Passing object/NSData between iOS devices - ios

I'm creating a game, turn based, and I was thinking of using Game Center to handle it, but the passed game-object is evidently max 64kb. Is there another way to pass objects between devices for this use, without having to create a database or storage-server as middle man? The game-object itself for me is probably a lot less than 64kb, but there are some initial variables I would like to send, such as images. With my calculations, the initial data for one game is about 500kb, but after getting those images once, the passed game object is just a couple of kb's, and are never going to include those images again.
Is there a way to send these images directly?

There are a few ways to get around the limit.
This answer mentions Alljoyn which would allow you to transfer that size of files.
You could also send them indirectly by transferring them to your own server, then passing a link to the file to the other player. For a turn based game, this would have good advantages of enhanced reliability as you could put in retries on error for both the upload to the server and the download to the device and control it yourself. I would recommend AFHTTPClient for this, also.

Is there another way to pass objects between devices for this use, without having to create a database or storage-server as middle man?
Without your own server, there isn't.


Is it possible to create a local file to store data?

I'm currently using the dataAPI to keep the dataitems synchronized between handheld and wearable.
Still I want to make sure that every data is stored and there is no data lost in the process.
I'm currently reading GPS parameters when the wear is not connected to the handheld and when they connect, they sync the dataitems.
How reliable is DataAPI?
Is my idea of creating a local file doubling my effort?
How can I create a local file on my wear device and then access it?
Syncing data using DataApi is reliable and I recommend using that; if you come across a scenario that sync is not happening reliably, that should be considered a bug and needs to be reported as such. One issue that folks run into is that they create the same data item and they don't get the onDataChanged() callback but that is by design, if the very same data is being added multiple times, there is no change, hence no callback triggers.
Another factor you might want to consider is whether the data you create on one node is for consumption by all other nodes or only a targeted one; DataApi syncs data across all connected nodes so if I create a data item on watch1 and want to sync that with my phone and if there is a watch2 in the picture as well, watch2 also gets the same data.
If you end up using the DataApi, I strongly recommend to make sure to put in place a policy that removes the data once it is synced and consumed otherwise data will be accumulated with no supervision and you'll finally run out of space.
To answer your questions:
I don't know how reliable it effectively is, but we had problems where data updates didn't trigger the appropriate listeners on the watch side. So I'm not sure. Maybe someone has an official statement for this?
I think it depends on the amount of data you want to store. So I suggest you first become clear about the amount and then choose the format. Keep in mind that there is also the possibility to store data in the Shared Preferences.
These guys here tried to save an image on the watch, but that makes no difference wheter it is an image file or text or whatever file.

Temporarily storing data on iPad without WiFi

I am developing an application where the user will not have WiFi and needs to save their data until they have WiFi and then upload their data. Is there any temporary uploading programs I could use?
Why not use the localStorage? It's becoming more reliable. I've used it in my own applications and the API is easy enough to pick up.
When using it with the iPad TumbleCow has one or two things to keep in mind.
Yes, the storage-limit is still 5Mb. Since characters are stored UTF16, only 2.5M characters can be stored in localStorage.
In contrast to other localStorage implementations, localStorage.setItem() doesn't delete any previous items with the same key before storing the new item. In other words: When overwriting an item, one should always call localStorage.removeItem() before calling localStorage.setItem(), or you'll quickly run out of space.
Is localStorage reliable on an iPad?

What is the best way to code the XNA Game Server for FPS game?

I'm writing a FPS XNA game. It gonna be multiplayer so I came up with following:
I'm making two different assemblies — one for the game logic and the second for drawing it and the game irrelevant stuff (like rocket trails).
The type of the connection is client-server (not peer-to-peer), so every client at first connects to the server and then the game begins.
I'm completly decided to use XNA.Framework.Game class for the clients to run their game in window (or fullscreen) and the GameComponent/DrawableGameComponent classes to store the game objects and update&draw them on each frame.
Next, I want to get the answer to the question:
What should I do on the server side? I got few options:
Create my own Game class on the server, which will process all the game logic (only, no graphics). The reason why I am not using the standart Game class is when I call Game.Run() the white window appears and I cant figure out how to get rid of it.
Use somehow the original XNA's Game class, which is already has the GameComponent collection and Update event (60 times per second, just what I need).
I got more questions:
First, what socket mode should I use? TCP or UDP? And how to actually let the client know that this packet is meant to be processed after that one?
Second, if I is going to use exacly GameComponent class for the game objects which is stored and processed on the server, how to make them to be drawn on the client? Inherit them (while they are combined to an assembly)? Something else?
First of all, your game logic should be on the server.. Not only does that prevent cheating, but it also garantees consistency, especially over random operations. The clients should only be sending their inputs to the server
I'd recommend your keep the server's window visible to make it a debug console, you'll need it, to know what your server is doing exactly.
For a FPS, UDP is recommended. You'll be sending a lot of data and you don't really care if your packets are all received or ordered. While the packets are not garanteed to arrive ordered, you don't really have to worry about it. Most of the time, they will arrive in order anyway. Let's say you send 60 frames per second to your clients and one of your packet arrives in the wrong order: Your client will have erroneous information for 1/60th of a second, which is barely visible.
Finally, you should send a serialized representation of your game state multiple times per second to your clients. They should be able to retrieve that information and draw it the same way as your server. You could even serialize your gamecomponent and send it if you think that's appropriate. It's really up to you to decide.
Hope this helps!

networkActivityIndicatorVisible logic issue

so my application connects to a URL (via URLConnectionDelegate), gathers data, which contains image URLs. It then connects to each and every image url (again, via URLConnectionDelegate), and gathers the images for each image.
Everything works perfect, couldn't be happier.
But the problem is that I can't really track the networkActivityIndicator. There are like, 100 connections going off at once, so I don't know when or how to set the networkActivityIndicator to turn off once the last image is done loading.
Does anyone have any suggestions without me having to redo a bunch of code?
Thanks for the help guys
The typical solution is a singleton object that you call [NetworkMonitor increaseNetworkCount] and [NetworkMonitor decreaseNetworkCount] at the appropriate points.
The nicer solution is a toolkit like MKNetworkKit, which will handle this and a bunch of similar things for you (like managing your download queue, since 100 simultaneous connections is actually very bad on iOS).

Best way to store and retrieve thousands of places on iOS

My situation:
I have an app that needs to store 10,000 - 30,000 locations in some sort of storage method, which are then displayed on a MKMapView as individual pins. I also have a server that needs to be able to add to the database through pushing out changes.
Through grouping pins I've eliminated all issues with the MKMapView, my biggest focus is now on speed, storage and being able to add and replace the storage contents. What I'm currently doing is I have a text file of currently 1,000 locations as JSON-formatted, then they're just read as an array and sent to my custom map view (no issues there). My only issue is how I could update that text file (rather than downloading massive amounts of data), and store almost 30,000 locations.
Is this even feasible? It seems my current setup could scale pretty much perfectly, it's just this updating system that is causing me a headache.
Your current setup won't scale forever because you have to load the entire file into memory in one chunk. Eventually it will get to large to manage and will eat up to much memory. Unable to purge memory in the event of system low-memory, the system will shut your app down i.e. it won't be able to stay in the background but will have to reboot each time the user switches back to it.
To update, you will have to load in the entire file, parse the JSON, figure out how to update the resulting data structure, then write it all to file. One error anywhere in the process could corrupt the entire file.
You really need to look at using Core Data or even SQL. Core Data has a learning curve but once you master it, it makes implementing designs like your app trivial. You also get automatic scaling and efficient memory management.
