I am trying to find the page's username through the Youtube API (******#pages.plusgoogle.com). I'm not getting this information through a request like: GET https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/channels?part=snippet&mine=true
What should I do?
PS: I'm using the PHP Library.
Its not possible to get the /c/username or the /user/username via the YouTube API at this moment.
The question is about inserting comments using the version 3 of the youtube api and via a crude http request (with fiddler or custom console app).
I'm able to retrieve videos sending a request to the search method with my api key, but inserting a comment is different. The response I get is 401 Unauthorized but I'm sending the correct api key.
I think this is due to the scope:
Also add don't forget to add following scope https://www.googleapis.com/auth/youtube.force-ssl
as it is said in Post comments to youtube videos using youtube api v3 Android but I don't know how to set it up in my app or via fiddler (yes with api explorer provided by google, but they have a popup implemented to select this scope).
Anybody knows how can I add the scope and set it to youtube.force-ssl?
I need to use youtube username in a javascript script that retrieves data from youtube API with username
the problem is that this channel has a custom url in format:
but from tutorial and video i found i need to get the user from a custom url like this
since, as far as i know, is not possible to set an url and surname based on second url for newer channel how can i found the username?
any way to get it with API?
youtube.channels.list does NOT provide the username. you have to use Google+ API to get it.
tube_dl is the answer.
pip install tube_dl
This module is a great video downloader and youtube parser.
Here's the sample code:
from tube_dl import Youtube
yt = Youtube('your video id').channelUrl
For tube_dl documentation, visit Github Page of tube_dl
You can try out the Channels.list method on the YouTube Data API. You can pass the username and it will return the list of channels that said user have.
The YouTube Data API developer site has more information if you want to learn more about it.
Hey Developer's I am working on an android app. I see this gdata.youtube kind of address in tutorials. I need to get one for my channel. Please how do i go about it.
The gdata links are from YouTube Data API v2.0 which is deprecated. You should look into Youtube Data API v3.0.
Here is how to get started: https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/
If you just want to get information about your channel use this link:
Replace YOURAPIKEY with the public access API key from https://console.developers.google.com/project
I need the API URL for Youtube Related Videos using the Youtube V3 API.
But I couldn't find the direct API call, like it is in Version 2. Did I miss something?
Are you trying to find videos related to a video?
You can use search->list call for this with specifying the "relatedToVideoId"
And for anyone looking for a coded example:
GET https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/search?part=snippet&relatedToVideoId=5rOiW_xY-kc&type=video&key={YOUR_API_KEY}
I am unable to get the videos through my API using username:
Is there anything I am doing wrong? What should I try or look for when debugging?
Using v2 of the API, the proper URL would be:
No oAuth is needed if you're just doing a read-only call.