XGrabPointer poll till next event or pipe - pthreads

I was trying to write a mouse event listener. This was my approach, can you please tell me if this will work before I start writing it. I'm writing it in ctypes, so if I ctype it all (couple days) then find out it doesnt work its a loss of time.
My goal is, that I should be able to cancel the poll via a pipe. This was my approach:
In another thread call XThreadsInit
Open XDisplay display
XGrabPointer to display
get file descriptor ConnectionNumber(display)
connect to pipe that was made on main thread
Do a pselect with no timeout timeout is set to null on pipe and fd from 4
Is this right approach?

If you are using threads you are sharing variables between threads. It would be much simpler to use a global variable that is set when the poll must be aborted, then in your watch thread create a tight loop that checks for that variable and use a short timeout in pselect(). This may introduce a short delay but if you keep the timeout short (say, 100 ms) it would be hardly noticable and still efficient.


Session Windows behave with Kafka Stream is not as expected

I am a bit newbie working with kafka stream but what I have noticed is a behave I am not expecting. I have developed an app which is consuming from 6 topics. My goal is to group (or join) an event on every topic by an internal field. That is working fine. But my issue is with window time, it looks like the end time of every cycle affect to all the aggregations are taking on that time. Is only one timer for all aggregation are taking at the same time ?. I was expecting that just when the stream get the 30 seconds configured get out of the aggregation process. I think it is possible because I have seen data on Windowed windowedRegion variable and the windowedRegion.window().start() and windowedRegion.window().end() values are different per every stream.
This is my code:
.stream(topicList, Consumed.with(Serdes.String(), Serdes.String()))
.groupBy(new MyGroupByKeyValueMapper(), Serialized.with(Serdes.String(), Serdes.String()))
new MyInitializer(),
new MyAggregator(),
new MyMerger(),
Materialized.with(new Serdes.StringSerde(), new PaymentListSerde())
new MyMapper()
.toStream(new MyKeyValueMapper())
.to(consolidationTopic,Produced.with(Serdes.String(), Serdes.String()));
I'm not sure if this is what you're asking but every aggregation (every per-key session window) may indeed be updated multiple times. You will not generally get just one message per window with the final result for that session window on your "consolidation" topic. This is explained in more detail here:

How to make sure fluentd BufferedOutput write(chunk) process events exactly once

In a BufferedOutput plugin,
if write(chunk) throws exception or the fluentd process dies when it is processing the chunk, according to the docs it says the chunk will still stay in the queue but does that mean the events/records processed before the crash will be processed again after fluentd restarts?
If that is the case, write(chunk) has to be atomic for "exactly once processing". Then, is the method written here in the filterstream-method section good for the purpose? i.e. Are the events in the MultiEventStream being processed atomically?
write(chunk) may be retried sometimes if any errors occurs in that method. So that method should be written as idempotent.
I cannot understand what you're doing. Each methods are designed for these purposes:
filter_stream in Filter: select/reject events, or enrich/shave fields of records (once per each event, not retried)
format in Output: format events to string/binary, then it will be written into chunks (once per each event, not retried)
write in Output: read data from chunk and write/send it to destination (at least once per chunks, retried for errors)

GetModuleFileNameEx of Thread ID?

I am trying to get the file path of a thread id.
I was hoping that this will work..but it doesn't
NtOpenThread(#hProc, THREAD_ALL_ACCESS, #ObjAttr, #ClientID) ;
pBuf := AllocMem(MAX_PATH);
GetModuleFileNameEx(hProc, 0, pBuf, MAX_PATH);
Any idea how it is done ?
GetModuleFileNameEx requires a process handle, not a thread handle, which explains why your code doesn't work. There are two main ways to get a process handle. The first is from CreateProcess, but that's no good unless you're the one starting the process, and if you're doing that, you don't need GetModuleFileNameEx in the first place.
The second way to get a process handle is from OpenProcess. That requires a process ID. You can get a thread's process ID with GetProcessIdOfThread, which takes a thread handle. You already know how to get a thread handle from a thread ID with NtOpenThread, although the usual function is plain old OpenThread.
If your Windows version doesn't support GetProcessIdOfThread, you can go another route with Thread32First and Thread32Next. Call CreateToolhelp32Snapshot, and then walk the thread list. Look for an entry where th32ThreadID equals the thread ID you're interested in. When you find it, th32OwnerProcessID will hold the corresponding process ID. Call OpenProcess and proceed as above.
Also note that you should not have to request ALL_ACCESS permissions when opening threads or processes, and attempting to do so may cause your program to fail. Request only the minimum permissions you need to accomplish your task. Requesting all access is the lazy way when you don't know what you need, but it will only work when your program already has administrative privileges. Instead, spend the time to figure out what permissions you really need.

How do you make a combo of two emotes in lua in World of Warcraft work?

How do you make a combo of two emotes in lua in World of Warcraft work?
function Button2_OnClick()
I am using Wow Addon Studio to make a fart application on Wow.
I used this function, and only the sit motion showed, and beckon and moon only showed on the chat window. The dance emote didn't show up anywhere.
Blizzard has explicitly prohibited anything that can be used to make lua wait or pause because it is an essential ingredient to making a gold mining or grinding bot.
There isn't a native (i.e. lua only) way to have lua wait without using all the CPU. Outside of the WOW client, you'd use win.sleep or some other 3rd party API call that calls into the host application or operating systems threading functions.
It may be possible to simulate a wait by having code execute on a frequent event (such as text arriving at the chat window) and then in the event handler checking to see if enough time has passed to permit executing the next command in the sequence. This probably wouldn't be a very accurate timer and it would be rather complex as you'd have to create a data structure to hold the sequence of commands, the timings between each, the current command, etc. and so on.
This may be an intentional limitation of the API to prevent in game automation (botting).
What has worked for me is to have a global variable that is incremented through the loop. Such as
Integer count = 0;
function Button2_OnClick()
What you would have to do then is to click the button multiple times, but you would get the effect you're going for.
I would suggest you wait some time before doing the next emote. As far as I know, the server disconnects you if you spam too much. This might just trigger it sometimes.
Besides that, I guess maybe the client has a way of preventing it? In either case, I would suggest you add some sort of fraction-of-a-second delay between the emotes.
Amit Ron
Could it be that the last two can't be done while sitting?
infact, integer i = 0, because defining integer 'count' and then using i is incorrect. :)

RxSwift: Receive events immediately, unless the last event was processed within a certain interval

New to RxSwift / Reactivex. Basically what I'm trying to do is to make a server call whenever something happens, but make sure it's not done more often than every 10 seconds. Less often if possible.
For instance, whenever an event ("needs update") is generated I'd like to call the server immediately if more than 10 seconds have passed since my last call. If less time has passed I'd like to make the call on the 10 second mark from the last one. It doesn't matter how many events have been generated within these 10 seconds.
I looked at the description of throttle but it appears to starve if events happen very quickly, which isn't desirable.
How can I achieve this?
There's a proposed new operator for RxSwiftExt that would give you something you're looking for, I think. However, it doesn't exist yet. You might want to keep an eye on it, though.
