iOS App Rejected - Metadata Rejected - ios

I just recently submitted my third app to the app store - I have never been asked for a video to demonstrate the functionality of the app. Is this a new requirement? Also, would recording the app functionality on Quicktime (connected to my device) suffice to meet this requirement?
I am sure they get thousands of apps, but I even provided an intro tutorial about the app works - which would be faster than watching a full demo video. Smh
We began the review of your app but are not able to continue because
we need access to a video that demonstrates your app in use on an iOS

You can use Quicktime to record your screen. In my team, we recorded app preview video with Quicktime and it is accepted. Also you can find more information here. And video is required because it gives information to user about your app and Apple says "app preview can help customers better understand your app and encourage more downloads."

What Apple team asks in the review process can be something simpler than an app preview video. They just want a video demonstrating the app, and it will not be used as an app preview in the store.
We had the same issue and after providing them the link to a demo video, the app was accepted.
The video was simple: navigating through the main views of the app, clicking the UI elements, basically presenting the app.


iOS App Clip Smart Banner validation before submission

I want to release an update of my app with the new addition of an app clip. Apple states in their documentation
Safari's Smart App Banner and sharing via Messages is only available when the app clip is published in the App Store.
Is there any way to verify that the app clip via smart banner will definitely work once the update is available in the store? Otherwise I basically have to hope that everything was set up correctly which I just refuse to believe that's the case. Did anyone do this yet and can tell me how to verify everything will work as expected?

How to fully deactivate Apple App Clip - it still pops up

I added Apple App Clip but later removed it not yet needed. It was added "Advanced App Clip Experience", later deactivated, but when you bring the NFC tag to the phone, an alert still pops up with an empty content and message "This app clip is not currently available in your country or region".
Deactivated Advanced app clip in App Store Connect
Expired all builds in TestFlight, which contain App Clips
Everything in app association file, domains for app clips, etc - removed
So why NFC scanning still present App Clip, but not redirect me in app/safari as earlier?
I had the same problem. The fix was to ensure that the App Clip Experience was deactivated in App Store Connect.
I submitted a binary/build that contained an App Clip to Testflight so that I could access the Advance App Clip settings.
Deactivated the App Clip Experience (your step #1)
Waited a day to account for the caching system, and now, after testing, scanning my QR Code (in your case, it would be triggering the event with the NFC tag) produces the correct results.
It is important to note that even though you may have a live app that does not contain an App Clip, you must still deactivate it in Advance App Clip.

How to launch an associated watch app from an IOS application

How do I launch an associated Watch App from an IOS App?
I do see questions where the user flow is in reverse, where the Watch App starts the IOS App in the background. However I want the reverse. I want to launch the Watch App, make it visible on the watch when the associated IOS App is running.
My current user experience is not good; I launch the IOS App from the Phone, then fiddle with the watch to find the associated Watch App.
The current IOS App plays music at times, and I have added the Now Playing View. I have also noticed that when I start the watch application "not programatically", some minutes later (after the watch goes to sleep and raised again to awake) the default music player Watch App is made the current watch application when playing music via the IOS App.
I would have preferred that the associated watch application is active on the watch, and that the Now Playing View controls the music.
The watch application has two views/pages where the user would swipe to move to the next page. The first page has some text and the second page has the Now Playing View
It would be far better, if the users starts the IOS App and auto launches the associated Watch App.
I am not sure what the design decisions are regarding this. Perhaps a Notification needs to be sent, and the user can then decide whether to launch the Watch App.
Please assist by giving brief API calls to make or adjusting properties in the plist.
You can do so by sending a workout configuration to your watch app via
I'm not sure it would get past the App Review for non workout apps. You might have to call this method twice to reliably start the app, due to a timeout: forum discussion

MIDIDestinationCreate and UIBackgroundmodes

I have written an app which uses midi for playing audio. The app uses MIDIDestinationCreate and enables UIBackgroundmodes as suggested by Apple in the iOS6 release notes.
The App review team have rejected the app because they say that it does not play any sound when put into background mode. They suggested that I change the plist accordingly and uncheck audio/background mode. This of course causes the app to crash when playing the midi and is also mentioned in the question here as well as the iOS6 release notes:
CoreMIDI/PGMidi Virtual midi error in iOS6
Ideally, I don't want it to play music when in the background. When the user puts the app in the background, they've finished.
I replied to the app review team referring them to the iOS6 release notes for MIDIDestinationCreate. This made no difference - they just maintain that audio needs to play while that user has dismissed the app - perhaps like iTunes I guess.
They suggested submitting a DST for an alternative solution- which I have done but there's no reply.
Are there other solutions for playing midi or perhaps ways of appeasing the app review team?
The developer support team replied and there was no issue with the method of implementation.
It seems like the reviewer made a mistake. I lodged an appeal and the App was approved.

Using iphone app to upload video content to a website

This might be obvious but I'm going to ask anyway!
Are there any restrictions by apple regarding using a phone app to record and upload video to a website?
no there is not.
