Integrate Swift into an exported Unity project instead of using Objective C? - ios

I am currently starting an iOS project and I want to use Unity as the primary drive for the project. Currently when you export Unity as an exported project, I am only given Objective-C.
How do I make a Unity based project using primarily Swift?
This seems extremely complicated as Objective-C can develop in top level and most of Unity is involved with the top level, how can I use Swift in this project? I am planning on using most of the Unity in Objective C and most of the front end GUI on Swift.

After a good couple of days hammering at this, it is possible. The main pitfalls was of course how the linking and the compilation process that Objective-C and Swift have to interact in order to do so:
Create an AppDelegate in Swift, subclassing UnityAppController and utilizing startUnity instead of Application(..)
Bridge between Swift and ObjectiveC using Unity's generated and the bridging headers
Create an Objective-C wrapper whose sole responsibility is to communicate between the Swift project and the Unity project
As follows here:
UPDATE July 11th 2016: There is also another guide, which I have since started using for my app development moving forward: This is a different approach and also largely more maintainable due to the easily configurable unity.xcconfig (To get through most of the project config headaches) strat used here


Can we have “duplicate symbols” error when using frameworks in pure swift?

Years ago, using ObjC and frameworks (and frameworks inside frameworks), it was common from time to time the “duplicate symbols” error. For example, if you created a framework including RestKit and then the app that wanted to use that framework was using RestKit too, you had that error. One way to fix it was to rename the included source code into your framework using a prefix. Or just avoid using 3rd party dependencies on your framework. Note we used to use static libraries, rather than dynamic libraries.
Is it possible to have the same problem with pure swift apps/frameworks and dynamic libraries today? As far as I understand, swift uses the concept of module for namespaces, something we didn’t have with ObjC.
I mean, is it possible to create a framework that uses Alamofire (let’s say version 5), and then create an app that uses Alamofire (let’s say version 5.0.1) AND your framework that uses Alamofire too?
I am using a similar setup and i did not face any such duplicate symbols in my project.
Let me share my experience.
I have a project setup like the one below.
Main Project -> uses PromiseKit via Cocoapods
My Framework -> uses PromiseKit via Cocoapods
Main Project uses My Framework
I did not face any such issue while running this setup. IMO, hope it is taken care by Swift compiler.

Swift framework for Swift and Objective C projects

I am building a new framework. The project is to be coded into Swift language, however the clients using this framework have the freedom of using either swift or Objective-C framework.
The question is how do I start. There could be numerous issues like
using structs in swift code but it cannot be made available in
objective C framework.
optionals are missing objective c
Even if I
write different set of files for Swift and Objective C, how will I
map them onto different frameworks under the same project.
Enums with other than Int as rawValue can't be used.
Tuples would not work
I know there have been a few questions around this but none have any satisfactory answer.
PS - Any link to a tutorial or blog would be super helpful too
I did this and got some unexpected results: I have trouble integrating the framework in Swift application. Objective-C works just fine.
You mentioned some of the caveats here.
I suggest doing this iteratively while writing test application in Objective-C which uses all the features. This way if there is some feature that does not cross Swift to Objective-C boundary well, it will be discovered as early as possible.
Your remarks about issues are generally correct with one small exception: optionals are not missing from Objective-C, they appear as nullable/nonnull modifiers on variables and method parameters. Although this does not replace optionals fully, it helps detecting issues early in the process.
Here is a random list of some other issues I discovered:
Bridging between Swift Error and NSError used in Objective-C. The conversion is not always as smooth at it could be, so better use NSError in exported code.
If you mix Objective-C and Swift in your framework, you cannot use bridging header, instead using modulemap files which tend to turn pretty large and complex.
Since you cannot embed frameworks inside a framework, you have to make sure that the application sets ALWAYS_EMBED_SWIFT_STANDARD_LIBRARIES flag for its target. This has to be clearly indicated in the documentation. Also, when creating fat library for your framework, you have to strip these files from the distributed SDK.
And, as I said in the beginning, I still have no success using the resulting mixed language framework in Swift application.
Hope, this will add to your list of things to take into account when developing the library.

Is there a way to create and export a Swift dynamic framework without exposing the implementation?

I've got an iOS dynamic framework written in Swift and would like to know what ways I can "export" the framework for use in external projects, while leaving the implementation unexposed.
The "best" solution I've come across so far is from this article, but for some reason autocompletion stops working when I'm trying to use classes from the framework in a project.
Right now I'm using a Xcode workspace to use the framework within a project. However, as mentioned I don't want to have the implementation exposed.
I understand that Swift doesn't have separate interface and implementation files found in Objective-C, but am just curious as to how other people approach this.

Does Swift support WebRTC?

Our team is in process of electing programming language to develop a new iOS application in which we have to write features to support video conversation.
The backend is written using WebRTC, now we have to decide which language to use in the iPhone app and we prefer Swift in this case.
However, I'm not sure Swift supports WebRTC or not.
My initial research show that we can implement the features using Objective-C. I found an example written in Objective-C which you can find the source code here.
However, I'm not sure about Swift. Does Swift also support WebRTC?
Unfortunately, as of 2023 there still appears to be no completely Swift framework that implements the WebRTC protocol. Although the iOS framework hosted at can be fairly easily used in Swift apps, it is written mostly in objective C.
For those stumbling on this question, who just want to get webRTC running in your app this is still relatively easy using the cocoapod
The easiest way is to get webRTC in your project is to simply install the CocoaPod using the directions at
If you have never used CocoaPods before you will need to first follow this guide:
Original Answer
The simple answer to the question is that there are currently no open source libraries written in Swift conforming to the WebRTC protocol. You can still compile the code from the official WebRTC project into your app. Directions which may not lead to a successful build can be found here:
Finally, to clarify Omkar Guhilot's answer: Skylink is a company with a closed source SDK that is designed to work only with their paid stun-turn service, and requires cordova, which may not be ideal for many native ios developers.
Webrtc comes with Objective C interface. I dont think they will move to swift interface anytime soon. But You can always use them via bridging headers. I have written apprtc (webrtc's demo) in swift 2.3 version with help of bridging headers in github link with a description in this blog . I have planned to write 3.0 version and a swift wrappers over it.
Current version of webrtc framework doesn't require any pods or any extra bridging headers.
The framework can be generated by following instructions on this Link :
If you follow them correctly you will generate a framework add that framework in your project and follow the webrtc necessary steps and you will have a WEBRTC integrated project.
To know what all steps are necessary follow this link from
This will get you to a stage where you will be able to make calls between a browser and any iOS 8+ device
Yes swift supports WebRTC and there is one more library which you can use in swift link:-
And the link that you have shared to which is written in Objective C, we should be able to use that as well in swift by creating a Bridging header
Have a look at this as well

How to use Cocos2d-Swift in existing project

I got an existing Objective-C project. Now I decided to rewrite some code and add Cocos2d to it. I know this framework for a long time and I recently discovered that they stopped the support for Cocos2d and created a new version called Cocos2d-x. There I found the Swift library and I asked me how to use the Cocos2d-Swift framework in my existing Objective-C project ? A step by step tutorial would be great. I searched a bit in the internet and found this:
Stackoverflow Link
But since the post is from 2011 it does not cover how to add the swift library, since Swift wasn't introduced at this moment.
Cocos2d-swift is a bit of a misnomer : it is currently written in objective-c. The software is now distributed with SpriteBuilder, that is why there is no '' as there used to be. So integrating it into your project should not be too difficult. Use SpriteBuilder (from the AppStore) to create a 'blank' SB project, and see how cocos2d is integrated in there. Then, what you see is what you integrate !
caveat : Cocos2d is now ARC, so it is best your project defaults ARC. Otherwise you will have to do a lot of Xcode click-click-click to make the reference count strategy file specific.
