How to use AnyClass in Swift Generic class - ios

I need to pass a type in my generic base class.
class SomeBaseClass<T: AnyClass> {
// Implementation Goes here
I get the following error:
Inheritance from non-protocol, non-class type 'AnyClass' (aka
Ideally I would like to use 'T' to be as a specific type rather than AnyClass, but AnyClass is OK as well.

You should use AnyObject if you want the type to be a class.
class SomeBaseClass<T: AnyObject> {
// Implementation Goes here
// Legal because UIViewController is a class
let o1 = SomeBaseClass<UIViewController>()
// Illegal (won't compile) because String is a struct
let o2 = SomeBaseClass<String>()

Instead of specifying T needs to be a class, you could instead do:
class SomeBaseClass<T> {
let type: T.Type
init(type: T.Type) {
self.type = type
If you're planning to be using T.Type a lot it may be worth using a typealias:
class SomeBaseClass<T> {
typealias Type = T.Type
let type: Type
Some example usage:
let base = SomeBaseClass(type: String.self)
And advantage of this method is T.Type could represent structs and enums, as well as classes.

You can do this trick:
protocol P {}
class C: P {}
class C1<T: P> {}
let c1 = C1<C>()
In this case you wrap you class C with protocol P, then you able to create new generic class C1 where T is your protocol P. That's allow you to create instance of C1 class with generic parameter class C.


Meaning of .type in Swift [duplicate]

What's the difference between metatype .Type and .self in Swift?
Do .self and .Type return a struct?
I understand that .self can be used to check with dynamicType. How do you use .Type?
Here is a quick example:
func printType<T>(of type: T.Type) {
// or you could do "\(T.self)" directly and
// replace `type` parameter with an underscore
printType(of: Int.self) // this should print Swift.Int
func printInstanceDescription<T>(of instance: T) {
printInstanceDescription(of: 42) // this should print 42
Let's say that each entity is represented by two things:
Type: # entitiy name #
Metatype: # entity name # .Type
A metatype type refers to the type of any type, including class types, structure types, enumeration types, and protocol types.
You can quickly notice that this is recursive and there can by types like (((T.Type).Type).Type) and so on.
.Type returns an instance of a metatype.
There are two ways we can get an instance of a metatype:
Call .self on a concrete type like Int.self which will create a
static metatype instance Int.Type.
Get the dynamic metatype instance from any instance through
type(of: someInstance).
Dangerous area:
struct S {}
protocol P {}
print("\(type(of: S.self))") // S.Type
print("\(type(of: S.Type.self))") // S.Type.Type
print("\(type(of: P.self))") // P.Protocol
print("\(type(of: P.Type.self))") // P.Type.Protocol
.Protocol is yet another metatype which only exisits in context of protocols. That said, there is no way how we can express that we want only P.Type. This prevents all generic algorithms to work with protocol metatypes and can lead to runtime crashes.
For more curious people:
The type(of:) function is actually handled by the compiler because of the inconsistency .Protocol creates.
// This implementation is never used, since calls to `Swift.type(of:)` are
// resolved as a special case by the type checker.
public func type<T, Metatype>(of value: T) -> Metatype { ... }
First and foremost see Apple docs on type(of:)
The functions signature is interesting:
func type<T, Metatype>(of value: T) -> Metatype
Where is it used?
If you are writing/creating a function that accepts a type e.g. UIView.Type, not an instance e.g. UIView()then to you would write T.Type as the type of the parameter. What it expects as a parameter can be: String.self, CustomTableView.self, someOtherClass.self.
But why would a function ever need a type?
Normally a function which requires a type, is a function that instantiates objects for you. I can think of a few examples:
register function from tableview
tableView.register(CustomTableViewCell.self, forCellReuseIdentifier: "CustomTableViewCell")
Notice that you passed CustomTableViewCell.self. If later on you try to dequeue a tableView of type CustomTableViewCell but didn't register CustomTableViewCell type then it would crash because the tableView hasn't dequeued/instantiated any tableviewcells of CustomTableViewCell type.
decode function from JSONDecoder. Example is from the link
struct GroceryProduct: Codable {
var name: String
var points: Int
var description: String?
let json = """
"name": "Durian",
"points": 600,
"description": "A fruit with a distinctive scent."
""".data(using: .utf8)!
let decoder = JSONDecoder()
let product = try decoder.decode(GroceryProduct.self, from: json)
Notice try decoder.decode(GroceryProduct.self, from: json). Because you passed GroceryProduct.self it knows that it needs to instantiate an object of type GroceryProduct. If it can't then it would throw an error. For more on JSONDecoder see this well written answer
Trying to find a value of a certain class type. Example trying to find a viewController of a certain type among all viewcontrollers of a navigationController:
func popBackTo<T>(type: T.Type, in nav: UINavigationController? = nil, completion: ((T?) -> Void)? = nil) {
let nav = window?.rootViewController as? UINavigationController
guard let nav = nav, let destinationVC = nav.viewControllers.first(where: { $0 is T }) else {
nav.popToViewController(destinationVC, animated: true)
# Example call site:
As an alternate workaround for where types are needed see the following question: Swift can't infer generic type when generic type is being passed through a parameter. The accepted answer offers an intersting alternative.
More about the internals and how it works:
The metatype of a class, structure, or enumeration type is the name of
that type followed by .Type. The metatype of a protocol type—not the
concrete type that conforms to the protocol at runtime—is the name of
that protocol followed by .Protocol. For example, the metatype of the
class type SomeClass is SomeClass.Type and the metatype of the
protocol SomeProtocol is SomeProtocol.Protocol.
From Apple : metaType Type
Under the hood AnyClass is
typealias AnyClass = AnyObject.Type // which is why you see T.Type
Basically where ever you see AnyClass, Any.Type, AnyObject.Type, its because it's in need of a type. A very very common place we see it is when we want to register a class for our tableView using register func.
func register(_ cellClass: Swift.AnyClass?, forCellReuseIdentifier identifier: String)
If you are confused as to what does 'Swift.' do then above, then see the comments from here
The above could have also been written as:
func register(_ cellClass: AnyObject.Type, forCellReuseIdentifier identifier: String)
You can use the postfix self expression to access a type as a value.
For example, SomeClass.self returns SomeClass itself, not an instance
of SomeClass. And SomeProtocol.self returns SomeProtocol itself, not
an instance of a type that conforms to SomeProtocol at runtime. You
can use a type(of:) expression with an instance of a type to access
that instance’s dynamic, runtime type as a value, as the following
example shows:
From Apple : metaType Type
Playground code:
Easy example
struct Something {
var x = 5
let a = Something()
type(of:a) == Something.self // true
Hard example
class BaseClass {
class func printClassName() {
class SubClass: BaseClass {
override class func printClassName() {
let someInstance: BaseClass = SubClass()
/* | |
compileTime Runtime
| |
To extract, use: .self type(of)
Check the runtime type of someInstance use `type(of:)`: */
print(type(of: someInstance) == SubClass.self) // True
print(type(of: someInstance) == BaseClass.self) // False
/* Check the compile time type of someInstance use `is`: */
print(someInstance is SubClass) // True
print(someInstance is BaseClass) // True
I highly recommend to read Apple documentation on Types. Also see here
They appear in different places syntactically.
In a place syntactically where you have to specify a type, Something.Type is a valid type, corresponding to the type that is the metatype (which is metaclass for classes) of Something. Something.self is not a valid syntax for a type.
In a place syntactically where you have to write an expression, Something.self is a valid expression. It's an expression of type Something.Type, and the value is the thing ("class object" in the case of classes) that represents the type Something. Something.Type is not a valid expression syntax.
This was one of those topics that confused the hell out of me today.
I was writing a generic function:
func foo<T: Protocol>(ofType: T.Type) {
And tried calling it as follows:
foo(ofType: ClassImplementingProtocol.Type) // Compiler error
Spent about 30 min researching why it wasn't working. Then I tried this:
foo(ofType: ClassImplementingProtocol.self) // Works
Turns out Xcode's code completion is very bad at showing the difference between meta types and types... From the code completion pop-up it looks like .self and .Type are the same thing:
But the "explain like im 5" of it is, when you have a method parameter of Class.Type, it is expecting an instance of Class.Type.
Class.self returns an instance of Class.Type, whereas Class.Type is referring to Class.Type...
Very unclear if you ask me.
Metatype .Type
Metatype is a type which allows you to access to parts of Class and Struct[About] type(not instance) like initializers class and static[About] properties and methods
let var1: String = HelloWorld
let var2: String.Type = HelloWorld.self
Some experiments:
class SomeClass {
required init() { }
class func foo1() { }
static func foo2() { }
func foo3() { }
class SomeSubClass: SomeClass { }
let a1: SomeClass = SomeClass()
let a2: SomeClass = a1
let a3: SomeClass = a1.self
SomeClass.self.foo1() //class func
SomeClass.foo1() //class func
//static. metatype by type(class name) <class_name/structure_name>.self
let c1: SomeClass.Type = SomeClass.self
//dynamic. metatype by instance
let c2: SomeClass.Type = type(of: a1)
//access to type's init, class, static throught Metatype
let d1: SomeClass = c1.self.init()
let d2: SomeClass = c1.init()
c1.foo1() //class func
c1.foo2() //static func
// c1.foo3() //instance func. Instance member 'foo3' cannot be used on type 'SomeClass'
// c1.foo3(SomeClass()) //Expression resolves to an unused function
// <class_name>.Type allows to save class and sunclass
var e1: SomeClass.Type = SomeClass.self //class
e1 = SomeSubClass.self //sub class
//Any.Type allows to save class and struct
var e2: Any.Type = SomeClass.self //class
e2 = String.self //struct
//AnyObject.Type allows to save only class
var e3: AnyObject.Type = SomeClass.self //class
e3 = NSString.self //class
get String
let typeString = "\(SomeType.Type)"
func register<T>(instance: T) {
instanceString = String(describing: type(of: instance))

RealmSwift Cannot cast Results<SomeOjbect> to Results<Object>

RealmSwift version: latest master branch
So I have a Realm Object like:
import RealmSwift
class SomeObject: Object
#objc dynamic var datetime = ""
#objc dynamic var city = 0
convenience init(city: Int, datetime: String)
self.init() = city
self.datetime = datetime
There is a func call like
static func createlineData(from results: Results<Object>?) -> LineChartData
Now I fetch some results and pass to createLineData:
let realm = try! Realm()
let results = realm.objects(SomeObject.self).filter("city = \(city.rawValue)")
let lineData = createlineData(from: results as? Results<Object>)
compiler warns me that the type cast will always fail:
Cast from Results<"SomeObject"> to unrelated type Results<"Object"> always fails
I am confused since SomeObject is just a subclass. How can I fix it? Thanks in advance.
What I want to do is that, the param of
static func createlineData(from results: Results<Object>?) -> LineChartData
can never be changed, so I need to make a query to filt based on city which is enum, pass them into createlineData(from results: Results<Object>?), and access other properties like datetime later in createlineData, from Results<Object>
In Swift, each generic class represents its own type and even if you have a generic class where the generic type parameter is a subclass of your other generic class having the superclass as its generic parameter, the two generic classes won't be related through inheritance.
This is why you cannot cast Results<SomeObject> to Results<Object> even though SomeObject is a subclass of Object.
Here's a simple example representing the same issue with a generic class:
class A{}
class B:A{}
class GenericClass<T> {
let val:T
init(val:T) {
self.val = val
let genericA = GenericClass<A>(val: A())
let genericB = GenericClass<B>(val: B())
let upcasted = genericB as? GenericClass<A> //warning: Cast from 'GenericClass<B>' to unrelated type 'GenericClass<A>' always fails
Moreover, the Results type in Realm is a homogenous collection type, so you cannot store different subclasses of Object in the same Results object, so casting to Results<Object> wouldn't make sense anyways. If you need to store objects from different Realm model classes in the same collection, you will need to sacrifice the self-updating nature of Results and stick with storing your objects in an Array for instance.

Cannot convert value of generic type to expected argument of associated type

Say I have a protocol:
protocol Foo:Hashable, Comparable {}
And a struct that has this guy as a generic:
struct UsingFoo<T:Foo> {}
So far so good. Say I want to use Foo on a second protocol:
protocol Bar {
associatedtype FooType:Foo
func doSomething(with:UsingFoo<FooType>)
And use Bar on a class:
class UsingBar<F:Foo>:Bar {
typealias FooType = F
func doSomething(with: UsingFoo<F>) {}
Now say I want to bring these guys to a party:
class FooBarParty<F:Foo, B:Bar>: NSObject {
var b:B
init(b:B) {
self.b = b
// interestingly, this line below won't compile
// self.b = UsingBar<F>.init()
func thisWillCompile () {
UsingBar<F>.init().doSomething(with: UsingFoo<F>.init())
func thisWontCompile() {
b.doSomething(with: UsingFoo<F>.init())
func thisAlsoWont (anotherB:B) {
anotherB.doSomething(with: UsingFoo<F>.init())
The compiler says:
Cannot convert value of type 'UsingFoo<F>' to expected argument type 'UsingFoo<_>'
The question is: How can I ever use a property of type Bar? As always, any comment very appreciated
EDIT: Thanks to the accepted answer I figured out I should have specified FooType. It would look like this:
class FooBarParty<F:Foo, B:Bar> where B.FooType == F { ... }
So the question here basically is:
Why can't I use an instance of B to call doSomething(UsingFoo<F>()), but I can with an instance of UsingBar<F>
The problem lies in your associated type - FooType.
The doSomething method says that it only accepts arguments of type UsingFoo<FooType>. We know that in UsingBar<F>, FooType is F. So UsingBar<F>().doSomething requires a UsingFoo<F>. And in thisWillCompile, you give it a UsingFoo<F>! It works!
Now you get another random instance of B and call doSomething. What argument does it need? UsingFoo<FooType>, you might say. Well, what is FooType here? We don't know! It can be F, or String if we add this extension right here:
extension String: Foo { }
FooType can be anything that implements Foo. It doesn't need to be F. But you're passing it a UsingFoo<F>. That's why it does not work!
As you said, this line does not work either:
self.b = UsingBar<F>.init()
You need to be aware that B is not Bar. It can be any type that implements Bar, not necessarily UsingBar<F>. What you're doing is essentially:
class A {}
class B: A {}
class C: A {}
let obj: B = C()
That's why that does not compile.

How to put different values and keys into a dictionary [duplicate]

I want to create a Dictionary that does not limit the key type (like NSDictionary)
So I tried
var dict = Dictionary<Any, Int>()
var dict = Dictionary<AnyObject, Int>()
error: type 'Any' does not conform to protocol 'Hashable'
var dict = Dictionary<Any, Int>()
<REPL>:5:12: error: cannot convert the expression's type '<<error type>>' to type '$T1'
var dict = Dictionary<Any, Int>()
OK, I will use Hashable
var dict = Dictionary<Hashable, Int>()
error: type 'Hashable' does not conform to protocol 'Equatable'
var dict = Dictionary<Hashable, Int>()
Swift.Equatable:2:8: note: '==' requirement refers to 'Self' type
func ==(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool
Swift.Hashable:1:10: note: type 'Hashable' does not conform to inherited protocol 'Equatable.Protocol'
protocol Hashable : Equatable
<REPL>:5:12: error: cannot convert the expression's type '<<error type>>' to type '$T1'
var dict = Dictionary<Hashable, Int>()
So Hashable inherited from Equatable but it does not conform to Equatable??? I don't understand...
Anyway, keep trying
typealias KeyType = protocol<Hashable, Equatable> // KeyType is both Hashable and Equatable
var dict = Dictionary<KeyType, Int>() // now you happy?
with no luck
error: type 'KeyType' does not conform to protocol 'Equatable'
var dict = Dictionary<KeyType, Int>()
Swift.Equatable:2:8: note: '==' requirement refers to 'Self' type
func ==(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool
Swift.Hashable:1:10: note: type 'KeyType' does not conform to inherited protocol 'Equatable.Protocol'
protocol Hashable : Equatable
<REPL>:6:12: error: cannot convert the expression's type '<<error type>>' to type '$T1'
var dict = Dictionary<KeyType, Int>()
I am so lost now, how can I make compiler happy with my code?
I want to use the dictionary like
var dict = Dictionary<Any, Int>()
dict[1] = 2
dict["key"] = 3
dict[SomeEnum.SomeValue] = 4
I know I can use Dictionary<NSObject, Int>, but it is not really what I want.
Swift 3 update
You can now use AnyHashable which is a type-erased hashable value, created exactly for scenarios like this:
var dict = Dictionary<AnyHashable, Int>()
I believe that, as of Swift 1.2, you can use an ObjectIdentifier struct for this. It implements Hashable (and hence Equatable) as well as Comparable. You can use it to wrap any class instance. I'm guessing the implementation uses the wrapped object's underlying address for the hashValue, as well as within the == operator.
I took the liberty of cross-posting / linking to this question on a separate post on the Apple Dev forums and this question is answered here.
This answer from the above link works in 6.1 and greater:
struct AnyKey: Hashable {
private let underlying: Any
private let hashValueFunc: () -> Int
private let equalityFunc: (Any) -> Bool
init<T: Hashable>(_ key: T) {
underlying = key
// Capture the key's hashability and equatability using closures.
// The Key shares the hash of the underlying value.
hashValueFunc = { key.hashValue }
// The Key is equal to a Key of the same underlying type,
// whose underlying value is "==" to ours.
equalityFunc = {
if let other = $0 as? T {
return key == other
return false
var hashValue: Int { return hashValueFunc() }
func ==(x: AnyKey, y: AnyKey) -> Bool {
return x.equalityFunc(y.underlying)
Dictionary is struct Dictionary<Key : Hashable, Value>...
Which means that Value could be anything you want, and Key could be any type you want, but Key must conform to Hashable protocol.
You can't create Dictionary<Any, Int>() or Dictionary<AnyObject, Int>(), because Any and AnyObject can't guarantee that such a Key conforms Hashable
You can't create Dictionary<Hashable, Int>(), because Hashable is not a type it is just protocol which is describing needed type.
So Hashable inherited from Equatable but it does not conform to
Equatable??? I don't understand...
But you are wrong in terminology. Original error is
type 'Hashable' does not conform to inherited protocol 'Equatable.Protocol'
That means that Xcode assuming 'Hashable' as some type, but there is no such type. And Xcode treat it as some kind empty type, which obviously does not conform any protocol at all (in this case it does not conform to inherited protocol Equatable)
Something similar happens with KeyType.
A type alias declaration introduces a named alias of an existing type into your program.
You see existing type. protocol<Hashable, Equatable> is not a type it is protocol so Xcode again tells you that type 'KeyType' does not conform to protocol 'Equatable'
You can use Dictionary<NSObject, Int> just, because NSObject conforms Hashable protocol.
Swift is strong typing language and you can't do some things like creating Dictionary that can hold anything in Key. Actually dictionary already supports any can hold anything in Key, which conforms Hashable. But since you should specify particular class you can't do this for native Swift classes, because there is no such master class in Swift like in Objective-C, which conforms air could conform (with a help of extensions) to Hashable
Of course you can use some wrapper like chrisco suggested. But I really can't imagine why you need it. It is great that you have strong typing in Swift so you don't need to worry about types casting as you did in Objective-C
Hashable is just a protocol so you can't specify it directly as a type for the Key value. What you really need is a way of expressing "any type T, such that T implements Hashable. This is handled by type constraints in Swift:
func makeDict<T: Hashable>(arr: T[]) {
let x = Dictionary<T, Int>()
This code compiles.
AFAIK, you can only use type constraints on generic functions and classes.
This doesn't exactly answer the question, but has helped me.
The general answer would be implement Hashable for all your types, however that can be hard for Protocols because Hashable extends Equatable and Equatable uses Self which imposes severe limitations on what a protocol can be used for.
Instead implement Printable and then do:
var dict = [String: Int]
dict[key.description] = 3
The implementation of description has to be something like:
var description : String {
return "<TypeName>[\(<Field1>), \(<Field2>), ...]"
Not a perfect answer, but the best I have so far :(
This does not answer the OP's question, but is somewhat related, and may hopefully be of use for some situations. Suppose that what you really want to do is this:
public var classTypeToClassNumber = [Any.Type : Int]()
But Swift is telling you "Type 'Any.Type' does not conform to protocol Hashable".
Most of the above answers are about using object instances as a dictionary key, not using the type of the object. (Which is fair enough, that's what the OP was asking about.) It was the answer by Howard Lovatt that led me to a usable solution.
public class ClassNumberVsClassType {
public var classTypeToClassNumber = [String : Int]()
public init() {
classTypeToClassNumber[String(describing: ClassWithStringKey.self)] = 367622
classTypeToClassNumber[String(describing: ClassBasedOnKeyedItemList3.self)] = 367629
classTypeToClassNumber[String(describing: ClassBasedOnKeyedItemList2.self)] = 367626
classTypeToClassNumber[String(describing: ClassWithGuidKey.self)] = 367623
classTypeToClassNumber[String(describing: SimpleStruct.self)] = 367619
classTypeToClassNumber[String(describing: TestData.self)] = 367627
classTypeToClassNumber[String(describing: ETestEnum.self)] = 367617
classTypeToClassNumber[String(describing: ClassBasedOnKeyedItemList0.self)] = 367624
classTypeToClassNumber[String(describing: ClassBasedOnKeyedItemList1.self)] = 367625
classTypeToClassNumber[String(describing: SimpleClass.self)] = 367620
classTypeToClassNumber[String(describing: DerivedClass.self)] = 367621
public func findClassNumber(_ theType : Any.Type) -> Int {
var s = String(describing: theType)
if s.hasSuffix(".Type") {
s = s.substring(to: s.index(s.endIndex, offsetBy: -5)) // Remove ".Type"
let classNumber = _classTypeToClassNumber[s]
return classNumber != nil ? classNumber! : -1
If the classes involved are defined in different modules, and may have conflicting class names if you neglect the module name, then substitute "String(reflecting:" for "String(describing:", both when building up the dictionary and when doing the lookup.
You can use the class name as a Hashable, e.g.:
var dict = [String: Int]
dict[object_getClassName("key")] = 3
See How do I print the type or class of a variable in Swift? for how you might get the class name.

Calling an initializer having only the class name in Swift

I wanted to know if there was a way to call an initializer by only having the class name in Swift.
class Shape {
let name: String
var numberOfSides: Int?
init(name: String) { = name
Pseudo code:
let shapeClass = stringToClass("Shape")
let shape: Shape = shapeClass(name: "Something")
More than just trying to call a class function, you are trying to call an initializer dynamically. To be able to call an initializer dynamically on a class that you get at runtime, the compile-time type of that class value must be a metatype of a class that has that initializer; but since initializers are not always inherited in Swift, that initializer must be declared required.
Here we use NSClassFromString to get a class from a string. (I am declaring the classes as #objc with an explicit name, because otherwise Swift class names are mangled from the perspective of Objective-C and it's would be a pain to deal with.) However, it returns AnyClass (i.e. AnyObject.Type), which is a metatype whose values are any class. We want it to be restricted to classes that inherit from Shape, so we can use Shape's initializer, so we cast it to Shape.Type (the metatype whose values are classes that descend from Shape, inclusive).
I also demonstrate that it is polymorphic as it works with the name of a subclass by simply changing the name.
import Foundation
class Shape {
let name: String
var type: String
required init(name: String) { = name
self.type = "Shape"
class SubShape : Shape {
required init(name: String) {
super.init(name: name)
self.type = "SubShape"
let shapeClass = NSClassFromString("SubShape") as Shape.Type
let shape: Shape = shapeClass(name: "Something")
println(shape.type) // prints "SubShape"
