Hi, I am creating a web page using bootstrap - jquery-mobile

I devoleped a web page which have content in grid form.col-sm-2 and col-sm-10.I want to hide content of col-sm-2 when it become a mobile app.and show and hide it using an icon. please give me an answer as soon as possible.

try using jQuery Mobile Panels Check the doc here


iOS Smart app banner with jquery mobile

I am trying to use the iOS smart app banner on my website. I am currently using jquery mobile 1.3.1 for development. The problem I'm having is jquery mobile automatically hides the address bar on page load. Since the smart app banner appears to be a part of the address bar, the user cannot see the smart app banner unless they scroll up. Is there anyway around this problem? Ideally the page would load and show the smart app banner and not the address bar. However, at this point I would be fine showing both on page load. I know the folks over at HTML5 Boilerplate have solved this issue. See:
Hiding address bar without hiding the smart app banner on iOS 6
The problem with this solution for me is turning off the hide address bar feature in jquery mobile. I can't seem to figure out how to accomplish without altering the jquery mobile core code. I don't really want to alter the jquery mobile code. Mainly because I don't like changing code that I have to update when a new version comes out. Plus I am pulling the jquery mobile file from jquery's CDN. I would like to find another way to solve this problem. Any ideas? Thank.
window.oldScroll = window.scrollTo;
window.scrollTo = function(){return false;};
before you load jquery mobile. This will override Jquery mobile hiding. then you can use the helper.js by reassigning scrollTo after jquery mobile script.

Navigation Menu in Jquery Mobile

I'm a newbie with jquery mobile but I want to build a vertical navigation panel with its specific animation (no page changing).
A good example is here ( i don't want sencha touch, i need to do this with jquery mobile): http://dev.sencha.com/deploy/touch/examples/production/kitchensink/index.html
For example, if you select "User Interface", just the menu is updating (and a button back appear...)
Another good example is IOs, as the dropbox Ipad application (cf http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qeqw5OroHzY)
How I can do that with jquery mobile ? I see panels, the 1.3 new feature, but it's not really the same thing ...
Thanks for your help
Try this: jQueryUI's .menu
Other than that, it's just a fancy <aside>

fixed positioned button in mobile website

I am building a mobile website and need a fixed positioned button (for quick link to scroll to top) that should move across while scrolling the screen. fixed position is not supported by mobile browsers. Can anyone suggest the way around for the same. I am using twitter bootstrap. I have observed fixed position header and footers for mobile in jquery mobile framework but could use it in twitter bootstrap page.
Thanks in advance.
You can use a navbar-fixed-top or navbar-fixed-bottom navbar on your site and that will function properly on mobile devices. Refer to the Optional Display variations section under navbars http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/components.html#navbar.

Jquery Mobile Navbar issue

I have created bottom fixed tabs using jquery mobile data-role="navbar" inside a JQ footer. The issue is it creates a div on runtime outside the page flow which is absolute, more than the height of the page content. This is getting created on runtime and appears only when the navbar code is written. Need some help on it.
First, are you viewing the website on a mobile device (and which mobile OS if so).
This issue has appeared in my experience, but only when using a standard web browser.

How to open a html page as a popup with in the page (no new window opens) using Jquery

I am having the link button and when i clicked on the link button the popup will be open (with in the page itself like a modalpopup. now i have to get the popup feel using jquery and inside the div text should come from database.
How is it possible for getting the message from the backend.
means open a div in a modal popup feel using jquery
or opens the html page in a popup in the same window using jquery
Thanks and Regards
Vara Prasad.M
Take a look at the Facebox jQuery plugin. It does pretty much exactly what you're asking for. For example you can have a link like this to some remote page like so
then just call the facebox plugin when your content is loaded like so
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
and your content will render in a modal window. You can also take a look at Fancybox or ThickBox which provide very similar functionality.
There are two steps to your problem:
Open a modal popup using jQuery
Fetch server side content and display it in the modal dialog
Use jQuery Dialog (http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Dialog) for popping open a modal dialog, and then use jQuery load (http://api.jquery.com/load/) for loading the content from the server.
The server page you call will make the database query and output the contents to the response buffer.
