FacebookSDK iOS v3.24.0-beta1 - ios

I'm testing FacebookSDK ios v3.24.0-beta1 from Facebook Developer site.
My test environment is iOS9 beta5 on iphone6+ and test app is built on Xcode7 beta-6.
I have set the info.plist for iOS9 App transport security.
And I have installed Facebook App in my device.
I try to login facebook using
[FBSession openActiveSessionWithPublishPermissions:defaultAudience:allowLoginUI:completionHandler:]
When I invoke the method. The facebook app is not launched. But I can see the login dialog in webview (I guess).
Question: I want to know whether after the v3.24.0-beta is not support app to app login.

This is by design. In order to provide the best experience for users on iOS 9, the new SDK determines the best login flow automatically. If you're running on iOS 8 or earlier, the app switch will still be preferred.


Is there a way to share Firebase Auth sign in between iOS and WatchOS apps?

I'm working on an app where I'm using anonymous sign in from the iOS app and I would like to share that authentication with the WatchOS app. I've set the keychain access group to be the same on both the ios and watchos apps and call Auth.auth().useUserAccessGroup but the watchOS app returns nil for the user.
I came across some old forum posts saying that keychain access sharing between iOS and Watch is no longer possible from WatchOS 2 but I wasn't sure if that was still the case.
Am I just doing something wrong or do I need to do something else to share authentication between the two?
It turned that it doesn't work in the simulator but it does work on an actual device.

Facebook Native App Login in iOS 9

I integrated FacebookiOS SDK 4.8 & also get up for iOS 9 as per describe on Facebook developer website.
But it always open web view in my native app automatically & ask for Login.
In 4.7 SDK, when I configure LSApplicationQueryScheme for iOS 9 then it works fine But now it does not.
I want to get native Facebook App login
Help me for this!

Can I use Facebook advertising for an iOS app without having the SDK integrated?

I have my app already sent for App Store review few days ago. I just noticed that Facebook advertising requires the Facebook SDK to be integrated with the app. Is it a compulsory step? Or can I use Facebook advertising without having the Facebook SDK?
From Facebook
Can I run mobile app ads without using the SDK?
Yes, we allow anyone to run mobile app install ads from our Ads Create Tool simply by dropping the link to their Apple App Store or Google Play URL. For mobile app engagement ads, you will need to register your app, but can also run ads without the SDK.
However, without installing and using the SDK, Facebook will not be able to provide install or app event reporting, and thus you will not have the option to use more advanced bidding options (oCPM, CPA) or see performance beyond clicks.

Facebook app request shows up in desktop browser but not iOS app

I am trying to set up in app facebook game requests for an iOS app. I am able to successfully send a request from the iOS app and view them in a browser on my laptop.
However, when I try to find the game requests using the facebook app for iOS they don't appear, and neither does my facebook app.
I want to be able to access these requests so I can make sure that my iOS app will be able to handle opening the link directly. Here are my app settings as well as plist file.
I had to go to App Details and make sure that under App Center Listed Platforms that iOS - iPad / iOS - Phone were turned on.

Facebook framework in iOS4/5?

I can add the new facebook framework to my project with the new XCode 4.5.2 but I guess it won't work? I don't have access to a device with iOS 4 nor 5 (have simulator of 5). I only need to do Facebook share (post a status from my app).
What strategy should I use to make sure I get facebook share in all platforms (iOS 4, ios 5, ios6)? Right now we are using FacebookManager
The normal Facebook iOS SDK, from Facebook, will work perfectly fine on all versions of iOS. You should just use that. It will use native auth on iOS 6 and fall back gracefully to switching to the FB app or Safari as appropriate.
