Visualizing large amounts of spatial vector data using WebGL - openlayers-3

I plan on doing an application that visualizes large 2d tiled images. The application needs to achieve the following:
Additive blending of layers, i.e. somehow setting the blend equation of WebGL to be additive: gl.blendEquation(gl.FUNC_ADD).
Colorization of black and white images (multiply by constant color, e.g. red. This would correspond to setting gl.blendColor(1, 0, 0, 1); and gl.blendFunc(gl.CONSTANT_COLOR, gl.ONE);).
Drawing of large amounts of simple vector data (mostly polygons).
Contrast/brightness/range of intensity manipulation
According to my research, the renderer should be WebGL based for these goals.
I did an initial prototype using Openlayers 3. I managed to implement everything except (3) using the precompose and postcompose hooks and a custom shader for the range of intensity manipulation. I saw, however, that polygon rendering using WebGL is not supported yet and I haven't seen a recent update on this issue/state of the development. My question is if there is a possibility/some starting point to implement this myself or if something like cesium would be a better match for my needs.

I can't speak to the OpenLayers roadmap, but Cesium itself should be able to handle your requirements out of the box. Here's some examples (with code) showing the features you are looking for
Additive blending of layers
Polygons This is GeoJSON but we also handle KML, TopoJSON, CMZL and have a programattic API. We also handle a diverse set of geometry
Imagery Adjustment
If you decide to give Cesium a try, we have a very active forum that can help you get started, so don't hesitate to post any questions you have. also has plenty of additional info, help, and demos.


After Effect's Rotoscoping brush algorithms

I don't think I'm going to get any replies but here goes: I'm developing an iOS app that performs image segmentation functions. I'm trying to implement the easiest way to crop out a subject from an image without the need of a greenscreen/keying. Most automated solutions like using OpenCV just aren't cutting it.
I've found the rotoscope brush tool in After Effects to be effective at giving hints on where the app should be cutting out. Anyone know what kind of algorithms the rotoscope brush tool is using?
Check out this page, which contains a couple of video presentations from SIGGRAPH (a computer graphics conference) about the Roto Brush tool. Also take a look at Jue Wang's paper on Video SnapCut. As Damien guessed, object extraction relies on some pretty intense image processing algorithms. You might be able to implement something similar in OpenCV depending on how clever/masochistic you're feeling.
The algorithm is a graph-cut based segmentation algorithm where Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM) are trained using color pixels in "local" regions as well as "globally", together with some sort of shape prior.
OpenCV has a "cheap hack" implementation of the "GrabCut" paper where the user specifies a bounding box around the object he wish to segment. Typically, using just the bounding box will not give good results. You will need the user to specify the "foreground" and "background" pixels (as is done in Adobe's Rotoscoping tool) to help the algorithm build foreground and background color models (in this case GMMs) so that it will know what are the typical colors in the foreground object you wish to segment, and those for the background that you want to leave out.
A basic graph-cut implementation can be found on this blog. You can probably start from there and experiment with different ways to compute the cost terms to get better results.
Lastly, the "soften" the edges, a cheap hack is to blur the binary mask to obtain a mask with values between 0 and 1. Then recomposite your image using the mask i.e. c[i][j] = mask[i][j] * fgd[i][j] + (1 - mask[i][j]) * bgd[i][j], where you are blending the foreground you segmented (fgd), with a new background image (bgd) using the mask values as blending weights.

OpenGL ES 2.0 Vertex Transformation Algorithms

I'm developing an image warping iOS app with OpenGL ES 2.0.
I have a good grasp on the setup, the pipeline, etc., and am now moving along to the math.
Since my experience with image warping is nil, I'm reaching out for some algorithm suggestions.
Currently, I'm setting the initial vertices at points in a grid type fashion, which equally divide the image into squares. Then, I place an additional vertex in the middle of each of those squares. When I draw the indices, each square contains four triangles in the shape of an X. See the image below:
After playing with photoshop a little, I noticed adobe uses a slightly more complicated algorithm for their puppet warp, but a much more simplified algorithm for their standard warp. What do you think is best for me to apply here / personal preference?
Secondly, when I move a vertex, I'd like to apply a weighted transformation to all the other vertices to smooth out the edges (instead of what I have below, where only the selected vertex is transformed). What sort of algorithm should I apply here?
As each vertex is processed independently by the vertex shader, it is not easy to have vertexes influence each other's positions. However, because there are not that many vertexes it should be fine to do the work on the CPU and dynamically update your vertex attributes per frame.
Since what you are looking for is for your surface to act like a rubber sheet as parts of it are pulled, how about going ahead and implementing a dynamic simulation of a rubber sheet? There are plenty of good articles on cloth simulation in full 3D such as Jeff Lander's. Your application could be a simplification of these techniques. I have previously implemented a simulation like this in 3D. I required a force attracting my generated vertexes to their original grid locations. You could have a similar force attracting vertexes to the pixels at which they are generated before the simulation is begun. This would make them spring back to their default state when left alone and would progressively reduce the influence of your dragging at more distant vertexes.

How can I render a square bitmap to an arbitrary four-sided polygon using GDI?

I need to paint a square image, mapped or transformed to an unknown-at-compile-time four-sided polygon. How can I do this?
Longer explanation
The specific problem is rendering a map tile with a non-rectangular map projection. Suppose I have the following tile:
and I know the four corner points need to be here:
Given that, I would like to get the following output:
The square tile may be:
Rotated; and/or
Be narrower at one end than at the other.
I think the second item means this requires a non-affine transformation.
Random extra notes
Four-sided? It is plausible that to be completely correct, the tile should be
mapped to a polygon with more than four points, but for our purposes
and at the scale it is drawn, a square -> other four-cornered-polygon
transformation should be enough.
Why preferably GDI only? All rendering so far is done using GDI, and I want to keep the code (a) fast and (b) requiring as few extra
libraries as possible. I am aware of some support for
transformations in GDI and have been experimenting with them
today, but even after experimenting with them I'm not sure if they're
flexible enough for this purpose. If they are, I haven't managed to
figure it out, and so I'd really appreciate some sample code.
GDI+ is also ok since we use it elsewhere, but I know it can be slow, and speed is
important here.
One other alternative is anything Delphi- /
C++Builder-specific; this program is written mostly in C++ using
the VCL, and the graphics in question are currently painted to a
TCanvas with a mix of TCanvas methods and raw WinAPI/GDI calls.
Overlaying images: One final caveat is that one colour in the tile may be for color-key
transparency: that is, all the white (say) squares in the above tile
should be transparent when drawn over whatever is underneath.
Currently, tiles are drawn to square or axis-aligned rectangular
targets using TransparentBlt.
I'm sorry for all the extra caveats that make this question more complicated
than 'what algorithm should I use?' But I will happily accept answers with
only algorithmic information too.
You might also want to have a look at Graphics32.
The screen shot bewlow shows how the transfrom demo in GR32 looks like
Take a look at 3D Lab Vector graphics. (Specially "Football field" in the demo).
Another cool resource is AggPas with full source included (download)
AggPas is Open Source and free of charge 2D vector graphics library. It is an Object Pascal native port of the Anti-Grain Geometry library - AGG, originally written by Maxim Shemanarev in C++. AggPas doesn't depend on any graphic API or technology. Basically, you can think of AggPas as of a rendering engine that produces pixel images in memory from some vectorial data.
Here is how the perspective demo looks like:
After transformation:
The general technique is described in George Wolberg's "Digital Image Warping". It looks like this abstract contains the relevant math, as does this paper. You need to create a perspective matrix that maps from one quad to another. The above links show how to create the matrix. Once you have the matrix, you can scan your output buffer, perform the transformation (or possibly the inverse - depending on which they give you), and that will give you points in the original image that you can copy from.
It might be easier to use OpenGL to draw a textured quad between the 4 points, but that doesn't use GDI like you wanted.

Finding subpattern position in an image/pattern

Lets say I have an image or two dimensional pattern similar to QRcode and call it a template. Now I have a set of subimages that I want to match with my template and what's important - find their precise location in the template. I think similar problem is being solved in 'smart papers' and in kinect's grid of infrared dot pattern.
Does anyone have some clues how something similar can be implemented (even just
keywords to look up)?
I had few ideas:
opencv template matching method - poor results when rotated, scaled, skewed
SURF feature detection and matching - it's pretty good but result is worse when subimage is a really small chunk of the template. Besides I think that specificly picked up pattern would improve location finding rather than arbitary image. Also I think SURF is an overkill and I need something efficient that can handle real time mobile camera streams.
creating an image consisting of many QRcodes that only stores coordinates as data - drawback i that QRcodes will have to pretty small to allow
fine-grained positioning but then it's difficult to recognise them. Pros - they use only black color and have many white spaces (ink conservation)
2-dimensional colorful gradient image (similar to color model map) - I think this will be sensitive to lightness
QRCodes are square. Using feature detection to find the grid, you can unproject it. Then opencv's template matching will work fine.

How can I create a corner pin effect in XNA 4.0?

I am trying to write a strategy game using XNA 4.0, with a dynamically generating map, and it's really difficult to create all the ground textures, having to distort them individually in photoshop.
So what I want to do is create a flat image, and then apply the distortion programatically to simulate perspective, by moving the corners of the image.
Here is an example done in photoshop:
How can I do that in XNA?
My answer isn't XNA-specific as I've never actually used the library; however the concept should still apply.
In general, the best way to get a good perspective effect is to actually give 3d coordinates and transformations and let DirectX/OpenGL handle the rest. This has great benefits over attempting to do it yourself - specifically, ease of use, performance (much of the work is passed on to your graphics card), and perspective-correct texturing. And nothing's stopping you from doing 3d and 2d in the same scene, if that's a concern. There are numerous tutorials online for getting set up in the third dimension with XNA. I'd suggest heading over to MSDN.
