configure grid extra (groupon) with jenkins in order to run cucumber tests - jenkins

I'm struggling with something for quite a while and can't find a solution,
I got a test project (cucumber, maven) I configure jenkins to pull the project from github, build and execute the code (selenium test script) on jenkins slave and that works perfect, I added few more slave, tagged them and I'm able to execute the same job parallel(the same test cases on different machines)
my next step is to use grid extra ( in order to use some cool features like video recording, browser updating, selenium updates etc...
now, I know that in order to use the grid I need to address it via my code and also define the desired capabilities (browser, os etc...).
currently when I'm running the same job twice, my second request will be queued till the first one ends, if I will run the same code from two developers machine it will run at 2 different nodes and the grid can handle both request.
not sure what is wrong with my jenkins configuration or my grid hub configuration, I checked it again and again and all looks good :-)
so guess I'm missing something
any advice/direction/idea will be highly appreciated.


combine allure reports from several machines into one without retry

I ask you to consult on the following question about allure: I use jenkins + pytest to run the tests. The same tests run on several virtual machines, these machines differ in operating systems (different linux distributions) and test environment. After running the tests, I want to combine the results from all the machines into one report. - here the question arises - if I put all the reports in one directory and generate a report, then the results from different machines will be considered as rerun of the same test and combined into one. How can I get around this? so as not to be combined and so that it was possible to somehow sort out which result from which machine. Thanks.
i have solve this by override the names of tests/suites.
Meaning you have to make some code implementation, work with the before listeners, there you can get the current test name and override it. Set the test name by OS + Browser or something unique.
When you combine reports, they will be unique and properly displayed.
I ran into a similar issue with behave where Allure was treating each parallel build as a retry of the first build. I realize this isn't the same as pytest, but perhaps it'll help.
I was inspired by the previous answer and started experimenting. By changing the scenario name(s) within the feature, I was able to make Allure recognize each parallel build as separate tests. I accomplished this by adding a before_feature method to my file that simply added the hostname to each scenario name within that feature:
def before_feature(context, feature):
for scenario in feature.scenarios: = f'[{socket.gethostname()}] {}'
Originally, I tried to directly change in before_scenario but that seemed to have no effect in Allure.

versioning and deployment of application configuration files to server

We use visual svn for version control. I have few cloud web servers where my websites are running.
I would like to create some repositories for the websites content. I checkout them in local editors (notepad ++), edit them and checkin to SVN. But when check-in to visualSVN, I would like them to get deployed to the webservers docroot. In some cases I would like to restart the webserver too.
Is it possible using Jenkins+deployment plugins. I am very new to jenkins, can somebody help me with some information how we can achieve this.
It is one of the scenarios Jenkins is designed for (Continuous Delivery, aka. CD). Your perfect plan might look like this:
Get a new instance of Jenkins up/running (for experiments) (if you're familiar with Docker it is one of the best ways to experiment with Jenkins);
Configure Subversion Plugin in Jenkins (integration with SVN);
Setup your first FreeStyle job in Jenkins that polls your Visual SVN server for changes (things you check-in to SVN) and learn how that works (* * * * * <~-
this polls changes from your source control an every minute, great for experiments);
Setup your second FreeStyle job that connects to one of your webservers (probably via SSH) and creates a file (simple "touch hello_world.log" is great to start with) in a special folder dedicated for that kind of tests (DO NOT MESS WITH YOUR PRODUCTUION CONTENT FOLDER(s));
Setup your third FreeStyle job that combines your experiences acquired in #1 and #2, and still writes to a test folder;
Compare results of the job output with your production deployment expectations (eq. files in place, content is processed the right way, configuration files are looking good and etc.);
Try it out on one of the production web servers, one folder/site at a time;
Apply your newly crafted delivery pipeline to the rest of servers/sites;
Learn how backup your Jenkins instance and actually make your first backup;
Try to restore your Jenkins instance from the backup made in the previous step;
Decide whether it is okay for you to maintain your own Jenkins instance or you will be better off with a hosted version of it (CloudBees Inc.);
Learn more about Pipeline in Jenkins and possibly (because it is not immediately obvious) migrate your FreeStyle job(s) to Pipeline DSL
and/or Jenkinsfile;
At times you might need to get back to "Get Started with Jenkins" manual and look up for the ideas or answers, it is okay - do not give up and feel free to post your questions here, at SO.
Hope these ideas will help you to get started.

how to show quantitative results in Jenkins

Jenkins test results screen shows only pass/failed results.
I would like to show quantitive (number/percentage/time duration etc') results, parsed from logs.
e.g. memory usage, run time of specific methods etc..
What is the best way to do so?
good question.
i imagine you're probably looking to extend your Jenkins instance with some plugins that describe more info about the tests you've run. this plugin seems relevant, but requires some experience with JMeter (java-based performance measurment tool) to generate the output that this plugin can then read and display output from a JMeter task that you can run every time your build runs:
the 'readme' in the above plugin details page specifies how to set up a project to run JMeter( see the 'Configuring a project to run jmeter performance test:' near the bottom.
another way to do similar not so immediately tied to a specific jenkins build is to run resource monitors (like Cacti or collectd) on the machines running the tests and analyze those results post-build, but again, outside of the Jenkins context.

Jenkins - Running concurrent jobs with "circular" parameter

I'd like to run several builds concurrently in Jenkins for the same job. I run at maximum 3 builds concurrently. I want each build to run with a parameter that must be unique from a pool for parameters. For instance, pool=[1, 2, 3]: The 1st build picks "1", 2nd picks "2" and the 3rd picks "3".
I must ensure that different builds can't pick the same parameter.
After building, the parameter is available again.
How can I do it?
Alternative: How can I count the number of builds running in this project and pass it as parameter?
At first, select the checkbox button named build-concurrently-if-neccesary to ensure the same job could build concurrently. you'd better read the help-html seriously before
The isolated environments for building different jobs make that data could not be shared each other in a simple way.
Here is a solution that trigger the buildWithParameters link by jenkins rest api to control the pool in the program procedure of your own.
add a string-parameter in job's config.
post the string parameter to http://$JENKINS_SERVER_URL/job/$JOB_NAME/buildWithParameters
Maybe it's the most convenient way if no available plugin found.
I found a plugin in github and asked the author to publish it. It works well and solves my problem.
Jenkins Parameter Pool Plugin

Is it possible to customize Jenkins job status?

I am running a test suite (Java, Maven profiles) using a Jenkins job. I would like to update build status mid-execution to see if everything goes well so far.
The problem is, I want more build execution statuses (like Yellow/Warning) - is there any way, preferably without additional plug-ins, to add and customize their conditions?
Customize - yes, by using
java -jar cli.jar set-build-result <stable|unstable|failed> (for security enabled jenkins, see: ;
Add - no. :(
I would say no you can't do it. But you can use another build strategy: split your job in smaller jobs, driven by another top level job.
