How to connect usb webcam to ev3? - image-processing

I would like to connect an USB webcam to my EV3.
is it possible to do that?
and how can I do it and how can I reach the cam from my code?
I use Labview for programming
and thanks in advance :)

Both leJOS and ev3dev support USB web cams connected to the EV3 brick, however, neither work with LabView.
To get this working on the official LEGO firmware, you need to compile proper kernel modules, sideload them on the EV3 and as suggested in the comments, sideload another program that converts the image data into something that can communicate with labview remotely.

use bellow vi to convert image to 2d array use array tool to cut appropriate part
and do not forget for average use this equation otherwise the answer will be wrong
ave=r/3 + b/3 +g/3 not r+b+g/3


Multiple USB cameras simultaneously - labview

I am quite new to Labview. Does anyone know how to get images from 2 usb cameras simultaneously. There are some topics about it in the internet, but all of them are a little bit misleading and do not present the whole solution.
use labview 2014 and higher also check if your cpu and RAM of your system could support two or more simountensous camera .you can check this by open two camera in same time but with different software after that you find out that you system could handle two camera
use Imaqdx for open camera but it is better to use flat sequence for config and open part
it is better open camera by one by but you can capture in same time inside while loop
if you system could not handle two camera told me I could suggest a method to solve it
This isn't something supported using basic LabVIEW funtions.
However, you can use hooks into the User32.dll to create windows and populate them with live images from USB webcams.
I've had the example posted here working on LabVIEW 2016 + 2018
The linked example is displaying 2 webcams and doesn't need IMAQ drivers to run

Teensy + IR camera + OpenCV

I have never ever asked this kind of question on StackOverflow before, and I wonder if you could help me guys because it is a "bit" vague.
I have to design a project that uses Teensy (simple ARM platform) for getting data from IR camera (Flir, resolution 80x60) over SPI, and streaming these data to Linux/Windows running machine (through USB-serial) and doing something simple with OpenCV.
THE PROBLEM: The project lacks some "inovation". It should not be something very complicated, but rather different approach, or trying something new.
Do you have recommendations/tutorials/books/experience with working with above mentioned things? OR do you see a potential for teying something new?
You might want to check out the OpenCV Cookbook for some ideas.
There is a project using this FLIR with a Teensy. It provides a thermal image using a small LCD screen (without any aditional computer).
So, the teensy can get data through spi.
Can the teensy send data through usb then ? Probably but you will have to check if the rate is high enough
Using OpenCV directly on teensy is not possible because of size of library. But you can probably make some basic image processing if the code is small enough.
The FLIR Lepton can be directly interfaced with Linux or Windows computer, so I don't really see the use of Teensy.
I would recommend a Raspberry Pi to interface the FLIR Lepton and then do some image processing. It's well documented on the web.

How do I capture live video from my webcam using labview 2011?

I was wondering if it would be possible to capture the live video from my integrated webcam using Labview 2011(National Instruments). All I need to do for now is put the camera in the front panel. This is not a USB Webcam. It is a chicony USB 2.0 Camera(does not show up as usb on my pc). Can anyone help me?
LV2012? Is this beta?
The best way to do this is using IMAQdx drivers+Vision Developement module. AFter installing IMAQdx, USB cams usually already show up in Measurement and Automation Explorer and you can try out Snap/Grab... (Tip: Do install whatever driver is included with the hardware/on a cd.)
Then, in LV, just drop the "IMAQ Acquisition Express" vi into your block diagram and you'll be guided through a very quick and easy setup.
I'm not much into Express vis, but that one is good.
If you don't have Vision Dev Module, look into ADVision ( It does the same thing, just with OpenCV, but I don't think that every driver is supported.
Also, remember only USB cameras that have DirectShow filter are supported by the Vision Acquisition Software, which has the IMAQdx that Birgit P. mentioned.
for usb2 you need imaqdx toolkit in vision acquisition part
also check NIMax after installation to see if labview could find your camera or not
labview could find and support all useb2 camera if you instal camera diver correctly

Is there a virtual/dummy IMAQ camera for LabVIEW?

I'm writing LabVIEW software that grabs images from an IMAQ compatible GigE camera.
The problem: This is a collaborative project, so I only have intermittent access to the actual camera.I'd like to be able to keep developing this software even when the camera isn't present.
Is there a simple/fast way to create a virtual or dummy IMAQ camera in software? Ideally I'd like the dummy camera grab frames from an AVI or a stack of JPEG's. Something like this must exist, I just can't find it on Google.
I'm looking for something that won't take very long (e.g.< 2 hours effort) and that is abstracted away through the standard LabVIEW IMAQ interface, so that my software won't know or care whether its dealing with a dummy camera or an actual camera.
You can try this method using LabVIEW classes:
Hardware Emulation Using LabVIEW Classes
If you have the IMAQdx driver, you might consider just buying a cheap USB webcam for $10.
Use the IMAQdx driver (assuming you have it), and then insert the Vision Acquisition Express VI, and you can choose AVIs or even pics as a source.
Something like this: GigESim is a camera emulation software. Unfortunately it is proprietary and too expensive (>$500) for my own needs, but perhaps others will find this link useful.
Anyone know of a viable Open Source alternative?
There's an IP Camera emulator project that emulates IP camera with python. I haven't used it myself so i don't know if it can be used by IMAQ.
Let us know if it's good for you.
I know this question is really old, but hopefully this answer helps someone out.
IMAQdx also works with Windows DirectShow devices. While normally these are actual physical capture devices (think USB Webcams), there is no necessity that they have to be.
There are a few different pre-made options available on the web. I found using Open Broadcaster Studio and this Virtual Cam plugin to be easy enough. Basically:
Download and install both.
Load your media sources in the sources list.
Enable the VirtualCam stream (Tools > VirtualCam). Press Start.

Printing from an embedded system

We are making a lab instrument using an ARM9/RTOS system. The client has asked about printing simple reports from the ARM9 system. In this case, we have USB Host support in the RTOS. I'm thinking about printing bitmaps in generic PCL, hoping that will cover the widest range of printers. Is there a better way to approach this? I'm assuming the RTOS does not have printer drivers, and I don't want to support a lot of printers.
We also support USB device mode on our system, so you could plug in a photo printer, and our device would appear to be a USB stick. So that would work, but it's a bit clunky. This will be a C/C++ embedded system
Pretending to be a digital camera and interfacing with a PictBridge printer actually sounds pretty clever. It would remove the need to deal with different printer drivers, and if my understanding of the technology is correct, you could even control the operation of the printer right from your device.
On the other hand, as someone who has used a fair number of computerized lab instruments (oscilloscopes etc.) I find the ability to save screenshots from an ethernet/web interface to be much more useful. Print is dead.
Have you looked at what all the scope vendors are doing? They all have print options (I think) and I don't know what they are doing to solve this problem.
Last time I was involved with something like this, we used serial ports to talk to HP printers using PCL. That backfired as everyone quickly stopped making serial printers!
PostScript is natively supported by most printers, so you could just send it over the wire, but it would be a lot more cumbersome than straight ASCII. There are libraries, but they're bulky.
Since your device can appear to be a USB stick, a simple solution would be to generate a report as a JPEG image and then have the printer open and print it. This way, the people who want paperless output can use the image as-is, and everyone else can print it.
If I understand you correctly, you could write a formatted text file and do a "print" command through Windows in the "usb stick" mode.
For a simple report, it would be best to stick to straight ASCII. If you need some graphics, PCL would be a good choice for B/W laser printers, but I'm not sure how universal it would be for the more common ink-jet printers.
Edit: the PCL Reference Manual is available as a PDF from HP.
