Jenkins: files/folders selection from subversion - jenkins

I'm looking for a jenkins plugin that would allow selection of file(s)/folder(s) for a parameterized build.
The purpose is to be able to select different tests to execute, each test being defined as a .xml file in a svn repo.
eg of repo structure:

I'm not sure if these quite get at what you're looking for, but I found the following two possibilities:
Test In Progress which, based on their GitHub information, should allow you to run tests based on pattern matching and view the progress as they run.
RQM is an IBM tool made to allow you to run specific test cases in a test plan that have a custom property that you configured and provide at test execution time.
I just found Multi Module Test Publisher, which may be a little closer to what you're looking for. It acts as a replacement for the normal junit plugin and allows you to group junit tests into suites and view statistics on each separately.


Where are consolidated TestNG reports present for publishing to CI?

target/surefire-reports/TEST*.xml, and
Above files only have the re-run tests from testng-failed.xml.
But I need complete test results to be published in Jenkins, the successful cases and failed cases, all.
Need a solution that does not needs code changes like implementing listeners etc.
You should find a testng-results.xml file somewhere in target/** which is what you are looking for.
It is recommended to use the TestNG Jenkins plugin too.

Reports from Jenkins and Jira

We are using Jenkins to run the selenium automation tests and my manager wants to see the list of failed builds and what percentage of the tests passed for the builds. We also have manual tests that get executed in JIRA. I need to combine both and derive the test metrics from them.
The way I think of proceeding is as follows:
Get the Jenkins data in JIRA first using the Jenkins plugin for JIRA.
Use the jira api to collect the testing results from Jenkins and manual tests run on jira.
Prepare a dashboard in JIRA to display all the metrics
Could you suggest if the above approach is correct and suggest something additional.
Thanks in advance!
Are you using cucumber? In that case you could use the cucumber reporting plugin for jenkins. If it doesn't suit your needs but you still use cucumber you can also generate reports in a format like JSON, which you could later parse and get your data.
I have the feeling what you want to do seems a bit complicated, and with not a big benefit. If the tests are failing it's likely you'll have to see what is happening. Having the percentage is sure nice, but I think you can spend some hours/days tailoring this just for having something cute that your manager wants but that has no specific purpose. I would opt for something simpler.
If the automated tests fail, create a jira issue automatically with jenkins. You could put the build number as a tag, or in the title. You can also create it always to indicate that build nr. ## was tested and everything went ok.
As a part of the manual testing process, report in jira what failed.
Create a dashboard and play a bit with tags and search to show which builds failed.
I would suggest AssertThat BDD & Test Management in Jira
Provides end-to-end integration - from features creation to manual and automated tests execution and reporting. Out of the box integration with test automation frameworks through plugins.
The plugin allows to download feature files stored in Jira before the run, execute the test in the usual way and then upload cucumber tests results back to Jira, which gives you a clear view on the testing progress in one place.
More info and usage examples on website

Running Jenkins job with multiple browsers

I am using the combination of Jenkins, python, unittest, nosetests to run test suites. I publish the results in nosetests.xml to Jenkins using Junit plugin.
My question: How can I run the same test suites with different browsers (Chrome, FF, IE,…,etc) and publish all the results in the same Jenkins job and still be able to distinguish each test result with respect to browser it used?
I am thinking about running the test suite many time, each with different browser and rename the tests in each nosetest report, nosetests.xml, before publishing to Jenkins but I don’t think that it is an elegant solution.
Thanks for your help
This is what multi-configuration jobs (or matrix jobs) are designed for in Jenkins.
You specify your job configuration once, but add one or more variables that should change each time, building a matrix of combinations (in your case, the matrix has one dimension: browser).
Jenkins then runs one main build with multiple sub-builds — one for each combination in the matrix. You can then clearly see the results for each combination.
This requires that your test job can be parameterised, i.e. you can choose at runtime which browser should be run, rather than running all tests together in a single job.
The Jenkins wiki has minimal documentation on this feature, but there are a few good blog posts (and Stack Overflow questions) out there on how to set it up.

Parameterized Build - Multiple "instances" of a single parametrized job (a template) AKA fixed parametrized build

Long story short,
I was wondering if anyone ever felt the need for (and knows of any implementation of) the possibility of "instantiating" (OO terminology) a parametrized build.
What I mean is treating a parametrized build as a template, from which many "instances" can be generated.
Each instance is supposed to define a different combination of values for the parameters.
The final goal is twofold:
DRY (which is given simply by the parametrized build concept)
having separate build histories / test reports for each instance (otherwise it would be a mess)
the instances would be schedulable directly in jenkins UI (while a parametrized build is not)
The template would then be used only for:
manual builds
changing the config for all of the instances at once
Now, time for some context, as I may be missing something in my overall approach.
You are welcome to point me in the right direction :)
I have a maven project with a suite of selenium tests that I want jenkins to run.
The suite is parametrized: browser, OS, test environment.
So, I can run it e.g. with mvn test -Dbrowser=chrome -Dplatform=win [..].
I want a separate test report for each combination of my parameters.
As a newbie, my first solution was "Copy existing job".
Quick and dirty. But effective.
As you will know, problems arise when you need to make a change to the configuration of the job, and you want to keep in sync all of these copy&pasted jobs.
Then I found the parametrized build feature.
It's very cool (code reuse/maintainability++), but the test report and the build history is shared among all of the actual builds, therefore I can not rely on them for a tidy reporting like "this test is always failing on IE; but it isn't on chrome", and so on.
Thank you very much in advance
I think what you are describing is the matrix project
There are also selenium plugins, I put one together to work with matrix jobs
One lack I can see: you can't build a single combination, as the build btn is present only at the "top level".
Have you tried the Matrix Combination plugin

How to conditionally build other projects?

I have a fairly complicated Jenkins job that builds, unit tests and packages a web application. Depending on the situation, I would like to do different things once this job completes. I have not found a re-usable/maintainable way to do this. Is that really the case or am I missing something?
The options I would like to have once my complicated job completes:
Do nothing
Start my low-risk-change build pipeline:
copies my WAR file to my artifact repository
deploys to production
Start my high-risk-change build pipeline:
copies my WAR file to my artifact repository
deploys to test
run acceptance tests
deploy to production
I have not found an easy way to do this. The simplest, but not very maintainable approach would be to make three separate jobs, each of which kicks off a downstream build. This approach scares me for a few reasons including the fact that changes would have to be made in three places instead of one. In addition, many of the downstream jobs are also nearly identical. The only difference is which downstream jobs they call. The proliferation of jobs seems like it would lead to an un-maintainable mess.
I have looked at using several approaches to keep this as one job, but none have worked so far:
Make the job a multi-configuration project ( This provides a way to inject the job with a parameter. I have not found a way to make the "build other projects" step respond to a parameter.
Use the Parameterized-Trigger plugin ( This plugin lets you trigger downstream-jobs based on certain triggers. The triggers appear to be too restrictive though. They're all based on the state of the build, not arbitrary variables. I don't see any option provided here that would work for my use case.
Use the Flexible Publish plugin ( This plugin has the opposite problem as the parameterized-trigger plugin. It has many useful conditions it can check, but it doesn't look like it can start building another project. Its actions are limited to publishing type activities.
Use Flexible Publish + Any Build Step plugin ( The Any Build Step plugin allows making any build action available to the Flexible Publish plugin. While more actions were made available once this plugin was activated, those actions didn't include "build other projects."
Is there really not an easy way to do this? I'm surprised that I haven't found it and even more surprised that I haven't really seen any one else trying to do this? Am I doing something unusual? Is there something obvious that I am missing?
If I understood it correct you should be able to do this by following these Steps:
First Build Step:
Does the regular work. In your case: building, unit testing and packaging of the web application
Depending on the result let it create a file with a specific name.
This means if you want the low-risk-change to run afterwards create a file low-risk.prop
Second Build Step:
Create a Trigger/call builds on other projects Step from the Parameterized-Trigger
Entery the name of your low-risk job into the Projects to build field
Click on: Add Parameter
Choose: Parameters from properties File
Enter low-risk.prop into the Use properties from file Field
Enable Don't trigger if any files are missing
Third Build Step:
Check if a low-risk.prop file exists
Delete the File
Do the same for the high-risk job
Now you should have the following Setup:
if a file called low-risk.prop occurs during the first Build Step the low-risk job will be started
if a file called high-risk.prop occurs during the first Build Step the high-risk job will be started
if there's no .prop File nothing happens
And that's what you wanted to achieve. Isn't it?
Have you looked at the Conditional Build Plugin? (
I think it can do what you're looking for.
If you want a conditional post-build step, there is a plugin for that:
It will search the console log for a RegEx you specify, and if found, will execute a custom script. You can configure fairly complex criteria, and you can configure multiple sets of criteria each executing different post build tasks.
It doesn't provide you with the usual "build step" actions, so you've got to write your own script there. You can trigger execution of the same job with different parameters, or another job with some parameters, in standard ways that jenkins supports (for example using curl)
Yet another alternative is Jenkins text finder plugin:
This is a post-build step that allows to forcefully mark a build as "unstable" if a RegEx is found in console text (or even some file in workspace). So, in your build steps, depending on your conditions, echo a unique line into console log, and then do a RegEx for that line. You can then use "Trigger parameterized buids" and set the condition as "unstable". This has an added benefit of visually marking the build different (with a yellow ball), however you only have 1 conditional option with this method, and from your OP, looks like you need 2.
Try a combination of these 2 methods:
Do you use Ant for your builds?
If so, it's possible to do conditional building in ant by having a set of environment variables your build scripts can use to conditionally build. In Jenkins, your build will then be building all of the projects, but your actual build will decide whether it builds or just short-circuits.
I think the way to do it is to add an intermediate job that you put in the post-build step and pass to it all the parameters your downstream jobs could possibly need, and then within that job place conditional builds for the real downstream jobs.
The simplest approach I found is to trigger other jobs remotely, so that you can use Conditional Build Plugin or any other plugins to build other jobs conditionally.
