Is it possible to create a local file to store data? - storage

I'm currently using the dataAPI to keep the dataitems synchronized between handheld and wearable.
Still I want to make sure that every data is stored and there is no data lost in the process.
I'm currently reading GPS parameters when the wear is not connected to the handheld and when they connect, they sync the dataitems.
How reliable is DataAPI?
Is my idea of creating a local file doubling my effort?
How can I create a local file on my wear device and then access it?

Syncing data using DataApi is reliable and I recommend using that; if you come across a scenario that sync is not happening reliably, that should be considered a bug and needs to be reported as such. One issue that folks run into is that they create the same data item and they don't get the onDataChanged() callback but that is by design, if the very same data is being added multiple times, there is no change, hence no callback triggers.
Another factor you might want to consider is whether the data you create on one node is for consumption by all other nodes or only a targeted one; DataApi syncs data across all connected nodes so if I create a data item on watch1 and want to sync that with my phone and if there is a watch2 in the picture as well, watch2 also gets the same data.
If you end up using the DataApi, I strongly recommend to make sure to put in place a policy that removes the data once it is synced and consumed otherwise data will be accumulated with no supervision and you'll finally run out of space.

To answer your questions:
I don't know how reliable it effectively is, but we had problems where data updates didn't trigger the appropriate listeners on the watch side. So I'm not sure. Maybe someone has an official statement for this?
I think it depends on the amount of data you want to store. So I suggest you first become clear about the amount and then choose the format. Keep in mind that there is also the possibility to store data in the Shared Preferences.
These guys here tried to save an image on the watch, but that makes no difference wheter it is an image file or text or whatever file.


Syncing of memory and database objects upon changes in objects in memory

I am currently implementing a web application in .net core(C#) using entity framework. While working on the project, I actually encountered quite a few challenges but I will start with the one which I think are most important. My questions are as follows:
Instead of frequent loading data from the database, I am having a set of static objects which is a mirror of the data in the database. However, it is tedious and error prone when I want to ensure any changes, i.e., adding/deleting/modifying of objects are being saved to the database at real time. Is there any good example or advice that I can refer to improve my approach to do this?
Another thing is that value of some objects' properties will be changed on the fly according to the value of some other objects' properties. Something like a spreadsheet where a cell's value will be changed automatically if the value in the cell that the formula is referring to changes. I do not have a solution to do this yet. Appreciate if anyone has any example that I can refer to. But this will add another layer of complexity to sync the changes of the objects in memory to database.
At the moment, I am unsure if there is any better approach. Appreciate if anyone can help. Thanks!
Basically, you're facing a problem that's called eventual consistency. Something changes and two or more systems need to be aware at the same time. The problem here is that both changes need to be applied in order to consider the operation successful. If either one fails, you need to know.
In your case, I would use the Azure Service Bus. You can create queues and put messages on a queue. An Azure Function would handle these queue messages. You would create two queues, one for database updates, and one for the in-memory update (I think changing this to a cache service may be something to think off). Now the advantage of these queues is that you can easily drop messages on these queues from anywhere. Because you mentioned the object is going to evolve, you may need to update these objects either in the database or in memory (cache).
Once you've done that, I'd create a topic, with two subscriptions. One forwarding messages to Queue 1, and the other to Queue 2. This will solve your primary problem. In case an object changes, just send it to the topic. Both changes (database and memory) will be executed automagically.
The only problem you have now, it that you mentioned you wanted to update the database in real-time. With this scenario, you're going to have to leave that.
Also, you need to make sure you have proper alerts in place for the queues so in case you did miss a message, or your functions didn't handle it well enough, you'll receive an alert to check & correct errors.
I'm totally agree with #nineedm's and answer, but there are also other solutions.
If you introduce cache, you will always face cache revalidation problem - you have to mark cache as invalid when data were changed. Sometimes it is easy, depending on nature of cached data and how often data are changed.
If you have just single application, MemoryCache can be enough with proper specified expiration options.
If there is a cluster - you have to look at Distributed Cache solutions, for example Redis. There is MS article about that Distributed caching in ASP.NET Core

Persist offline changes separately from original data in Core Data

I'm in the middle of adding an "offline mode" feature to an app I'm currently working on. Basically the idea is that users should able to make changes to the data, for example, edit the description of an item, without being connected to the internet, and the changes should survive between app launches.
Each change would normally result in an API request when working online but situation is different in offline mode.
Right now this is implemented by storing all data coming from the API in a Core Data database that acts as a cache. Entities that can be edited by user in addition to normal attributes have the following ones:
locallyCreated - whether the object was created offline
locallyDeleted - object was deleted offline
locallyUpdated - updated
This makes it possible to look for new/deleted/updated objects and send corresponding API requests when doing sync.
This worked well for creating and deleting objects, however, one disadvantage I found with this approach is when new data is retrieved from the API all local changes (i.e. attributes of objects marked as locally updated) are lost, which means that they have to be stored separately somehow.
What would be the best way to approach this problem?
Since you have your locallyUpdated key, the obvious answer is to modify your code that imports server changes, so that it doesn't overwrite changes to any object marked as changed. One way or another you need to avoid overwriting those changes, and you're already keeping a record of which objects have changes, so you already have the tools for a basic solution.
But you'll soon run into the complexity of syncing data. What if the local object has changes on one key, but the incoming data from the server has changes on a different key? You can't resolve that just by knowing that the local copy has changed somehow. Maybe you decide that the server always wins, or that the local copy always wins. Those are easy, if they make sense for your app. If you need to merge changes though, you have some work ahead of you. You would need to record not only a Boolean value indicating that changes were made, but also a list of which keys had changed. This can get complicated, but it's the nature of data syncing.

Ship iOS app with pre-populated Parse datastore

Given the recent addition of local datastore for iOS to Parse, it should be possible to rely exclusively on Parse to manage app's database, thus totally avoiding Core Data. Does this sound like a good idea? What would be the pros and cons of such an approach?
In particular, I am wondering whether it will be possible to pre-populate Parse local datastore with some data, and include this database as a part of the app when submitting to appstore.
From the comments that were posted, it seems that people misunderstood my intended use case. Sorry guys, I should have made my question more clear from the beginning. Let me clarify it now, anyway.
So, there is some amount of data in Parse database on the web, same for every user, e.g. a catalogue of books. It will be updated every now and then. What I want is to publish an app on App Store which is pre-populated with Parse data store, as it stands at the moment when the app is published. For that to happen, I'd like to pin all available data when building my app and ship that data store along with the app. The problem is that the pinned data will be stored on device's (or emulator's) file system, it won't be part of the project. That's why if I build the app and submit it to app store, the data won'd be included.
Any suggestions how to attach the local data store to the app?
The local data store is stored in the sandboxed part of the filesystem in iOS. When you package the store with the app, it'll live in the signed application folder, not in the location Parse expects it to be.
So, if you were looking to do this, you'd need to include your default local data store in the application on building/submission, and copy it into the location Parse expects it to be in (which is Library/Private Documents/Parse and the file is called ParseOfflineStore) when your application starts up. This must happen before you call enableLocalDatastore, or an empty one will be initialized.
It should be possible!
Read this in the docs. Parse has a highly resourceful and fully documented guide for their backend.
Per my comment above concerning didFinishLaunchingWithOptions; it has been a place for your to create objects on launch, I have been doing that for a long time. Especially with channels. However, by enabling the local data store you can access those objects you pinned or created with a simple query with no reachability per your concern. Either way they both are created on disk. Core Data has a lot more cons. Especially with NSFetchedResultsController and the flexibility it offers. It's all up to you what you want to do with your app. PFQueryTableViewController isn't bad but if your direction and vision for your app is to be exclusively Parse then why not. It's a great feature. However I didn't see anything in the docs about the local queries effecting your limit so I would suggest looking into that if you have a large audience performing numerous queries per second.
Take advantage of their docs. They do a great job at keeping us informed.

iOS app with remote server - I don't need data to persist on app, should I still use CoreData?

Design question:
My app talks to a server. Json data being sent/received.
Data on server is always changing, and I want users to see most current data, not stored/cached data. So I require a user to be logged in order to use the app, and care not to persist data in the app.
Should I still use CoreData and map it to Json's.?
Or can I just create custom model classes and map Json's to it's properties, and have nsarray properties, which point to its child objects, etc. ?
Which is better?
If you dont want to persist data, I personally think core data would be overkill for this application
Core Data is really for local persistance. If the data was not changing so often and you didnt want them to have to get an updated data everytime the user visited the page, then you would load the JSON and store it locally using CoreData.
Use plain old objective-c objects for now. It's not hard to switch to Core Data in future, but once you've done so it gets a lot harder to change your schema.
That depends on what your needs are.
If you need the app to work offline, you need to store your information somehow in the client.
In order to save on network usage, you could store locally, then query the server to see if it had an updated answer -- you could do this by sending a time stamp to the server and return a 304 Not Modified if the entity hasn't changed.
Generally, it depends on how much time you have to put into the app and what your specific requirements are, but as a general rule I would optimise for as low bandwidth usage as possible, as that not only reduces potential data costs, but also means the answers will be more quickly available to your users (when online and they have not changed) and also available offline.
If you do not wish to store data locally at all,

Passing object/NSData between iOS devices

I'm creating a game, turn based, and I was thinking of using Game Center to handle it, but the passed game-object is evidently max 64kb. Is there another way to pass objects between devices for this use, without having to create a database or storage-server as middle man? The game-object itself for me is probably a lot less than 64kb, but there are some initial variables I would like to send, such as images. With my calculations, the initial data for one game is about 500kb, but after getting those images once, the passed game object is just a couple of kb's, and are never going to include those images again.
Is there a way to send these images directly?
There are a few ways to get around the limit.
This answer mentions Alljoyn which would allow you to transfer that size of files.
You could also send them indirectly by transferring them to your own server, then passing a link to the file to the other player. For a turn based game, this would have good advantages of enhanced reliability as you could put in retries on error for both the upload to the server and the download to the device and control it yourself. I would recommend AFHTTPClient for this, also.
Is there another way to pass objects between devices for this use, without having to create a database or storage-server as middle man?
Without your own server, there isn't.
