Likes on official page on facebook in ios - ios

I'm trying to search approach to get like on official page on facebook in my native iOS app.
I read many questions and answers and the resume is no method for this in iOS SDK, but I found that facebook can open access for this method in API.
Where can I send my request for?
I'm sorry if I'm asking in wrong place. I don't know where I can ask.


How to display Facebook post in native iOS app?

How do I display a Facebook post in a native View in an iOS App? Is there something like TweetKit for Twitter (
If not, how can I fetch the data for a Facebook post? Is this possible without logging in?
Without login, you can't get any information regarding the facebook.
I think this link will help you
Good luck

Swift iOS Twitter API Fails

I am trying to load some twitter feeds of a user on Swift iOS App. On twitter Documentation, I found the API is:
which returns:
{"errors":[{"message":"Bad Authentication data","code":215}]}
Older Rest API did not require. Newer API requires authentication.
Requires authentication? Yes
How do I get that working? Any tutorials would be even sweeter!
Before marking this question duplicate please bear in mind that I have done a good search and none of the answers answered my questions because a lot them point to older Rest APIs.
Take a look at Twitter Fabric which is a free SDK (compatible with Swift) that provides easy authentication via either guest or user login. Sample app written in Swift at
If you would prefer to use raw REST calls against the API, follow the OAuth details in our dev documentation
In settings of your simulator go to accounts -> Twitter, and login there in actual twitter account. As you try to login, it doesn't know what user to use, so you need to specify it.

salesforce login in ios native App

I am quite new to iOS and i am trying to post something from my App on salesforce(like we share something on twitter). For that i want to first display the login screen if user is already not logged in and if user is logged in he can post on salesforce from my app. Please guide me to a tutorial or some sample code. i have done a hell lot of searching on web but didn't find any good tutorial. i have already added the SDK to my project but not able to figure out how implement all this.
Thank you.
what about this : SalesForce on iOS login without using the SalesForce Webview?
The post point to SFDC API for iPhone. May be you will found what you need.

Facebook Comment integration iOS

Does anyone has already succeeded integrating facebook comments in iOS ?
I am making an app for a blog and I simply want to integrate facebook comment
I tried the UIWebView way, but it doesn't show anything in iOS 6. I tried a lot of thing to make it work, but I stopped when I saw that it doesn't show up in the web view of the twitter app.
I also tried to integrate the SDK, although it's impossible to publish comment (error from the api), I tried at least to retrieve all the comment attached to an URL, but as it's not possible to join table in FQL, I would have to,for each comment, retrieve informations about the user that has posted the comment... Silly !!
Am I the only one Facebook cursed ?
I have not been able to do this either so at least two of us are cursed. It would be great if facebook allowed you to use the facebook comment box to comment on facebook posts. I for one do not find working with the facebook API documentation very helpful.

Any well written Facebook iOS SDK tutorial?

I'm trying to integrate facebook graph into my app. I've tried to follow the official-creepy-nonexaustive documentation of facebook, but it doesn't work.
There are any well written tutorial out there?
Facebook SDK – Posting to User News Feed
A recent, solid explanation of how to post to a user's feed, which should help get you there.
