Reports from Jenkins and Jira - jenkins

We are using Jenkins to run the selenium automation tests and my manager wants to see the list of failed builds and what percentage of the tests passed for the builds. We also have manual tests that get executed in JIRA. I need to combine both and derive the test metrics from them.
The way I think of proceeding is as follows:
Get the Jenkins data in JIRA first using the Jenkins plugin for JIRA.
Use the jira api to collect the testing results from Jenkins and manual tests run on jira.
Prepare a dashboard in JIRA to display all the metrics
Could you suggest if the above approach is correct and suggest something additional.
Thanks in advance!

Are you using cucumber? In that case you could use the cucumber reporting plugin for jenkins. If it doesn't suit your needs but you still use cucumber you can also generate reports in a format like JSON, which you could later parse and get your data.
I have the feeling what you want to do seems a bit complicated, and with not a big benefit. If the tests are failing it's likely you'll have to see what is happening. Having the percentage is sure nice, but I think you can spend some hours/days tailoring this just for having something cute that your manager wants but that has no specific purpose. I would opt for something simpler.
If the automated tests fail, create a jira issue automatically with jenkins. You could put the build number as a tag, or in the title. You can also create it always to indicate that build nr. ## was tested and everything went ok.
As a part of the manual testing process, report in jira what failed.
Create a dashboard and play a bit with tags and search to show which builds failed.

I would suggest AssertThat BDD & Test Management in Jira
Provides end-to-end integration - from features creation to manual and automated tests execution and reporting. Out of the box integration with test automation frameworks through plugins.
The plugin allows to download feature files stored in Jira before the run, execute the test in the usual way and then upload cucumber tests results back to Jira, which gives you a clear view on the testing progress in one place.
More info and usage examples on website


Visual reporting for Karate without Jenkins CI

I'm trying to get reporting working for Karate DSL, and it's proven a challenge because my team uses Circle CI instead of Jenkins. Cucumber reporting seems to only work for Jenkins.
I've had a look at this documentation, here:
I was wondering if there is a circle friendly equivalent you could recommend? It'd be even better if the reports could be generated in the terminal. It's going to be a hard sell to convince my team to change CI tools just so I can implement a test framework.
Here's what I suggest:
If you follow the demo / doc instructions - you will get the HTML reports in say target/cucumber-html-reports, and this is "pure Maven and Java", no dependency on CircleCI at all so far.
Now all you need to do is somehow make these HTML reports accessible via the web. In Jenkins, there is an HTML Publisher Plugin. I am not familiar with CircleCI but a quick search suggests that there is a way to expose links to build artifacts.
Also note that when you follow the demo, Java JUnit XML reports would also be output to target/cucumber-reports. It looks like CircleCI has support for these which means that it should be able to derive the build pass/fail status and stats if configured right.
Also note that Karate now enables you to write custom reports:

Which tests should be run since a previous TFS build?

My managers want we to determine which tests might have to be run, based on coding changes that were made to the application we are testing.
But, it is hard to know which tests are actually needed to be re-verified as a result of a code change. What we have done is common to test the entire area where the code change occurred / or the entire proj, solution.
We were told this could be achieved by TFS build or MTM tools. Could someone share the details?
PM:We are running on TFS 2015 update4,VS2017.
There is a concept of Test Impact Analysis which helps in analysis of impact of development on existing tests. Using TIA, developers know exactly which tests need to be verified as a result of their code change.
The Test Impact Analysis (TIA) feature specifically enables this – TIA
is all about incremental validation by automatic test selection. For a
given code commit entering the pipeline TIA will select and run only
the relevant tests required to validate that commit. Thus, that test
run is going to complete faster, if there is a failure you will get to
know about it faster, and because it is all scoped by relevance,
analysis will be faster as well.
Test Impact Analysis for managed automated tests is available via a checkbox in the 2.* preview version of the VSTest task.
If enabled, only the relevant set of managed automated tests that need to be run to validate a given code change will run. Test Impact Analysis requires the latest version of Visual Studio, and is presently supported in CI for managed automated tests.
However this is only available with TFS2017 update1(need 2.* preview version of VSTS task). More details please refer this blog: Accelerated Continuous Testing with Test Impact Analysis

Publish Test Coverage Report Through Jenkins to Slack

I'm calculating code coverage on every build done in Jenkins and producing a coverage XML report. That's recorded really nicely inside of Jenkins with Cobertura, but what I'd really like is to be able to somehow get at the total branch coverage number so I can automatically publish to a medium the rest of my team can easily consume (i.e. Slack).
As a bonus, getting the difference in coverage from the last run would be even better. I don't see any environment variables that hold this, and haven't found anything detailing a simple way to do this in Cobertura docs. I know I can hack some code together to do this myself, but if there's a simple way I'm missing or something someone else has already built, I'd much rather do that.
I believe you'll have to do this yourself.
The existing Slack plugin just sends build start/success/failure notifications etc.
The Cobertura plugin unfortunately doesn't seem to be built on top of the static code analysis plugin, so there probably isn't much in the way of graphs, difference reports and all that.
You could try adding /api/json to the end of a Cobertura report URL for a Jenkins build — most endpoints reveal some information in this way. If there's some useful information, that could be a basis for whatever you want to hack together.

Jenkins: files/folders selection from subversion

I'm looking for a jenkins plugin that would allow selection of file(s)/folder(s) for a parameterized build.
The purpose is to be able to select different tests to execute, each test being defined as a .xml file in a svn repo.
eg of repo structure:
I'm not sure if these quite get at what you're looking for, but I found the following two possibilities:
Test In Progress which, based on their GitHub information, should allow you to run tests based on pattern matching and view the progress as they run.
RQM is an IBM tool made to allow you to run specific test cases in a test plan that have a custom property that you configured and provide at test execution time.
I just found Multi Module Test Publisher, which may be a little closer to what you're looking for. It acts as a replacement for the normal junit plugin and allows you to group junit tests into suites and view statistics on each separately.

Continuous integration server for Erlang code

What kind of agile tools are you using for Erlang development? What continuous integration (CI) server are you using to build Erlang code? The only reference I got was from Quora question How do I integrate Erlang unit tests in Jenkins (Hudson)?.
I am also interested in the nifty details of setting them up and making talk to each other.
As a company using Erlang actively, Klarna ( use Jenkins (formerly Hudson) for daily regression test on nearly every dev commit. It's an org with about 80 people total in rnd and we use distribute mode of Jenkins which allows us to have more than 10 build slaves mastered by only one Jenkins server. Basically we have a code base with Eralng code which is version controlled by tools like svn or git. All these testcases are under common test framework and all works well under Jenkins.
Previously, we tried Cruise Control and gave it up since Jenkins does much better.
As Lukas mentioned, you probably will need a tool to gen xml files sine common test doesn't export them directly. Haven't really tried that module though, we do have an implementation of common test event handler to do the job, but it was abandoned due to performance, we do have a a critical requirement on test time. right now, we use a own made script to export xml from common test log directly.
There are a lot more you could do with Erlang and Jenkins, like code coverage analyze if you compile properly and export formatted xml to Cobertour plugin, gui test with selenium etc.
For setting up Jenkins, I think Jenkins home page has a good introduction.
Regarding agile tools, I guess it's really hard to define what a agile tool. Also what I believe is it's very much depend on the size of you org. You will probably need a good process view tool (team level or depart level), a good ticket tracking tool, code review tool, communication tool. There are bunch of them implemented under open source. According to our exp, none of them seems to be able to work seamlessly with Jenkins which means you will need to select and tweak by your own requirement. BUT that's the beauty of open source isn't it :)?
If you want to do it using Jenkins, I have written a common test hook which generates JUnit XML output for your tests which Jenkins can use to produce test statistics.
We use Jenkins for our Python code, so I think you may use Jenkins with Erlang code.
We use buildbot with our own recipes to hook unit tests.
