Remain Cursor postion inside EditText android - android-edittext

I have one backspace image button to delete one character after cursor inside an Editext field
And this is code
EditText resultEditText = (EditText) getActivity().findViewById(;
int curPostion;
curPostion = resultEditText.getSelectionEnd();
//getting the selected Text
SpannableStringBuilder selectedStr = new SpannableStringBuilder(resultEditText.getText());
//replacing the selected text with empty String
selectedStr.replace(curPostion - 1, curPostion, "");
//Set new string
My problem is when I press the backspace button, one character is deleted successfully, but the cursor immediately come back to the first postion of the EditText.
How to remain cursor to the position after deleting a character?.
I'm really appreciate your help. Thank you very much.

I just figured out the solution, just delcare a new variable to store the new cursor postion then setSelection().
In detail
EditText resultEditText = (EditText) getActivity().findViewById(;
int curPostion;
curPostion = resultEditText.getSelectionEnd();
//getting the selected Text
SpannableStringBuilder selectedStr = new SpannableStringBuilder(resultEditText.getText());
//replacing the selected text with empty String
selectedStr.replace(curPostion - 1, curPostion, "");
//Store postition
int afterDelPosition = curPostion - 1;
//Set new string
//This will remain the cursor position
I hope this will be helpfull.


How to set the cursor to any part of the text using TextFieldValue (w/ FocusRequester) on pressing/clicking the TextField

I tried to look around but I can't find a way to
force a focus,
set the cursor to the end of text
and still be able to set the cursor to any part of the text when
With FocusRequester the cursor is set to the start of text, but with TextFieldValue(<text>, <range>) I'm able to place the cursor at the end, the problem is that with this approach the cursor is always forced to any specified selection = TextRange(<index>)(in my case its the end using the current length of the changing value onValueChange), I have no idea how to set the cursor in any part (selection) when I press/click the TextField.
My Implementation:
var textFieldValue by remember { mutableStateOf(TextFieldValue("Some Text")) }
Row (
modifier = Modifier
.clickable {
textFieldValue = textFieldValue.copy(selection = TextRange("Some Text".length))
) {
modifier = Modifier.focusRequester(focusRequester),
value = textFieldValue,
onValueChange = {
textFieldValue =
textFieldValue.copy(text = it.text, selection = TextRange(it.text.length))
And what I'm trying to achieve (Large text area with text set and starts from top-left), its entire part should be clickable and triggers focus for the text field, the reason why I wrapped it in a Row with a clickable modifier.
I wasn't able to achieve this with a single text field with specified height, as TextAlign doesn't have a Top-Start alignment

TextSelection in a TextField issue

After selecting the whole text in a TextField using TextSelection() it does indeed select the whole text but after pressing a key on the keyboard, it starts adding pressed letters/numbers to the start of the text as opposed to deleting the old one and replacing it with the newly typed letters/numbers.
Is this expected behavior? If so, is there any way I can programatically select the text and then replace it upon pressing a key on the keyboard?
This is how I select the text:
manualEditorNode.addListener(() {
if (manualEditorNode.hasFocus) {
manualInputController.selection = TextSelection(
baseOffset: 0, extentOffset: manualInputController.text.length);
The following works for me in my program. Maybe you can try something like this?
var cursorPos = textInputController.selection;
setState(() {
textInputController.text = newInput;
if (cursorPos.start > newInput.length) {
cursorPos = new TextSelection.fromPosition(
new TextPosition(offset: newInput.length));
textInputController.selection = cursorPos;

Swift 4 UiTextView - delete a word inside textView on button click

Is there a way to delete a specific word inside a UITextView?
let's say for example that in a textView the user wrote: "Hello my nome is john".
As soon as he finished typing he noticed that he mistyped a word.
Lets' say that there is an array initialised with a set o word and "name" is one of this.
when the user go back with the cursor and start deleting the misspelled a list of suggestion comes up.
He detect the word name and click on it.
is there a way to delete the word nome and insert the word name on which he just clicked.
So basically is there a way to get the word immediately before the cursor and remove it from the text view?
I have been able to get the first word before the cursor:
func characterBeforeCursor() -> String? {
// get the cursor position
if let cursorRange = postTextField.selectedTextRange {
// get the position one character before the cursor start position
if let newPosition = postTextField.position(from: cursorRange.start, offset: -1) {
let range = postTextField.textRange(from: newPosition, to: cursorRange.start)
return postTextField.text(in: range!)
return nil
but i wouldn't know how to get the entire word (until the first space, or a particular character e.g "#" ) and delte it from the textview.
I am a bit lost.... so Thanks to anyone will help.

How to programmatically enter text in UITextView at the current cursor position

I would like to add (some predefined) text at the current cursor position in a UITextView using Swift. So if I have a UITextField named txtField that has some text in it already such as "this is a beautiful valley" and I tap in the area between "a" and "beautiful" so that the cursor is now in the space between "a" and "beautiful" and then click a Button on my user interface a string of text such as "very" will get typed at the cursor position, so that the text in the UITextView will now become "this is a very beautiful valley". At the end of this operation (after button click event) I would the cursor to be just after the word "very". Many thanks for your help. I can see some question on the forum with similar themes, but the answers are in Objective C. I suicidal like help using Swift.
Try this... Inside your button's IBAction use this (please do not use forced optional unwrapping) or else if the textView has no selection or cursor, the app might crash:
let txt = "whatever you want"
if let range = handleToYourTextView.selectedTextRange {
// From your question I assume that you do not want to replace a selection, only insert some text where the cursor is.
if range.start == range.end {
handleToYourTextView.replaceRange(range, withText: txt)
try this
textView.replaceRange(textView.selectedTextRange!, withText: "your text")
Swift 5.2
let txt = "whatever you want"
if let range = myTextView.selectedTextRange {
if range.start == range.end {
myTextView.replace(range, withText: txt)

UITextView increment character to the left

I have a UITextView that has a fixed width and height. I pre-populate the entire textfield with blanks.
I would like to insert a character with the push of a button that will erase the last blank character, insert my string character and then place the cursor at the beginning of the newly inserted string. I am trying to achieve inserting special fonts right to left and bottom to top.
It is working with the first button push and on the second button push the new value is inserted in the correct position to the left, however, the cursor will not move to the left after the second button push, it remains to the right after the second string insert.
Here is my code...
-(IBAction)chartP:(id)sender {
NSRange currentRange = myChart.selectedRange;
if (currentRange.length == 0) {
myChart.text = [myChart.text stringByReplacingCharactersInRange:currentRange
withString:[NSString string]];
currentRange.length = 0;
myChart.selectedRange = currentRange;
myChart.text = [myChart.text stringByAppendingString:#"p"];
myChart.selectedRange = NSMakeRange(myChart.selectedRange.location -1, 0);
Can someone assist me with what I am missing here to continually increment to the left with my string inserts?
How about flipping the text area:
myChart.transform = CGAffineTransformMakeScale(-1,-1);
It sounds like you are trying to implement right-to-left text direction by faking it. Why not do the real thing?
Here's a question that covers the topic:
Change the UITextView Text Direction
If you need bottom-to-top entry, and you have the ability to use a custom font, perhaps you can apply a transformation to the UITextView and y-flip it. Look at the transform property of UIView. (Things like the text selection loupe may break, but it's worth a try.)
