain certain set of fields (6 custom fields) these fields can be have values only "A"or "B". the my question is how can I filter those issues if one these field have a value "A". let say for a example these custom fields are
cus_field1,cus_field2,cus_field3,cus_field4,cus_field5,cus_field6 and if one these field have certain value how can I filter those issues?

I am not sure, do you mean how to use an 'or' clause? As I understand, a simple "cus_field1=A or cus_field2=A or cus_field3=A or cus_field4=A or cus_field5=A or cus_field6=A" should solve your problem, isn't it?
According to the reference, I couldn't find any possibility to combine different fields, so you have no other choice but specify the A filter value for each custom field...


Jira: Custom Field with multiple values and autocomplete

I would like to have a custom field in Jira that allows you to
input multiple values
allows you to enter arbitrary text values
has a predefined list of "good" values which you can use for some kind of autocomplete.
The "components" field comes close to what I want. is another approach, turning a select field into an autocomplete field

custom vaadin-grid filter for Polymer 1.0

I’m using the vaadin-grid#^3.0.2 in my polymer 1.0 project.
But I’m looking to create an on/off toggle button that will filter a column based on if the text in two columns are not a match. So if a row in column 1 contains text=“1.1.1” and that same row in column 2 contains text = “2.1.1" then I would keep this row displayed, and hide all other rows. I want to do this in javscript. I’m very new to the vaadin-grid (had so much previous experience with iron-data-table). Anyone have a suggestion on how I can access the filter function?
image of 2 different columns of versions
I tried using the standard filter element but it's too limiting because it only allows me to do string based filtering on just one-specific column, but it's not built so I can do a comparison between strings in two different columns.
<vaadin-grid-filter path="version" value="[[_filterVersion]]">
<input value="{{_filterVersion::input}}">
One simple way to do filtering that looks at the values of two columns is to not use vaadin-grid-filter, rather just have a input field outside the grid, then filter the array bound to the grid's items property as needed.
<vaadin-textfield on-value-changed="_filterMethod"></vaadin-textfield>
_filterMethod(evt) {
this.gridItems = this.allItems.filter(it => it.col1 !== it.col2);
Although I may not fully understand your question as I don't why you are using an input field instead of a button. This filter method approach should work equally well if you call it from a button instead.

In JIRA is there a way to create a nested table?

The JIRA documentation does not mention a way to create a nested table something like
|col1 val1||inner-col1|inner-col2|
|icol1 val1|icol2 val1|
|icol1 val2|icol2 val2|
|col1 val2||col2 val2|
(or) atleast something where I can span a multiple rows for a column value
|col1 val1 |col2 val1a|col3 val1a|
|col2 val1b|col3 val1b|
|col1 val2||col2 val2 |col3 val2 |
The only way I can span now is to have empty values in the column and have the reader assume that it represents the previous rows value for that column.
Found a way around to make nested tables at below linked page
The solutions suggest many tags that can be used to achieve this. A simple one is {panel} tag. Just wrap the Inner table inside two {panel} tags.
Below is a sample and its result
|item2.1|Sub table {panel}
|sub item1.1|sub item 1.2|
|sub item 2.1|sub item 2.2|{panel}|
No, this is not supported in JIRA out of the box.
However, the JEditor add-on that is available on the marketplace does support this.
Since JEditor replaces JIRA's wiki editor it can have quite some impact on a JIRA instance, depending on how your users are used to work with mark-up. It can also affect other add-ons, so best to test properly before buying.

JIRA Labels with fixed set of values

We have labels in JIRA. This "labels" is predefined field and not a custom field as I observed.
The labels are auto-complete fields and any value can be assigned to it.
I want these labels to pick values only from a set of values. Is there a way to do this?
Also, is it possible that the set of values can be uploaded from a list/excel/csv?
The easiest way to do this would be to add a custom field with your required settings (a single value or maybe a multi-pick selection).
I use the Jira Cloud solution and I'm not aware of any way to import values into custom fields. If you have a local installation and have a developer to help you might be able to find a way to import them but I'm guessing it might be easier/faster to do it manually even if there are a hundred or so.

Generating values for dropdown ONLY for 'C' of CRUD

When choosing 'Add' in CRUD, how best to generate a list of choices to pick from a dropdown?
For U/update - just display what's there...
The field contents starts with a letter, followed by five numeric digits:{A-I,K-N,Z}#####
Each letter has a different 'max' value for the numeric part.
So when adding a new record, I'd like to offer a listbox with one of each letter and that letter's highest numeric value + 10.
So, if the max 'A' as A00120, and max 'B' B00030 (etc) the listbox would have A00130 and B00040.. etc
Save the user having to figure out which is 'next' when generating a new record.
? Thanks,
This time I'll not be able to come up with ready to use solution, but I must say - everything is possible with ATK4. You just have to customize and extend it to fit your needs :)
Speaking about your question above - I guess you have to split it in multiple parts.
First part is about how to show select box on Create and readonly or disabled field on Update. I guess you can make some custom Form field or pin some action to existing Form Field hook. Not sure exactly what's better in this case.
Second one is about data structure. I believe that this field actually should be 2 fields in DB and maybe (only maybe) merged together in ATK model with addExpression() just for user interface needs to display these 2 fields as one field easily in UI. Maybe such concatenated field will be useful also for searching, but definitely not as only one field stored in DB. Imagine how hard it'll be for DB engine to find max value if such field. Store it like type = letter, num = number and then search like SELECT max(num)+10 FROM t WHERE type='A'
Finally Third part is about how to generate this next number. I read your question 3 times and came to conclusion that actually you don't have to show this +10 numeric value in UI at all if it's hardly predefined anyway. Actually that'll not work correctly if this will be multi-user system which I guess it will. Instead just show simple select box with letters {A-I,K-N,Z} and calculate this next value exactly before inserting data in DB. That can be done using models insert hook. This will be much more appropriate solution and will be better for UI and also more stable because calculated in model not incorrectly in UI part.
