iOs Simulator running slow - ios

Guys I really need your help. I was so concentrated running my game on iphone 5s device and I didn't realize that iphone 6 is running a little slower than the 5s and the 6 plus worst. What can I do for it?

This is a very common bug with the simulator a way I get around it is.
IOS Simulator: Window > Scale > 50% - it makes the simulator look like an actual device and it fits your screen perfectly.
Then I just leave the simulator open at all times rather then closing after I'm done testing my apps. This saves Xcode having to load all the simulators files and directories each time you run your app.
Hope this helps, cheers.

Did you try cleaning? Sometimes applications have problems.
iOS Simulator:
iOS Simulator Menu > Reset Content and Settings..
Product > Clean


iOS Simulator takes extremely long time to boot first time

I'm trying to run an iOS simulator (Xcode 7.0.1, OS X Yosemite). However, the first time I run the simulator, it takes a very long time to boot up (80-120 seconds), which is causing my automation testing to time out. If I close the simulator and re-launch the same one, it will boot up in about 5-8 seconds. Launching a different device will cause the long boot up time again.
I have tried resetting the content and settings of the simulator, deleting and re-downloading simulators, and uninstalling and reinstalling Xcode.
This machine is a Parallels Desktop VM running on a 2012 Mac Mini. While I do not believe this to be a resource issue (the simulator runs just fine with the second launch), I have tried increasing ram and video memory to the VM with no success.
Had the same issue after updating to Xcode 7 on my iMac (late 2013). And yesterday I've succeeded to resolve it by doing 2 steps (unfortunately, I don't know which did really help):
I had Xcode 6 installed side by side with Xcode 7. So I've deleted Xcode 6 instance.
Open Xcode 7, go to Window -> Devices and delete all listed iOS simulators you have there. Close & re-start Xcode. Go to Window -> Devices again and add only simulators you need (in my case I've added iPhone 6 iOS 8, iPhone 6s iOS 9, iPad Air 2 iOS 9). You can add more simulators later on as you need them. Also, not sure if this is critical, I've selected no paired watchOS device for simulators I've added.
After completing these steps, my simulator cold start was significantly imporoved - it takes now like 30-40seconds max for a cold start. Before that it was 3-4minutes and first debugger attach attempt always failed.
Hope, this will be helpful for somebody.
My solution so far has been to pre-boot the Simulator prior to needing it for automation. I consider this somewhat hackish, but it does get the job done.
xcrun instruments -w "Simulator Name Here"
sleep 120
This will launch the simulator, then sleep for a couple minutes before proceeding on to whatever else you need the simulator for.
At first boot, the sim device will go through initial setup just like a real device. Taking 2 minutes is quite a long time on modern systems but not that unheard of, especially if you're not on an SSD. I suggest you watch the sim device's system.log to see what tasks are occurring during the boot process and keep an eye out for any errors that might indicate what is going wrong.
I tried to run the iPhone6S simulator on my Macbook Air, and it just hung at the game center login screen. It hung for 10 minutes. I had 50% scale on the simulator window. Then I tried to reduce the scale even more, and immediately it passed the GC login screen.
My guess is that my little Air has don't have time to do anything else but updating the simulator screen at high scales, and when I reduced the scale it had time to bother with the game center login functionality. My simulator widow is the size of a stamp now. :)
Puh. I've had this simulator problem for weeks...

iOS simulator scaled bug

Today morning I build and run my xcode project. When simulator launched I saw this:
The screen is scaled, I see only 1/4 part, other 3/4 parts are hidden.
Did anybody faced with same problem? The issue happens in xCode6, Xcode5, also in AppCode.
I tried to Clean project, switched to iPhone5 screen, iPad, the same problem.
Also, this happens with my other iOS projects.
Finally, I got the reason why this bug appears at work and not at home :)
Because at work I don't have external display (monitor), but at home (DELL, non-retina off course)
If you want this bug not to appear, just connect your macbook to external non-retina monitor. Then you may work fine, run simulator in macbook retina display, also in external monitor display, while Apple hard works to fix this bug in OS X.
Here is the video proof:
Within the iPhone/iPad simulator, go to the top-menu and select "iOS Simulator" -> "Reset Content and Settings..."

different performances on real devices

I am developing an iOS application on iPad Air (iOS 7.1) in xcode5. Everything goes well. However, when I deploy it on other devices (like iPad mini, iPad Retina, with the same iOS 7.1), the performance seems to be slower. Even, touching a button, the effect happens slower quite clearly.
Do you know why? and how to fix it? Thanks.
You can use the tool Instruments to anaylze the performance of your app, check out this tutorial:
To launch Instruments, click and hold the "play"-button in Xcode and choose Profile.

IOS-Simulator in Xcode does not show iPhone -like but regular window

It used to work properly, with 100% as well as 50%. Then I did not use the simulator for some time but only the console, having moved the simulator almost out of site. Now I need it but realize that instead of an iPhone surface just a regular window is shown, like in this thread:
XCode iPhone simulator does not look like an iPhone
I read lots of proposal I found on the web to this problem and followed the advices.
So I changed the size to 100%, tried different iPhone devices. And finally I deleted the Xcode application from the application folder and removed all remaining items by putting in the order
sudo /Library/uninstall-devtools --mode=all
into the terminal.
I downloaded Xcode again.
The problem is still there.
The very strange thing about it: It did work properly when I installed Xcode for the first time, about 6 weeks ago.
As far as I know it depends on the deployment target whether the simulator shows the iPhone frame or not. I think if you set iOS 7 as the target you won't be able to see the iPhone image around your app screen. (For example, I have never seen an iPhone image in the simulator for a 4'' device.)
Try changing the deployment target and play around with different devices under Hardware / Device in the simulator.
Here is a more detailed answer.
It's one of the replies to the question that you linked.
You better select your simulator and set Hardware -> Device -> iPhone
Note 1: If you want the simulator should looks like iPhone do not select the retina simulator.
Note 2: You must check the target version of you app in xcode it must be below 7.0
Note 3: Keep the scale of simulator always 100%.
Are you sure the current project you're working on is an iOS and not an OS X project? You can verify this be looking at the project's folder. If the app ist for OS X, there is most likely a .xib file. If it's a iOS project, there should be a storyboard file.
As the OS X apps use windows, like the one you described, this could be a hint.
I have found the solution for the problem I had (and other users as well):
At PREFERENCES / DOWNLOADS older versions of the iOS simulator are available. While at the moment the current version is 7.0 (beginning January 2014), versions 6.0 and 6.1 are being offered for download.
After downloading I could chose more devices than with version 7.0. Now also the non-Retina iPhone is available.
As a result, the iPhone surface is being displayed when set to 100% (at WINDOW - SIZE).
Thanks to everyone helping!

XCode iPhone simulator does not look like an iPhone

Silly question, but.. I am not been able to see the device appearance when running the iPhone simulator. I don't remember after which XCode update this started but the iPhone simulator shows only as a simple window without showing the device case like it used to be (see this image).
That's how my simulator looks like:
Is there a way to make it look like an actual iPhone 5?
EDIT: Unfortunately in my hardware->device options I see only iPhone retina (which is currently selected), but there are no more options. So it seems like the default beheaviour to look like a thin window, unless I missed out some other configuration.
Here is what I see overlayed to a user answer.
The Simulator window only shows an iPhone (4/4s) bezel when:
The simulated device is a 3.5 inch non-Retina iPhone, and
The window scale is 100%.
In Xcode 5, you can't do the first one unless you download the iOS 6.1 simulator, because 3.5 inch non-Retina devices are not supported by iOS 7.
(For simulated devices other than 3.5-inch non-Retina, you'll also see a bezel at 100% scale, but this bezel doesn't look exactly like any particular device.)
If you want device images to use in promotional artwork for your app, see Apple's App Store Marketing Resources page.
First of all this does with retina devices.
STEP 1: Follow this step if you using Xcode 5 as you need to download the iOS simulator.
Go to XCode,
Open the main XCode Preferences option then Downloads. Click on
iOS 6 Simulator Change to the simulator you want by going to the
"Hardware" menu. Close the simulator. Run the project.
As you required just change device from Hardware -> device to iPhone as shown in the image.
And in the next step be sure set the window scale to 100 %.
For some reason it looks like an iPhone on my retina Macbook Pro, but not on my iMac.
They're probably looking at the resolution of the Mac, which doesn't really make sense, since you see less at 2880x1800 retina, than 1920x1080 non retina.
The problem I think is not with your XCode, but with your display. Check this : iPhone skin on Simulator
Check this Goto IOS Hardware >>Device >>iPhone
then window +1
Unfortunately it works like that for anything else - there is no option to show a case for any other simulators.
Absolutely correct, im using IOS simulator 7.0, there is no option regarding this. i did every possible step to make it look like iPhone but hard luck IOS simulator not having this option in Devices.
I've had this issue also. As indicated earlier, I went to preferences, downloads and then clicked on the ios 6.1 download. After installing it gave me the option of the "iphone". This option actually looks like the iphone. After the install it still includes the retina options as well.
It could be a scaling issue. In the simulator toolbar, go to Window -> Scale, and make sure that 100% is checked. Regarding how to enable iPhone non-retina if not shown, I wrote some steps in my blog on how to do it.
