Is there a way to disable/hide "Re-execute promotion" button - jenkins

Is there a way to disable/hide "Re-execute promotion" button for the builds in cases like -
Build has been promoted successfully once.
Build promoted by one user should not be re-executable by another user.

The "Force Promotion" and "Re-execute Promotion" buttons are only visible to those with full admin permission for the job. A general user should not have such permissions, and will not see those buttons.
A general user should be configured in the promotion settings (who can trigger it), and they will only see "Approve" button, once.


GupShup Flow Bot Builder Goto option not working

Use GoTo option following gupshup documentations to go from state (user select option to return to main menu).
I get the following warning message.
"The selected node has user child states. If you select this state, your bot will wait for
user inputs to continue the flow".
and it is not working as expected, and we want to show the main menu to user again.
Goto works differently. If you want to execute a certain bot-state, you need to go-to to that state's previous state.

Jira - Avoid getting mail on change/comment on task I'm the ASSIGNEE

I'm getting mails from jira for all tasks I'm ASSIGNEE to
This is a good,except I want to avoid getting mail every change/comment I make on this task
I couldn't find any settings in my account, Can this be disabled?
I read in jira that it should be the case by default
Jira's default setting is to not notify users of their own changes. This can be changed on a per user basis via their profile preferences.
You can do this via the Preferences page in JIRA. Detailed instructions are here.
Click on your Profile on the top right of the screen.
Click the pencil next to Preferences.
Change the My Changes dropdown value to Do not notify me.
You should now no longer get emails for actions you've done on a ticket. The only downside is that you'll now also no longer get notifications when you create a ticket.

How to keep "back to app" button in opened application until unless use clicks that button

If in case user close application or click on the home button also
---Thanks in advance.
Apple restricts app developers to access certain parts of the software, in order to protect the security of the users. That being said, accessing the back to app button cannot be changed or modified inside your app, because it is not a piece of software which belongs to your app.
From what you have described, it seems that you want your app to just take control of your user, putting that button there whenever the user exists your app. It is not the case.

Jenkins user configure "Extended Email Job Watching", but No configuration available

I want that the signed users can select to receive which jobs' email notification.
I installed the Ext. email notification plug-in, and enabled it in the jobs, and enabled watching for jobs in the overall configuration. but I still can't see anything in the user's property page display.
enter image description here
I believe you have to activate that feature in the Global Settings:
See: [] and look for the checkbox "Enable watching for jobs"; as an administrator, you would want to also enable the triggers that you want users to be able to subscribe to (default is a limited set).
This will still leave the user "Configure" screen with no possible action. Users have to subscribe to specific triggers from the job page itself, using a link (not in the left margin menu, but on the main page) named "Watch Job" whihc takes you to a separate page to choose the triggers. Then this will show in the User's Configure page.

Disable Build cancel permissions to some users in Jenkins?

I want to disable "Build cancel" or "Abort" permission in Jenkins.By default if a user is granted Build Permissions he/she have cancel also even if we uncheck the cancel checkbox in Project-Based security matrix.User is able to cancel the jobs.Please help.
So at the moment there is a bit of a discussion about this one. The cancel permission is implied by the build permission, so if you give someone build they also get cancel. There was a PR made to fix this and separate the two permissions, but it seems to not be quite working (or is contentious) - see for the PR. I think when that is merged in it will fix your issue.
This is now fixed in version 2.120 of Jenkins core. See the release notes here:
