iOS/objective-c: Facebook integration importing contacts no longer possible? - ios

I am following a tutorial for integrating Facebook in an app. However, it seems that when Facebook upgraded to V2.0 of their graph, they stopped allowing imports of contacts unless the contact has the App installed.
Does anyone know if there is any workaround to this? The options available as described in these answers a year ago all seemed essentially inadequate for a commercial app. But wondering if there have been any changes in the status quo so that you can import Facebook contacts.
(Facebook remains super aggressive itself about getting contacts from iPhone, google, etc.)
Many thanks for any suggestions.

You can follow the Facebook SDK Graph API for getting contacts .
Graph API Friends List

Unfortunately, nothing has changed: you still can get only the contacts that are using your app AND that gave to your app the user_friends permission.
Please see this other question with more details.


Get my facebook friends visited places in iOS App

I've implemented login using Facebook account in iOS app developing using Swift. Now want to get list of all places visited by my facebook friends.
Referred this document but could not found search visited places API:
Is it possible?
Appreciate your help and suggestions!
Accessing data of friends (or any user) is not possible, unless they specifically authorized your App with the neccessary permissions.

Graph API not returning all tagged in photos

So when I query the graph api with this
GET /v2.5/me/photos
It only returns 9 of my tagged in photos. All of them but one have been uploaded by me. On my Facebook account I have many more photos in which I am tagged. This test was done in the Graph API Explorer with a user_photos permission token.
The primary place that I am using this is in my iOS app using the FB iOS SDK. This used to work as expected, returning all my tagged in photos. However something changed when I upgraded to the FB iOS SDK version 4. I have a feeling that doing this may have bumped up my apps minimum graph api version in my apps dashboard. And now I am in this position where I can't retrieve all my tagged in photos. My app has been approved for user_photos permission.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks to #Vizllx for providing a link to another answer that enabled me to work it out.
The linked answer suggests using an additional user permission. This permission didn't have an effect however this lead me to try turning on and accepting all permissions which worked! I then disabled them all again and went through and figured out which had the effect. Turns out it was the user_friends permission!
So to get a tagged in photo that was NOT uploaded by the user you are querying, there are two conditions:
the user you are querying has to have accepted the user_friends permission
their friend who owns the photo in which the user is tagged has to also have accepted the user_photos & user_friends permission
Therefore their friend also has to be using your app too :/
P.S as for the "All of them but one have been uploaded by me" photo in the original test, this new information does not account for it. I don't know why it was returned but it could have been a bug. Who knows?

Likes on official page on facebook in ios

I'm trying to search approach to get like on official page on facebook in my native iOS app.
I read many questions and answers and the resume is no method for this in iOS SDK, but I found that facebook can open access for this method in API.
Where can I send my request for?
I'm sorry if I'm asking in wrong place. I don't know where I can ask.

FBLoginButton not requesting permissions

Firstly, apologies for the vague question!
At short notice I've been handed an app which has started failing when posting Facebook status updates. It seems to be using a very old version of the Facebook SDK so none of the code examples I have found work.
The error message when trying to post implies that facebook.users.setStatus endpoint is deprecated.
Accordingly, I updated the code to call which seems to be the currently supported.
This results in a permissions error (code 200).
I then changed the Facebook app record to request the publish_actions permission. This looks good on the Facebook preview page:
...but doesn't seem to be reflected onthe in-app Facebook logon screen:
I have waited several hours now so I don't think the problem is Facebook propogating the
app settings. Can anyone tell me if I'm on the right track here?
Plan B would be rewrite Facebook access using latest Facebook SDK, but this will require an upgrade for XCode and Mac OS, which I'm keen to avoid.
The publish_actions permission is used when dealing with Open Graph actions. From what I've read you'll need the extended publish_stream permission.

Facebook Comment integration iOS

Does anyone has already succeeded integrating facebook comments in iOS ?
I am making an app for a blog and I simply want to integrate facebook comment
I tried the UIWebView way, but it doesn't show anything in iOS 6. I tried a lot of thing to make it work, but I stopped when I saw that it doesn't show up in the web view of the twitter app.
I also tried to integrate the SDK, although it's impossible to publish comment (error from the api), I tried at least to retrieve all the comment attached to an URL, but as it's not possible to join table in FQL, I would have to,for each comment, retrieve informations about the user that has posted the comment... Silly !!
Am I the only one Facebook cursed ?
I have not been able to do this either so at least two of us are cursed. It would be great if facebook allowed you to use the facebook comment box to comment on facebook posts. I for one do not find working with the facebook API documentation very helpful.
