Checking metadata of Amazon S3 file using iOS AWS SDK in Swift - ios

I am using the AWS iOS SDK v2, and Swift 1.2.
I am storing my app's app.json file on S3 and want to check it at launch to see if it's been updated since the last run. According to research, simply doing a HEAD request on the object should return the "Last-Modified" attribute which can then be compared to the previous.
The problem is that doing a HEAD request on an Object doesn't really seem to be well documented. I've got the following:
var metaDataRequest = AWSS3HeadObjectRequest()
metaDataRequest.bucket = S3BucketName
metaDataRequest.key = S3AppJSONKey
This seems like a decent start, however I cannot find a way to execute the request. The AWSS3TransferManager has a download() method, but the method requires an AWSS3TransferManagerDownloadRequest type, which an AWSS3HeadObjectRequest cannot be cast as.
Not sure where to go from here, short of just doing the request outside of the SDK. I did, however, want to leverage as much of the SDK as possible, so if this is possible I would love to know how.

You need to use AWSS3 (instead of AWSS3TransferManager) to call - headObject:.

You need to call headobject method of AWSS3
var request = AWSS3HeadObjectRequest()
request.bucket = "flkasdhflhad"
request.key = "hfsdahfjkhadjkshf"
request.ifModifiedSince = NSDate()
var s3 = AWSS3.defaultS3()
s3.headObject(request) { ( output1 : AWSS3HeadObjectOutput?, error : NSError?) -> Void in
print( output1?.description())
if your object is modified from specified date then it will return u the object otherwise it will return u the status code 304.

You can use following Swift 2.2 method to check if file exist or not
func checkIfFileExist() {
let s3 = AWSS3.defaultS3()
let headObjectsRequest = AWSS3HeadObjectRequest()
headObjectsRequest.bucket = "YourBucketName" //Don't add "/" at end of your bucket Name
headObjectsRequest.key = "YourFileNameYouWantToCheckFor" //Don't add "/" in start of file name
s3.headObject(headObjectsRequest).continueWithBlock { (task) -> AnyObject! in
if let error = task.error {
print("Error to find file: \(error)")
} else {
Note: Example to set bucket and key
suppose you have bucket named "ABC" and than folder named "XYZ" and than inside "XYZ" you have file "abc123"
than write
headObjectsRequest.bucket = "ABC/XYZ"
headObjectsRequest.key = "abc123"
and if you want to check for the entire folder
than use
headObjectsRequest.bucket = "ABC/XYZ"
headObjectsRequest.key = ""
Thanks Mohsin


Fetching list of things in things group or things from AWS IoT

I need list of things in group or list of things from AWS with that I tried to find solution from AWSIoT Reference So i have used below code to get it. Previously i used to get it using normal API call from our backend service but i need fully use with AWS.
func initializeAWS() {
let credentialsProvider = AWSCognitoCredentialsProvider(regionType:AWS_REGION,
initializeControlPlane(credentialsProvider: credentialsProvider)
func initializeControlPlane(credentialsProvider: AWSCredentialsProvider) {
let controlPlaneServiceConfiguration = AWSServiceConfiguration(region:AWS_REGION, credentialsProvider:credentialsProvider)
AWSServiceManager.default().defaultServiceConfiguration = controlPlaneServiceConfiguration
iot = AWSIoT.default()
let request = AWSIoTListThingsInThingGroupRequest()
request?.thingGroupName = "XXXGroupName"
let output = iot.listThings(inThingGroup: request!)
print("output is \(output.result)")
print("error is \(output.error)")
I have used here AWSIoT & AWSIoTListThingsInThingGroupRequest object to get list of things may i know is this right way to fetch ? if it is I'm output and error both objects getting nil.
I tried to find solution for the AWS IOT example from Github, I didnt get anything relevant answer to this. Or is there anything in iotDataManager that will give list of things ? Please can you help me on this ? For more info I have raised question on AWS Github Fetching list of things in things group
I've checked log level output was getting, All configurations as well was right only thing i wasn't aware about is how to get response of things, the way to get things is as below.
let credentialsProvider = AWSCognitoCredentialsProvider(regionType:AWS_REGION,
let controlPlaneServiceConfiguration = AWSServiceConfiguration(region:AWS_REGION, credentialsProvider:credentialsProvider)
AWSServiceManager.default().defaultServiceConfiguration = controlPlaneServiceConfiguration
iot = AWSIoT.default()
let request = AWSIoTListThingsInThingGroupRequest()
request?.thingGroupName = "XXXGroupName"
let output = iot.listThings(inThingGroup: request!)
output.continueOnSuccessWith { (response) -> Any? in
if let result = response.result, let things = result.things {
self.awsDevices = things
return self.awsDevices

GTLRDrive_File object missing modifiedTime and createdTime properties

I'm working with the Google API Client for REST Swift SDK, and I'm trying to parse out modifiedTime and createdTime from the API response containing GTLRDrive_File objects.
But they don't appear to be there? Here's an example of the payload I'm getting from po file:
GTLRDrive_File 0x60c00084eb20: {
name:"Lobo_Loco_-_15_-_Save_the_Bees_ID_817 (2).mp3"
What's going on? I wouldn't expect these properties to be optional?
Here's the code I'm using to loop after querying:
if let files = result.files as? [GTLRDrive_File] {
for file in files {
print(file.modifiedTime, file.createdTime)
(And of course both are nil).
How can I get modified/created dates from a GTLRDrive_File?
Provided the request (file.list, etc) was successful createdTime, modifiedTime which can be found in the Drive File Resource, can be accessed by first accessing 'files' object.
So if you go to Try-it:
Use files(createdTime) as parameter in the 'field' property and it will return those fields. (Use files.list as sample).
In the iOS SDK, simply:
let query = GTLRDriveQuery_FilesList.query()
query.fields = "files(createdTime,modifiedTime)"
will work.

How do I store private app data on Google Drive with my iOS app?

I have an iOS app that has a local database. I'd like to back that up for users who choose to sign in with Google. The web ( and android ( have guides on how to do this, but I can't find a similar one for iOS. Does it exist?
If you already have code to upload a file to the user's Drive account, it is very easy to switch to uploading into the private app folder instead. When making the Files.insert call, the file will be added to all of the folders listed in the parents[] array. (If this array is empty, by default the file is added to the root folder.) To upload the file into the private app data folder, simply set the parents[] array to appfolder. You have to do this at the same time as uploading the file, because once it has been uploaded the file can't be moved between the user's drive and your app's private data folder.
(Note: you may need to use the regular REST API to do this, because Google's Drive API for iOS docs do not show any methods for actually uploading a new file to Drive.)
Check this how this is working for me in swift 4.2 and above:
let googleDrive: GTLRDrive_File = GTLRDrive_File() = "name.json"
googleDrive.parents = ["appDataFolder"]
let uploadParam: GTLRUploadParameters = GTLRUploadParameters(data: data, mimeType: "application/json")
uploadParameters.shouldUploadWithSingleRequest = true;
let queryDrive: GTLRDriveQuery_FilesCreate = GTLRDriveQuery_FilesCreate.query(withObject: metadata, uploadParameters: uploadParam)
queryDrive.fields = "id"
self.service.executeQuery(queryDrive) { (result, response, error) in
if let file = response as? GTLRDrive_File {
if (error == nil) {
/// your code here
} else {
// handle error part
else {
//handle exception part
"data" the json data you get this like below
let param = [["key": "value"], ["key": "value"], ["key": "value"]]
let data = try param, options: .prettyPrinted)

Google Cloud Storage iOS - Without Authentication

I'm trying to upload or download files from Google Cloud Storage without authentication. I tried to use something similar to this but didn't work.
let storage = GTLServiceStorage()
storage.additionalHTTPHeaders = ["x-goog-project-id":"my-project-id", "Content-Type": "application/json-rpc", "Accept": "application/json-rpc"]
storage.APIKey = "my-server-api-key"
storage.retryEnabled = true
// bucket
let bucket : GTLStorageBucket = GTLStorageBucket() = "my-bucket-name"
// this code doesn't matter is only for test the previous code
let query : GTLQueryStorage = GTLQueryStorage.queryForBucketsInsertWithObject(bucket, project: "my-project-id") as GTLQueryStorage, completionHandler: { (ticket : GTLServiceTicket!, object : AnyObject!, error : NSError!) -> Void in
NSLog("Bucket: \(object)");
When i tried the code above i get "Login Required" error, so i tried applying the following code before the code previous
auth.scope = kGTLAuthScopeStorageDevstorageFullControl
auth.clientID = "ios-client-id"
auth.clientSecret = "ios-client-secret"
auth.redirectURI = "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob"
storage.authorizer = auth // then set authorization to StorageService
But doesn't work. I get the error, keyName: "Request"
Please give me an example how to make it works or what i'm doing wrong.
Although I'm not sure this will solve your problem; all your variables are declared with the keyword let instead of var. Using the let keyword prevents any future changes to the object. It defines a constant. This prevents you from changing the object's properties the way you are doing now. You can find more info about this in the Swift documentation.

execute put item request - AWS DynamoDB ios SDK

Looked all over SO and through Amazon's docs as well, but couldn't find any solid documentation on how to make a put request using iOS SDK, specifically using Swift.
I gather that I need to instantiate an AWSDynamoDBClient first ( but don't see that appear as a type when I'm working in xcode.
I've honestly only got two lines of code after all this struggle:
var myDynamoDBPutRequest:AWSDynamoDBPutRequest = AWSDynamoDBPutRequest()
myDynamoDBPutRequest.item = ["fbid": "test"]
I can't figure out how to run it, and doubt that request is set up properly anyway. I've also looked at PutItemInputs, but not sure how that differs from putRequest.item. If anyone can just point me in the right direction I'll be happy to investigate on my own - I'm just running out of places to look for good documentation :/
I've made a bit of progress, but still can't figure out how to properly create a put item input . Here is the code I have now:
var myPutItemInput:AWSDynamoDBPutItemInput = AWSDynamoDBPutItemInput()
myPutItemInput.tableName = "mytable"
var myDynamoDB = AWSDynamoDB.defaultDynamoDB()
myDynamoDB.putItem(myPutItemInput).continueWithBlock { (task:BFTask!) -> AnyObject! in
if(task.result != nil){
let myPutOutput = task.result as AWSDynamoDBPutItemOutput
println("task.result was nil for put item request")
return nil
}//end put item task
right now I at least figured out how to execute the request, but the result is nil each time.
Here is an example of - putItem:
let dynamoDB = AWSDynamoDB.defaultDynamoDB()
let putItemInput = AWSDynamoDBPutItemInput()
putItemInput.tableName = "testTableName"
let hashValue = AWSDynamoDBAttributeValue()
hashValue.S = "testPutItem"
let stringValue = AWSDynamoDBAttributeValue()
stringValue.S = "stringValue";
putItemInput.item = [
"hashKey" : hashValue,
"stringKey" : stringValue
dynamoDB.putItem(putItemInput).continueWithBlock { (task:AWSTask?) -> AnyObject? in
if(task.error != nil) {
if (task.result != nil) {
let putItemOutput = task.result as AWSDynamoDBPutItemOutput
return nil
Even though it's in Objective-C, looking at the integration tests may help understand how to use Amazon DynamoDB with the AWS Mobile SDK for iOS v2.
