Objective-C: draw and crop image - ios

i am new to Objective-C. Now i want to get source code to crop image after user draw on image. it would help me lots in my project.
thank you everybody.

try these library from GitHub..
i hope it helps..


Crop an image into a rectangle shape when the cropping points are on any shape which has 4 points - IOS/Swift

In my project, I want to set 4 cropping points manually on an image and crop that image according to set points. For example have a look on below image.
Like this, all I want is to crop the image according to that path and after cropping it should be a rectangle. This is just like image cropping in CamScanner IOS application. If anyone have any idea how to do this any help would be highly appreciated.
Here are found very nice github project that have same funtionality what you want but this is in Objective-C might be you can convert this code in to swift check the link following:
It's output is:
I just made one Demo in Swift using JBCroppableView Objective-C class implements in Swift. Download from the following and use as per your requirement.
The Combination of Swift + Objective-C
I think you need geometric_transformations.
If you plan to use opencv, here is a good example:

iOS - Image crop with gesture in circle

I am developing an iOS app in which I need to crop image with finger. Like any one take picture and then can crop any part of image with finger. I have searched the Internet but I am getting tools what can crop images into rectangular area. Can anyone please help me to crop image with pan gesture with rough pattern?
Any help will be much appreciated.
There is not straight API from apple to help you do that. You will have to create your own custom mask layer and get the image.graphic context and apply the user created mask to that context your self.
You might want to dig deeper into this thread: ImagePicker Library with custom crop rect?
I found this one solution which mentioned all requirement.

Locate rectangular in image with OpenCV

I'm having trouble with positioning a rectangle in an image. Please see attached photos!
I need to determine the position of the rectangle (black) in the image.
Help me write code with OpenCV. I'm trying to rotate the image based on the black rectangle.
Thank you!
P/s: Because of its ability to present my poor english, hope you understood ignored. Thank you!!
This sample image: http://i.upanh.com/rrkcnu
Now I have found a method. The information you see here: http://felix.abecassis.me/2011/10/opencv-bounding-box-skew-angle/
It can rotate images automatically!!!

Folded Map Effect on iOS

I am trying to add folded effect onto mapview similar to map in this image http://dribbble.com/system/users/11236/screenshots/311711/app-ui.png?1321121645. Tried to google for it but without luck. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
My guess is that they are just overlaying an image with the folds/shadows/edges to give the effect. The actual map itself does not look like it is manipulated at all.

How can I draw same images along a path using cocos2D iOS?

I trying to draw same images along a straight path.
I already know where the path begins and ends.
How can I make it?
Please Help.
Always thanks.
can you please Explain the condition,So that i can understand the way you want draw images...
As I understand your problem you want to draw series of same image along with a path, in that case you can use CCRibbon.
