include existing youtube video in my own youtube account - youtube-api

Is it possible to add to my youtube account a video I liked in youtube without having to upload it?
This is for an application i´m developing... I´m looking for something similar to share on twitter feature.
But any help is welcome!

You can add it as a favourite, as Yuliy has said, or you can create yourself a channel, add a playlist to that channel, then add the video in a similar way to the playlist.
Doing it this way means you can 'see' it from the API(getplaylists, getplaylist)... But, if the original author decides to take the video down, then of course it will disappear from your channel page as well (or more likely say 'this video has been removed by the user').
You cant keep a 'copy' of the video like this.


Video Uploading to a specific channel on a Rails 4 app

I am trying to figure out how to let users of my app post a video file on my site that is then posted to my site's video channel. At this point I don't care if I use you tube or vimeo. I'm struggling to figure out how to do this in either platform.
My struggle with the vimeo gem is that the documentation doesn't tell me where to put anything. I don't understand how to read the instructions beyond installing the gem.
My problem with you tube is that all the tutorials I can find want to start from the point where you add a link to content that is already posted.
Does anyone know where to find resources for how to setup you tube or vimeo video uploading, with instructions that tell you where to put bits of code inside an app?
It's not enough for me to say:
"First, instantiate the Base class:
base ="consumer_key", "consumer_secret")"
I don't now what that means. Am I supposed to make some kind of initialiser to put this line into?
Does anyone know how to upload video files, to a rails 4 app, and have the app post the video to a specific channel?
Even if there was a way to make this work, you'd need to have a lot of trust in your users, as YouTube and Vimeo are quite strict with handling copyright and other "harmful" content (see YouTube Guidelines). On YouTube your channel might even get banned by uploading three videos that "cross the line" and Vimeo says "Upload only videos you created yourself." in their Guidelines.
Are you really willing to take the risk of having your presumably big channel banned only because one user decides to upload some copyright infringing videos?

Record Video and sharing it in ios app

In my app I want to give the user the option to record a video and share it. What is the easiest way to achieve this? (I have been trying to add video recording for days now and keep hitting dead ends). Can anyone offer some help?
To allow functionality to record videos within your app, please go to the Apple documentation for UIImagePickerController for taking pictures and movies
UIImagePickerController Class Reference Link
Once you have your video, sharing it is a little more difficult as unlike text or images, the movie file sizes can often be very large and may have to rule out simple sharing via email, text-message etc.
The best way to share in this case, would be to connect to an external API, like YouTube, where you can upload the video from the app. Here's a link to YouTube documentation for this
YouTube API Documentation Link
I suggest these as good places to start, as this is what you are asking for.
Hope this helps

Creating a Youtube channel ios app

So I want to make an app with my own custom menu, from where I can have access to my videos on youtube. I know how to link individual videos but I want to be able to update it with a back end or just by adding more videos to my youtube playlists and not have to fully patch my app to add more content. wondering how you all might suggest I go about doing this.
This sample will help you understand how to upload your videos to YouTube,

Get streaming URL from any YouTube video

I know about how to play video in device. But Here I just want to know that is it possible to get streaming URL from any YouTube Video? Then how can I do it, I tried to search on google but I can not able to find my solution.
Generally I does not want to play direct stream from video, actually I want to save this URL (stream) in my buffer memory OR whatever temporary file and whenever user click on particular button then particular URL Stream is play.
Al Last I got YouTube APIs + iPhone = Cool mobile apps. But I am not sure that it's helpful in my case or not ? If anybody who worked on this API then please suggest me, Otherwise How can I get streaming URL.
Your suggestion will be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.{VIDEO_ID}
This will not work on all files, some will display the message "This+video+contains+content+from.....". But many will work.
Is it possible to get streaming URL from any YouTube Video? - No, it is not possible without hurting the terms of service of youtube. Google has built the business model of youtube around the advertisements all over youtube, in-video banners and video ads and they want your user to see their ads. This is the reason they completely hide the video stream and would ban your app if you anyway access and stream it directly.
The only consented way to play youtube videos on iOS is to embed it into an iframe of a web view.

How to screenscrape my youtube video feed?

How to get the feed of my account? (Or how can I sign in my account when using Nokogiri?)
What would be a good solution to get the video from various video channels?(So I can avoid signing in my account in problem1)
Specifically, how to deal with pagination?
The videos screenscraped may not be all needed. How can I make a pre-save page to cancel out the videos that I don't want? i.e. create a editing interface for screenscraping
YouTube has a developers API from which all this should be available. Have you checked it out? See:
