How to get youtube to continuously play on iOS? - ios

I'd just like to have an embeded youtube player that runs the user's playlist on iPhone/iPad.
Whatever I've tried so far the player just stops after one song.

The place to start is the Google YouTube Dev page.
That said, it is not the place to end - they try to provide instruction for both iOS and Android in the same breath/docs, and the examples are a tad on the obsolete side. Perhaps I or someone else could provide a more helpful answer if you could you provide more detail on what you have tried so far?


Can we PLay Youtube audio only inside app?

I am working on an app, where I am required to play the youtube's Audio and Video as well.
I am able to PLay video Using "XCDYouTubeVideoPlayerViewController" available on cocoa controls. (I am getting Youtube url from the backend)
Is there any way , where I can play audio also only inside my app. Because I checked over Internet and stackoverflow, but Couldn't find anything working.
And Is there any way, where the Video or audio can be played at the Back gorund , i.e when I press Home button the vidoe/audio keeps on playing.
All I fund on stack overflow is, that its forbidden, and the chances are your app will be blocked.
Please help, Thanks Again.
Youtube doesn't encourage audio only! here's what they have to say about this.
Your API Client will not, and You will not encourage or create functionality for Your users or other third parties to: "separate, isolate, or modify the audio or video components of any YouTube audiovisual content made available through the YouTube API" -Kuan Yong, YouTube API Team
However there's a hacky workaround workaround whereby you can use a hidden UIWebView and play in that.

how to play youtube videos in half and full screen (iOS 6,7)

I have already posted two questions
Question 1 Question 2
last week, but no answer worked. I am working on an app(I have completed the UI),
I have to show the youtube videos in the app, just like the youtube app. that is to show youtube videos in the full mode and in half screen too.
Some Body told me to use MPMoviePlayerViewController , but the problem with this player is, that it takes the url of videos like "". It doesn't play youtube videos. I went to Youtube Developer site. There is lot of information, but all that is for some scripting(javascript using iframe) language, that I don't understand.
Its been a week, and am stuck with this youtube API(I tried to read each and every thing on youtube developer blog, but most of the stuff is related to javascript, which I don't know).
There are few codes available over stackoverflow and Github, which are very old, and are not working now.
If any body know anything then please help. Thanks in advance
I've managed to play YouTube videos with MPMoviePlayerController using LBYouTubeView Library.
Which is a good and upto date library. Basically it extract "" kind of URL from YouTube and plays in a MPMoviePlayerController. You can also set the quality of the video (low,medium,high) etc. This library comes with a sample project you can test.

Get streaming URL from any YouTube video

I know about how to play video in device. But Here I just want to know that is it possible to get streaming URL from any YouTube Video? Then how can I do it, I tried to search on google but I can not able to find my solution.
Generally I does not want to play direct stream from video, actually I want to save this URL (stream) in my buffer memory OR whatever temporary file and whenever user click on particular button then particular URL Stream is play.
Al Last I got YouTube APIs + iPhone = Cool mobile apps. But I am not sure that it's helpful in my case or not ? If anybody who worked on this API then please suggest me, Otherwise How can I get streaming URL.
Your suggestion will be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.{VIDEO_ID}
This will not work on all files, some will display the message "This+video+contains+content+from.....". But many will work.
Is it possible to get streaming URL from any YouTube Video? - No, it is not possible without hurting the terms of service of youtube. Google has built the business model of youtube around the advertisements all over youtube, in-video banners and video ads and they want your user to see their ads. This is the reason they completely hide the video stream and would ban your app if you anyway access and stream it directly.
The only consented way to play youtube videos on iOS is to embed it into an iframe of a web view.

Phonegap Video player plugin for iOS [duplicate]

I am using a Phonegap plugin for playing a video in my iOS app. I'm able to play a video with the URL format like
How do I play Youtube videos using the phonegap-videoplayer-plugin?
YouTube Terms of Service: "You agree not to access Content
through any technology or means other than the video playback pages of
the Service itself, the Embeddable Player, or other explicitly
authorized means YouTube may designate."
There are some methods that will give you direct link to youtube videos. Use "gdata" option to find all possible video formats.
Then parse the result to get desired link. Hope this might be useful
But everywhere I found the code to be edited in .m and .h files. None have explained how to use it.
That's because you can only directly use MPMoviePlayerController from native apps (written in Objective-C). For any other technology you'll have to have an intermediary layer in between.
From googling, I found this plugin for PhoneGap that claims to integrate with MPMoviePlayerController. I've no idea if it's any good, but it might do as a starting point.
try to give the youtube url in this format.
You will get the desired result. But Autoplay is not enabled, as Apple stopped supporting autoplay to save user's bandwidth

include existing youtube video in my own youtube account

Is it possible to add to my youtube account a video I liked in youtube without having to upload it?
This is for an application i´m developing... I´m looking for something similar to share on twitter feature.
But any help is welcome!
You can add it as a favourite, as Yuliy has said, or you can create yourself a channel, add a playlist to that channel, then add the video in a similar way to the playlist.
Doing it this way means you can 'see' it from the API(getplaylists, getplaylist)... But, if the original author decides to take the video down, then of course it will disappear from your channel page as well (or more likely say 'this video has been removed by the user').
You cant keep a 'copy' of the video like this.
