different performances on real devices - ios

I am developing an iOS application on iPad Air (iOS 7.1) in xcode5. Everything goes well. However, when I deploy it on other devices (like iPad mini, iPad Retina, with the same iOS 7.1), the performance seems to be slower. Even, touching a button, the effect happens slower quite clearly.
Do you know why? and how to fix it? Thanks.

You can use the tool Instruments to anaylze the performance of your app, check out this tutorial:
To launch Instruments, click and hold the "play"-button in Xcode and choose Profile.


iOs Simulator running slow

Guys I really need your help. I was so concentrated running my game on iphone 5s device and I didn't realize that iphone 6 is running a little slower than the 5s and the 6 plus worst. What can I do for it?
This is a very common bug with the simulator a way I get around it is.
IOS Simulator: Window > Scale > 50% - it makes the simulator look like an actual device and it fits your screen perfectly.
Then I just leave the simulator open at all times rather then closing after I'm done testing my apps. This saves Xcode having to load all the simulators files and directories each time you run your app.
Hope this helps, cheers.
Did you try cleaning? Sometimes applications have problems.
iOS Simulator:
iOS Simulator Menu > Reset Content and Settings..
Product > Clean

Titanium - How to make an iphone-only app run nicely in iPad's compatibility mode?

so today my app was rejected in the app store because of this:
2.10: iPhone Apps must also run on iPad without modification, at iPhone resolution, and at 2X iPhone 3GS resolution
Considerations:- This app is an iphone-only, meaning that is the only target that I chose in the tiapp.xml.- This app was already accepted once in the appstore, this is an update.- In my code sometimes I use px for imagens and sometimes DP, but I've tried switching all to DP in this screen and had even worse results.
As far as I can see, there are no errors associated with it (that means the app does NOT crash when you run it in iPad simulator) therefore I'm assuming they rejected it because of a layout problem.
Since this is an iphone-only app, iPad should run the app in compatibility mode, meaning that it might scale it up, but respecting the original sizes.
This is a pic of the app running in a retina simulator (with no problems):
And here's a picture of the app running in a retina iPad simulator (though the result is the same in a non-retina):
As you can see, everything's huge and I have no clue why. I'm running ios7.1, Titanium SDK version 3.3.0.GA and it's a alloy app.
Any help is very much appreciated, thanks.
The point 2.10 reference any resources of app. So, if you have not resources, for example, screenshot before load application, your app will be reject. The iPhone apps should have iPad resources, but iPad apps may be independent.
My problem was not the iPad resources or splash screens. Actually, I was using PIXELS instead of DP in many places in my application. This was not a problem for none of the iPhone versions, but was a problem when iPad tried to run the iPhone-only app in compatibility mode. In any case, now there's also the iPhone 6 with different resolutions so one should never use pixels.

How to get iPhone simulator 7.1 skin same like iPhone in Xcode 5.1.1 or Xcode 5

If I select normal iPhone simulator in Xcode 5 or Xcode 5.1.1, I am able view simulator same as an iPhone.
But, if I try the same thing with a 4-inch iPhone simulator, retina or non retina, (iOS 6.0, 7.0, 7.1), I'm not able to view simulator like iPhone. It's just showing only the screen, but not the skin or body?
I have tried to select iPhone 4-inch simulator and window scale 100% but it is just showing very big simulator.
If I do same thing for the normal iPhone simulator, it works fine and simulator shows like iPhone, but not for 4-inch simulator. How to get that?
I guess it would depend on your screen size, because I have the same "problem". However, it shouldn't be an issue.
If you need the home button functionality, you can just press Shift-Command-H
If you need to lock, it's just Command-L
That should be all you need in terms of what the skin can do...otherwise I don't really see the point in needing the skin.
The skin makes sense to have for making app preview videos. Now that we can add preview videos to the app store, we can't use the simulator to make a real looking phone simulation
While the iOS Simulator doesn't let you display the device skin/chrome, there are third-party tools that can. For example, I use an app called Reflector that basically makes your Mac look like an Apple TV on the network. You AirPlay the app as it runs on your device (not the simulator) to the Reflector app on your Mac. It, in turn, displays the screen and the skin/chrome around it.
(Looking for the URL, I just noticed that it now lets you display on Windows and allows you to "cast" Android apps as well.)

Which iPhone is being simulated on my screen?

I'm new to iOS development, and I don't use iPhones much. I'm very used to how Android handles emulators and such, but since there are only really two iPhone physical sizes (I know I have to take retina into account, but that's pixels and not size), how do I know which one is showing up on the simulator? If I'm using the iPhone 4S in the simulator, is there a way to use the iPhone 5? Lastly, can I run two simulators at once (you can run many emulators at once with Android). Thanks
You can change/check the simulation's device at
Screenshot Picture (first pic.)
UPDATE : You can run multiple simulators at once. Look here. I haven't try it myself yet though.

iPhone App Running Slower on Simulator

I am currently working on an iPhone app where I use 2 main timers that make the game work as one piece. The only problem I've encountered so far is that when I run it on the iOS Simulator from Xcode the game seems to lag a bit, and all of the animations run slower. I'm not sure if this is a memory issue, but isn't the iOS Simulator supposed to run just as smooth as the iPhone? When I run it on my iPod Touch 4th Generation, I don't encounter this problem. Is there a way I can fix this, or does anyone know why this happens?
The frameworks are designed to work with specific hardware on device for graphics acceleration. This is not present in the simulator, so you'll see diminished performance on graphics-intensive applications. You might however see increased performance in the simulator in non-graphics related areas. The bottom line is always test on real hardware - the simulator is just a convenience.
