I build a link in branch.io appending a query parameters like this:
this link has 3 custom deep link parameters (action, storeGroupId and StoreId)
and an identity parameter.
Everything works fine but in the webhook system the "link data" (in session_referring_link_data) was empty. How can I make this work?
Branch links consider appended parameters (action=z&storeGroupId=xxx&storeId=yyy&identity=abc) to be query parameters instead of deep link data. When the app opens from a click with the query parameters, query parameters associated with the link click are merged with any deep link data associated with the link and passed through to the app.
I've just made a pull request to include link click query parameters inside the webhook post. You should see them start to appear in the post body in the next few days as session_referring_click_query.
In the mean time, you can embed those query parameters into the deep link data by embedding them into a JSON and stringifying it, then appending the query parameter: ?data=base64encodedparams. It's listed as option 6 here.
In my app, a user taps a button and generates a branch link. Elsewhere in the app, I want to provide them the ability to paste that link and then to parse that link for its data, do an appropriate API call to get more data and then show the user some additional screen.
Is this possible in Parse? All of the stuff I've seen before has to do with unpacking a Branch link in didFinishLaunching rather than any random view controller in the app.
The use case is possible using any of the two following methods:
1) Using the Branch SDK to parse the link and present the link data for routing. Docs: https://docs.branch.io/pages/apps/ios/#handle-links-in-your-own-app
2) Using Branch Link Read API to manually read the link and then display the link data in the app. Docs: https://docs.branch.io/pages/apps/api/#link-read
Both the methods can be used to read/process the link to get the link data.
Please feel free to reach out us at integrations#branch.io in case of any further questions!
Google Analytics provides me a list of called links of my website.
I wonder where these requests came from and what they effect.
What does ?ls=1 and ?q=keyworddo? And where do they came from? Especially the keywords
Those are GET parameters, and most commonly they come as a result of posting forms (or just by clicking on links with such URLs).
For (the most well-known) example, if you go to https://www.google.com and enter "test" and press Enter, you will go to a page http://google.com/search?q=test (with likely a bunch of other parameters as well). In a very simplified scenario, it would be because the box where you input your search string is an input element with name="q" contained in a form element with method="GET" action="/search"; when you submit the form (by pressing Enter), the browser will make the url by adding all the parameter to the form's action like this:
or in this case, /search?q=test.
(In Google's specific case, this is not actually what is happening, because of various kinds of JavaScript magic that is normally going on; but that magic in the end does the same thing. But it could: if you turned off JavaScript on Google, then what I described would be exactly what would happen.)
As I said, you can submit that same URL literally, without having to go through a form. For example, you can click directly on this link to find some kittens: https://google.com/search?q=kittens
Parameters submitted with other methods than GET do not appear in URLs, and cannot be submitted merely by clicking a link, only through forms (which also support POST method) or JavaScript (which can submit any kind of method: GET, POST, or other methods not available to forms or links, like PUT, DELETE...)
As to what they do, nothing by themselves. They are interpreted by the www.mywebsite.com server, in any way they want. In Google's case, q is the query to search from, and what they do is give you (hopefully) relevant results to it. In www.mywebsite.com's case? No idea. Could be anything.
Urls in Asana are of the form https://app.asana.com/0/{UNKNOWN_ID}/{TASK_ID}
What is UNKNOWN_ID? Is that in the documentation somewhere (I look, but couldn't find anything).
You can actually try for yourself what happens if you leave off the last part of the URL - it takes you to the project (or tag, or search) that the task was in, but not the specific task. So, normally, the "UNKNOWN_ID" is the ID of the project or tag you're viewing.
I am building business websites for multiple clients and I would like to be able to create links that do two things at once. Specifically, when visitors click an image on the website, in addition to going to the location the link specifies, I would also like to send a pre-determined text to the business owner's cell phone. Is this possible.
It is indeed possible. You'll need to call a php file with two parameters. One parameter should be the link where the user should be redirected, the other parameter would need to be the message you want to send to the owner.
i.e. your link would need to look like this:
link text or image
Then you need to prepare your php to get these parameters. First you need to send the text message, (tutorial for this can be found on this link: http://davidwalsh.name/send-text-message , and after the message is sent you need to redirect to the link you've got from the parameter. In php, you can read the above sent parameters like
$redirectlink = $_GET['url];
$message = $_GET['message'];
I hope this helps you resolve your issue.
I am building an iOS app that is supposed to use openGraph objects for users.
As I see it, I need to :
1. create object pages for each of these objects that contains all the metatags that facebook is generating for your created objects in Get Code.
2. Use the iOS app to generate opengraph requests that involve these objects through a single page. ie. a PHP file that uses parameters you might send to it, that would generate links to images and some titles etc... (am I right?)
The thing is that the PHP file on step 2 is supposed to be the object itself, and my object needs a og:url which is either interpreted as a type:wesite, which is wrong because my type is set to my own custom type! or it just throws an error saying that the og:url is not valid.
I can see that facebook is scraping whatever I give it in the og:url, so basically why is this needed in the first place if all metatags are ignored?
You seem to have this correct, basically, to publish an action against an object using the Open Graph APIs, there needs to be an object URL which, when accessed, does one of the following
Contains the complete set of metadata needed to describe whatever type of object you're created and serves this to Facebook's crawler
Contains an og:url meta tag, a <link ref="canonical tag or a HTTP 301 redirect pointing to a URL which does 1)
Having a PHP script which takes input parameters and returns metadata based on those is a common approach, the biggest thing to watch out for is that your og:url tag matches the input parameters, so Facebook's crawler doesn't make a new request out to that URL instead of the one it asked for originally
og:url means: Open Graph Uniform resource locator.