Xcode Beta 7 Simulator hung on Apple or standard screen, cannot load up my app - ios

I tried to create two view controllers with a segue (just static pngs for now) just to test a build.
Either screen is all black or I get the standard Apple screen (just the regular icons), but don't see my build as a placeholder icon.
I already tried following these recommendations from the Apple Developer Forum and still see no solution. =/
Reinstall the Xcode beta
rm -rf ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData
Open Xcode and delete all the simulators using the Window > Devices window
Take a backup of ~/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/device_set.plist and then remove the com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimRuntime.iOS-9-0 key. Xcode doesn't seem to put this back so I don't know what else this might break.
Reinstall simulators within Xcode using the + in the lower-left of Window > Devices.

You should not be modifying ~/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices yourself. Chances are CoreSimulatorService was running at the time you did that, so you basically changed state out from underneath it. Where was that recommended to you? I'd like to comment in that thread so as to not let that information stand.
If you want to erase a device back to its default state, you can use xcrun simctl erase <UDID> or just choose the menu item in Simulator.
Now as to your initial problem, when you click on Build & Run, Xcode will install the application and then launch it for you. If you're not seeing it even install, then there's possibly something going wrong with install. I suggest you take a look at your device's system.log to see if installation was requested by CoreSimulatorBridge. If it was, then look for additional log lines that might indicate the failure reason. If it wasn't, then the issue is on the Xcode side.
Either way, you should file a radar at http://bugreport.apple.com including ~/Library/Logs/CoreSimulator/*.log ~/Library/Logs/CoreSimulator/[UDID]/system.log and a sysdiagnose taken when the issue is reproducing.


Xcode 8 app runs on Simulator but doesn't display

I'm using the release version of xCode 8 and am trying to run my app on the simulators. They are all the iOS 10 simulators.
No matter which simulator I use, when I run the app the app icon shows up in the simulator but then that's it. The app never displays in the simulator. I only see the app icons of the iOS home screen.
I put some break points in my initial view controller at the viewDidLoad, viewWillAppear, and viewDidAppear methods. All of them triggered. So as far as my app is concerned, it is displaying on the device. I also get all the normal log output and networking calls happening just fine. It even shows the popups for permission to access the calendar and notifications. But my app is not brought to the foreground.
If I then click on the app icon in the simulator, my app runs normally. But it should be automatic when I hit run from xCode.
When I run my app on an iOS 10 device I get the same behaviour as all three of those view methods are called. However I don't get any of my normal log output. In fact I don't get any log output. However the app was already installed from when the device was on iOS 9.x. Not sure if that is a factor. But aside from the simulator issues, this is the bigger issue.
I've tried cleaning the build, deleting the app, I even tracked down the derived data folder and deleted that from the simulator. None worked. I also updated all my cocoa pods I have installed too.
Any one else experienced this?
That sounds weird but I read a lot of threads on the Apple Developer Forums on the same problem during the different Xcode 8 beta version, try these steps:
reset the simulator using the menu "iOS Simulator" -> "Reset Content and Settings..."
remove your 'xcuserdata' directory inside your .xcodeproj directory
do a clean build folder (hold down option key when selecting clean)
reboot your Mac
If these steps don't solve anything you can try this solution:
Copy-paste Xcode-beta.app from Applications folder to somewhere else, e.g. - Documents folder.
Delete Xcode-beta.app from Applications folder.
Move Xcode-beta.app from Documents to Applications folder again.
originally posted here, obviously using your Xcode.app instead of Xcode-beta.app.

xcode 6.3 hangs when opening organizer

I archived my project for adhoc deployment and it got stuck after it said archive completed.
Now whenever I click Window->Organizer Xcode freezes up. I need to save my archive for adhoc deployment but it just won't let me. I've tried restarting xcode and my macbook.
Any thoughts?
I don't know what was causing my xCode (6.3.1) organiser to freeze, but I manually cleared out the Archives folder and organiser returned.
rm -rfd ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives/*
If, like me, you have archives you want to keep, remove individual archive folders by date order as needed and then try open organiser.
rm -rfd ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives/2015-xx-xx
I removed all of the archives in Archives directory but the Organizer kept on hanging.
If you have too many different products (mine are over 200), Organizer shows up, then the colored wheel appears and keeps spinning forever. Move most of the directories in the ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/Products directory somewhere else, and leave the needed ones only. That fixed the hang for me.
I had this too and filed bug 22455581 on it.
Xcode 6.4 and 7b5 (I didn't try 6.3) do something with the archives when the organizer window is first opened after each launch. This something takes a bit over a half second for each archive during which time all you see is the spinning beachball of death and Force Quit declaring Xcode is unresponsive. So in my case with 7+GB of archives, had I waited a thousand or so seconds, the organizer window would have eventually popped up.
As answered above, the workaround is fairly simple: quit Xcode and reduce the number of archives in ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives. Move them out to somewhere else so you can move them back in as needed.
Someone at apple forget to do stuff on the background thread,... They look into all your account that xcode has access to and than scans all the folders for files. Also it makes a lot of webcalls for each related project to get crash logs. During this process the entire main thread stalls until it is all finished.... You cannot really do anything yourself for it except complain to apple or try to keep the apps/accounts you use at the same time to a minimum (not a real solution...)

Xcode 6 process launch failed: timed out trying to launch app

I can't debug my app because when I run it, Xcode gives me the error:
Process launch failed: timed out trying to launch app
In the device I see a black screen and after the error message the app starts.
How can I fix this?
I tried to change the code signing identity and the provisioning profile, and to refresh the provisioning profiles in the Xcode > Preferences > Accounts > Details tab.
I'm using Xcode Version 6.0.1 (6A317) with an iPad mini, running iOS 8.0 and a MacBook with OSX 10.9.4.
After this, if the iPad goes into sleep mode (the screen turns off) I can't wake it anymore; I have to do a soft reset.
You are using distribution provisioning profile rather than development profile. check this link
How to Fix:
I fix it with:
clean project (Product > Clean)
hard reset device (power button + home button)
delete app from device
close xcode
CLOSE ITUNES (itunes must be closed)
re-open Xcode and run!
I think that iTunes was the problem.
EDIT: 2017/02: Solution still Woks (Thanks to #SalGad for information).
I am using Xcode 6.2, running on iPhone 4 with iOS 7.1.2, the problems happen to me as well.
It turned out that the Project and Targets' Code Signing settings are different from each other! And that's what is causing the issue.
To solve the issue, you must make sure that their Code Signing settings is the same.
One more thing that may be a reason to launch timeout arising is that you have a lot of Provision Profiles on your device. I have about 100 of them, downloaded automatically by XCode from our team dev portal. So if your team have tons of apps and Provision Profiles, you better unlink your XCode from your Apple ID, to prevent automatic downloading for unwanted PPs. It significantly decreases app launching time.
To delete unwanted PPs from your device you have to go XCode - Window - Devices, select your device and click "Show provision profiles..." on the bottom context menu. Then you have to manually remove the profiles. Tip: use key sequences "down arrow" - "backspace", to ease the hand routine.
I had this but nothing previously posted seemed to work. This is what I did to fix the issue in Xcode 6.3.2:
Go to Product->Scheme->Edit Scheme...
Select the Run Scheme
Select the Info tab
Make sure the settings are as follows:
Build Configuration is set to "Debug"
Debug Executable is checked
Launch Automatically is checked
In my case I was using the development profile, but somehow, in Build Settings > Code Signing, the Provisioning Profile for Debug was empty.
But before setting it to "iOS Team Provisioning Profile", I had to reset my account since it said " is Not on Any Development teams"
- Xcode > Preferences > Accounts
- Remove my account (click "-")
- Add the account again
That fixed the problem
Note that if the app still manages to start on the device after Xcode displays this error, you can attach to the running process with Debug->Attach to Process.
This warning is shown when you try to run and debug your code directly in device but you are using distribution profile in your Build Settings.
To directly run the code in device and debug, you need to use development profile in your Build Settings of Xcode.
After setting the development profile, just reboot your device clean your Xcode project and run again.
I hope this helps !!
An app should return from his initialisation procedure in less then 10 seconds, or it will be killed by the OS. This is probably because you are doing too many things in the startup phase.
Try to refactor your code to do it diffrently, by doing lazy initialisation, and only initialize what is really important before showing the first view.
It's hard to give better advice before knowing more about the app itself
I have faced this issue with Xcode 6.2 and Iphone 5s with iOS version 8.3.
I get this message when I deploy the application to the device for the first time.
The work around I found was that with out unintalling the application from the device,redeploy the application from Xcode.It should run perfectly this time.
I observed this only on Xcode 6.2 not on Xcode 6.3 so this might be an Xcode to iOS version compatibility issue.
Big and weird tip for this problem... this was happening to me and none of the advice helped anywhere on the web, but then i noticed if i deleted everything out of the main ViewDidLoad method it would work. I realized there was one line of code that was messing it up. It was a line that was referencing to an array of strings that was way to big. I had something like this NSString *mystring[100][1000][100]; i accidentally added some zeros and for whatever reason this problem produced the same error message that the incorrect signing gives you. So don't let your arrays or matrixes get too out of hand!
Method #1:
Lock your phone, press XCode start, wait till XCode says "unlock your device to launch", then unlock your phone, it will be launched successfully, works every time.
Method #2:
If your goal is just to debug the app, here is another simple and straight-forward approach:
After the app is deployed, launch it manually.
Goto XCode -> Debug -> Attach to Process ... to choose your app from the list, then debug properly.
This works well for me, and it saves lots of time.
I hope this helps, thanks!

iPad apps never install in Retina simulator

I've racked my brains over this one, and I'm probably just making a stupid mistake. After switching to Xcode 4.5.1 (it may have happened at 4.5) I simply cannot load an app into the iPad Retina simulator. I've edited the compilation scheme to say to always use the Retina display for the iPad. No love. It used to be that you could change simulators on the fly and whatever one was open would be the one the project compiled for. But I can't figure out how to do this in 4.5. Help!
Something funky is going on, which seems to be not acting as expected. Try these solutions in the following order.
Your method is correct, you set your Simulator Display preference when editing your schemes. Make sure your destination for the scheme is the iPad simulator, that it's tied to the Run scheme, and set iPad Simulator display to Retina. Save/apply your scheme changes, try to run your app. If that doesn't work, close + re-open Xcode, check scheme settings to see if they stuck, and try again
You may want to double check if your changes stuck. Delve into your project file (by right clicking on your project file, and selecting "Show Package Contents"). Then navigate to:
Open it up in your favourite editor, and check to see if there's a:
simulatorIPadDisplay = "2.000000"
...for your required scheme
If none of that worked, then it may be an issue with your derived data (unlikely, but step 1 should have worked). Go to Organizer, and select the Projects tab. Then hit 'Delete...' for derived data. Do the same as before; run, close Xcode, check and re-run.
Well we really are in a pickle, that is the only method to set your preferred simulator display for a build scheme. You may need to resort to removing Xcode and re-installing, and trying the previous steps again.
What on earth is going on?! We've exhausted our methods, you may need to let Apple know about this issue.
Well, after a long session of "find all of my settings files and save them, delete Xcode and all of its settings files, reinstall Xcode, re-download simulators and dockets, replace settings files, etc., etc." I found myself in the same position. No Retina simulator for me.
The problem wasn't Xcode or the project file--the 5.0 simulator will simply not launch in Retina mode. The 5.1 and 6.0 simulators work fine, as I discovered when I switched to them in the compilation scheme. Switch back to 5.0 and I'm stuck in normal simulator mode. The reason I've been using the 5.0 simulator was to test lowest-common-denominator iOS features. That, and there is a bug in iOS 6.0 that affects large packet transfer via IPSec that hasn't been fixed yet.
So, I still don't know what the missing Derived Data status was all about, except that it's fixed now and I assume that reinstalling the app was the fix.

Xcode will run app on simulator but not on device

I receive the following error when trying to run the app on my device.
error: failed to launch '/Users/michael/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/Word Processor.app/Word Processor' -- No such file or directory (/Users/michael/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/Word Processor.app/Word Processor)
The app runs fine in the simulator. When I try to debug on the device, it appears to copy the app (I can see the icon), but then stalls with the above message. Xcode says it is running the app on my iPod, but nothing is happening on my iPod.
When I click on the app, the app appears to launch, but seems to be missing resources.
Other projects of mine work properly. What setting do I need to change to make this work properly.? Looking at the error message, it seems to be looking in my mac for the app. But this doesn't make sense since I am trying to run it on my 4th gen iPod touch. I am using Xcode 4.3.1 and iOS 5.1
With Mountain Lion and the latest version of Xcode (4.4.4F250), none of the suggestions in this thread worked directly (clean, clean project, remove derived data folder, etc). This sequence did. From DhilipSiva:
Disconnect your device
Delete the app from your device
Quit Xcode (Don't just simply close the window, quit it)
Delete derived data folder rm -fr ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData (console)
Start Xcode,connect device & run the project
I solve this by going to Targets-> Info -> Required Device capabilities and delete the option with armv7.
Hope this helps!
This is a recurring problem that many developers are having with the current version of Xcode. The temporary workaround has been consistently deleting the DerivedData folder.
You can add doing it to a build script or even make it a cron job:
rm -rf ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData
Sad, but true.
For me restarting of Xcode, cleaning DerivedData and restaring device wasn't enough in most cases, until I had figured out that iTunes was also running, and after quitting iTunes everything worked fine!
So my steps now are simple:
1. Quit Xcode.
2. If iTunes is running, quit iTunes.
3. Reopen project.
No need to remove app from the device, clean project or restart/disconnect device.
I think that's because Xcode and iTunes use some common libraries (as you know, Xcode Installer always asks to quit iTunes on installing iOS SDK).
I also had this problem after changing from a lower XCode and iOS version to the current XCode and iOS version.
I fixed this problem by changing th iOS Depolyment Target to a lower version, since my Device is not updated to the latest iOS yet.
You can do this by clicking the project inside the Info tab.
Have you looked at the Developer Certs and Distribution Certs if you have. When running in debug mode from Xcode your will need your app assigned with the developer cert and not the distribution cert. The distribution certs do not allow for debugging.
This error will manifest whenever the device capabilities described in the Info.plist do not match those of the device.
In my case, I was requesting GPS support and location-services support and trying to test on an iPod touch.
I struggled with this problem for 2 days and went through all the posts, tried all the options including, restarting Xcode, device, deleting DerivedData folder etc.
Finally, the problem was with the Info.plist file. In my case, I had improper icon paths in the Info.plist file. I suggest you to archive the application and then validate it to get the exact problem in you case. Only when I did that, I was able to find the issue.
I solved this problem many times with DhilipSiva's solution. However, it may not work sometimes. If that is the case, consider deleting and re-adding the target.
Removed armv6 support and it started working again
I stumbled upon this same problem on several diferent projects, researched a lot on forums and even here on Stack overflow. A lot of solutions were given, and some people seemed to get them working, but none of them worked for me.
So we tried some pretty obvious course of action, which for some reason we didn't tought about before: I've done a CHMOD -R 777 on the EXACT path indicated by the error message (I copied it directly).
Worked like a charm, 100% times!
Hope it helps, guys!
As Chronos mentiod, the device capabilities might be the reason. In addition I would say that in my case it was all about the UIRequiresPersistentWiFi key, which (for some unclear reason) didn't let me to install my app on an iPhone4. Hope this helps ones who tried everything else and haven't fixed the problem yet.
I solve this by going to Targets-> Info -> Required Device capabilities and check id at 0 index if armv7 not in 0 index then remove other things and armv7 set on 0 index and clean app connect device and run.
Hope this helps fine!
I did these steps:
Delete derived data: rm -rf ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData
Deep cleaned the project: Shift Key + Option Key + Command Key + letter K key
Quit the project
Quit XCode
Deleted the app from my device
When I reopened the Xcode, launched the project, and then launched the app it successively ran on my device
For me it was Command Line Tools
Go to Xcode -> Preferences -> Locations -> Command Line Tools
Make sure you select latest Xcode version. I selected Xcode 11.0, and everything started working.
I get the similar question and has searched via the internet the whole day without solution yet...
Xcode 12, iOS 14.
I'm using a cocoaPods call GCDWebServer, which will open a build-in http service in iOS. Now it works fine in simulator and I could open a home page of it in my Mac's browser. But I cannot open the home page if running it with real iPhone. The browser said "Cannot connect to server"
And in console, everything is same without any errors provided for me.
Thus, how could I debug this?
[DEBUG] Did open IPv4 listening socket 3
[DEBUG] Did open IPv6 listening socket 4
[INFO] GCDWebUploader started on port 80 and reachable at
