Is there a way to pattern match against DateTime and Nullable<DateTime>? - f#

I've tried something like this:
type DateResult = | ValidDate of DateTime | NullableDate | BlahBlah
let validateDate entry =
match entry with
| :? DateTime as x -> ValidDate x // error here
| :? Nullable<DateTime> as x -> NullableDate
| _ BlahBlah
But this does not work. Is this possible? What is the recommended way of handling a problem like this?

DateTime and Nullable<DateTime> are different types and compiler cannot infer what is the type of parameter entry. Use type annotation:
let validateDate (entry: obj) =
match entry with
| :? DateTime as x -> ValidDate x
| :? Nullable<DateTime> as x -> NullableDate
| _ BlahBlah


How can I use TryParse in a guard expression in match?

I have built a toy spreadsheet to help learn F#. When I process the text for a new cell I store it as a discriminated type. To parse it I feel I should be able to do something like:
let cv =
match t with
| _ when t.Length=0 -> Empty
| x when t.[0]='=' -> Expr(x)
| x when t.[0]='\"' -> Str(x)
| (true,i) when Int32.TryParse t -> IntValue(i) // nope!
| _ -> Str(t)
I have tried quite a few combinations but I cannot get TryParse in the guard. I have written a helper:
let isInt (s:string) =
let mutable m:Int64 = 0L
let (b,m) = Int64.TryParse s
I can now write:
| _ when Utils.isInt t -> IntValue((int)t)
This seems like a poor solution as it discards the converted result. What the correct syntax to get TryParse into the guard?
I think an active pattern will do what you want:
let (|Integer|_|) (str: string) =
let flag, i = Int32.TryParse(str)
if flag then Some i
else None
let cv =
match t with
| _ when t.Length=0 -> Empty
| x when t.[0]='=' -> Expr(x)
| x when t.[0]='\"' -> Str(x)
| Integer i -> IntValue(i)
| _ -> Str(t)
But if you really want TryParse in the guard condition (and you don't mind parsing twice), you could do this:
| x when fst (Int32.TryParse(t)) -> IntValue (Int32.Parse(x))

Mismatch in record pattern and type on database record in F#

How do I fix the following errors?
This expression was expected to have type 'string * Nullable * Nullable' but here has type 'VisitType' (Error occurs on "|AppointmentOnly(q.lastname, q.posting_time)).
Field 'appointmentTime' is not static (Error occurs on FsVisit.appointmentTime = q.appointment_time;).
(These errors occur in my attempt to download records from a PostgreSQL database via WCF into F# client).
type VisitType =
| AppointmentOnly of name: string * postedTime: DateTime
| WalkIn of name: string * serviceTime: DateTime
| Kept of name: string * postedTime: DateTime * serviceTime: DateTime
| Open
type FsVisit =
{ appointmentTime: Nullable<DateTime>
visitType: VisitType }
member this.Name =
match this.visitType with
| AppointmentOnly(name=name) | WalkIn(name=name) | Kept(name=name) -> Some name
| Open -> None
let TestGetScheduleAsync (tableDate : DateTime) =
async {
let! data = context.GetOfficeScheduleAsync(tableDate) |> Async.AwaitTask
return data |> ( fun q ->
FsVisit.appointmentTime = q.appointment_time;
match (q.lastname, q.posting_time, q.service_time) with
| AppointmentOnly(q.lastname, q.posting_time) -> AppointmentOnly({name = q.lastname; postedTime = q.posting_time})
| WalkIn(q.lastname, q.service_time) -> WalkIn({name =q.lastname; serviceTime = q.service_time})
| Kept(q.lastname, q.posting_time, q.service_time) -> Kept({name=q.lastname; postedTime = q.posting_time, serviceTime = q.service_time})
| Open -> None
|> Async.StartAsTask
Thank you for any help.
Tuple of lastname, posting_time, and service_time is not a value of VisitType type. So you cannot match it with VisitType discriminated union cases. I assume that posting_time and service_time are Nullable<DateTime> values (same as appointment_time) So you should match tuple with tuple and create VisitType case depending on posting_time and service_time value (Some or None). I also would remove name from matching
match (Option.ofNullable q.posting_time, Option.ofNullable q.service_time) with
| (Some postedTime, None) -> AppointmentOnly(q.lastname, postedTime)
| (None, Some serviceTime) -> WalkIn(q.lastname, serviceTime)
| (Some postedTime, Some serviceTime) -> Kept(q.lastname, postedTime, serviceTime)
| _ -> Open
You can adjust this code if you want VisitType option by returning None for Open case and Some for other cases.
Note that your code can be compilable as well if you'll add active patterns which will create so-called named partitions for your input data (tuple):
let (|AppointmentOnly|WalkIn|Kept|Open|)
(name: string, postedTime: Nullable<DateTime>, serviceTime: Nullable<DateTime>) =
match (Option.ofNullable postedTime, Option.ofNullable serviceTime) with
| (Some postedTime, None) -> AppointmentOnly(name, postedTime)
| (None, Some serviceTime) -> WalkIn(name, serviceTime)
| (Some postedTime, Some serviceTime) -> Kept(name, postedTime, serviceTime)
| (None, None) -> Open
Keep in mind that AppointementOnly, WalkIn, Kept, Open returned here is not a discriminated union cases - it's an active pattern records. Now you can use this active pattern to divide your input data into partitions and create corresponding VisitType cases:
match (q.lastname, q.posting_time, q.service_time) with
| AppointmentOnly(name, postedTime) -> AppointmentOnly(name, postedTime)
| WalkIn(name, serviceTime) -> WalkIn(name, serviceTime)
| Kept(name, postedTime, serviceTime) -> Kept(name, postedTime, serviceTime)
| Open -> Open
Again, here we are matching on the active pattern and then creating a discriminated union:
| AppointmentOnly(name, postedTime) -> AppointmentOnly(name, postedTime)
^ ^

How do you downcast to byte[]? [duplicate]

I'm trying to lookup DbType enumeration values from .net types. I'm using a match statement. However I cannot figure out how to match on the type byte[].
let dbType x =
match x with
| :? Int64 -> DbType.Int64
| :? Byte[] -> DbType.Binary // this gives an error
| _ -> DbType.Object
If there is a better way to map these types, I would be open to suggestions.
byte[], byte array, and array<byte> are all synonymous, but in this context only the last will work without parentheses:
let dbType (x:obj) =
match x with
| :? (byte[]) -> DbType.Binary
| :? (byte array) -> DbType.Binary // equivalent to above
| :? array<byte> -> DbType.Binary // equivalent to above
| :? int64 -> DbType.Int64
| _ -> DbType.Object

In F#, How can I attach metadata to discriminated union values?

I want to create something that's kind of like an enum with an F# record type for a value instead of an int. For example, if I've got the union:
type BologneseIngredients = | Spaghetti
| Tomatoes
| MincedBeef
| GrandmasSecretIngredient
I know that spaghetti is always 30cm long and tomatoes are always red. What I could do is have a 'get metadata' function:
let getMetadata = function
| Spaghetti -> { length: 30.0<cm> }
| Tomatoes -> { colour: Color.Red }
| _ -> { }
but I'd really like to keep the definition of the union and the data together. Is there a nice way to do this?
You could add properties to your discriminated union...
type BologneseIngredients =
| Spaghetti
| Tomatoes
| MincedBeef
| GrandmasSecretIngredient
member x.Color =
match x with
| Spaghetti -> Color.AntiqueWhite
| Tomatoes -> Color.Red
| MincedBeef -> Color.Firebrick
| GrandmasSecretIngredient -> Color.Transparent
let foo = Tomatoes
printfn "%A" foo.Color
> Color [Red]
my suggestion:
module Recipes =
type BologneseIngredients = | Spaghetti
| Tomatoes
| MincedBeef
| GrandmasSecretIngredient
let length (ind : BologneseIngredients) : float<cm> option =
match ind with
| Sphaghetti -> Some 30.0<cm>
| _ -> None
// .. or a bit more "metadata"ish
type Metadata =
| Length of float<cm>
| Color of System.Drawing.Color
let metadata =
| Sphaghetti -> [ Length 30.0<cm ]
| Tomatoes -> [ Color System.Drawing.Color.Red ]
| ...
let metaLength meta =
meta |> List.tryPick (function | Length l -> Some l | _ -> None)
let getLength = metadata >> metaLength

Conversion between types in discriminated unions

I have a function, which can returns different types, and I use discriminated union for this. What I need, is to have conversion from one type in discriminated union to another type.
Also some of the types can be convertable to all other types (String), but some of the types can be converted only to String (MyCustomType)
For this I've added member method ConvertTo to the ResultType:
type MyTypes =
| Boolean = 1
| Integer = 2
| Decimal = 3
| Double = 4
| String = 5
| MyCustomType = 6
type ResultType =
| Boolean of bool
| Integer of int
| Decimal of decimal
| Double of double
| String of string
| MyCustomType of MyCustomType
member this.ConvertTo(newType: MyTypes) =
match this with
| ResultType.Boolean(value) ->
match newType with
| MyTypes.Boolean ->
| MyTypes.Integer ->
ResultType.Integer(if value then 1 else 0)
| ResultType.MyCustomType(value) ->
match newType with
| MyTypes.MyCustomType ->
| MyTypes.String ->
| _ ->
failwithf "Conversion from MyCustomType to %s is not supported" (newType.ToString())
I don't like such construction, because if I add more types, this requires me to do many changes: MyTypes, ResultType and also in several places in the ConvertTo member function.
Can anybody suggest better solution for such types conversion?
Thanks in advance
With a slightly different design, it is possible to exploit System.Convert.ChangeType and the fact that the constructors of discriminated unions are actually functions:
// statically typed wrapper for System.Convert.ChangeType
let conv a : 'T = System.Convert.ChangeType(a, typeof<'T>) :?> 'T
type MyCustomType() = class end
type ResultType =
| Boolean of bool
| Integer of int
| Decimal of decimal
| Double of double
| String of string
| MyCustomType of MyCustomType
member this.ConvertTo (newType:'T->ResultType) =
match this with
| Boolean b -> newType( conv b )
| Integer i -> newType( conv i )
| Decimal d -> newType( conv d )
| Double d -> newType( conv d )
| String s -> newType( conv s )
| MyCustomType m ->
if typeof<'T> <> typeof<string> then
raise (new System.InvalidCastException("MyCustomType can only be converted to String"))
String (m.ToString())
let i = Integer 42
let b = i.ConvertTo Boolean
printfn "%A" b
let d = i.ConvertTo Decimal
printfn "%A" d
let d2 = i.ConvertTo Double
printfn "%A" d2
let s = i.ConvertTo String
printfn "%A" s
//let mi = i.ConvertTo MyCustomType // throws InvalidCastException
let m = MyCustomType (new MyCustomType())
let sm = m.ConvertTo String
printfn "%A" sm
//let im = m.ConvertTo Integer // throws InvalidCastException
EDIT: Once you add more custom types, this will not help much.
Maybe you should make your custom types implement IConvertible. Then you can remove the special case code from ConvertTo and completely rely on System.Convert.ChangeType.
You would still have to extend every custom type's ToObject implementation whenever you add a new custom type. Whether that really is better than a central ConvertTofunction is debatable.
Why are you wanting to do type conversion to begin with? Discriminated Unions are a good way of hiding type information until you need it and abstract complexity away. Generally you have a match statement in a function that consumes this type and then you only cast if you need to.
If you're trying to make some type of parser or language engine then you have no choice but to define all the cast or at least their error states. If you wouldn't mind elaborating on why / what you would use this for, maybe I could suggest another approach.
An aside: F# and .NET in general doesn't support overloading of return types.
