Dependency injection: Angular 2 not working - dependency-injection

I'm following the tutorials display-data in
I introduced a new class FriendsService to separate the controller logic and model concern. I Called FriendsService class in DisplayComponent class by using dependency injection, the dependency injection not working.
There's no errors in the console. The page doesn't display the component. This is the line causing the component not to display on the page.
constructor(friendsService: FriendsService)
The page loads and displays the components (display) if change the constructor to:
I'm using angular2.alpha.34 , Typescript, ES6.
I solved it. Eclipse-Plugin was causing the issue. The plugin wasn't generating the ES5 complaint correct code.
I used "tsc --watch -m commonjs -t es5 --emitDecoratorMetadata app.ts" command described in website.
The eclipse-plugin generated code and the command "tsc" generated code is slightly different.
When using the "tsc" command I was achieving the expected behavior.

First you have to define the Service before that any component or directive.
If you have something like this
class Component {
constructor(svc: Service) {
class Service {
It will fail. In cases like this you should use fordwardRef or you just can declare it before your component.
class Service {
class Component {
constructor(svc: Service) {
Another thing is that you have to inject your service using viewBindings (see ComponentAnnotation documentation).
class Service {
viewBindings: [Service]
class Component {
constructor(svc: Service) {
And you are good to go. I hope it helps.


Vaadin #CssImport not working in jar dependency

I can't seem to get the #CssImport annotation working when the component class is in a separate jar. (Main web project is Vaadin 18)
I checked out the addon starter:
And adjusted the TheAddon class to add a css class name:
public class TheAddon extends Div {
public TheAddon() {
I then added the theaddon.css file to:
With the styles:
.theaddon {
However when I use the addon, I do not see the style applied. I do see the style if I extend the TheAddon class within my web project. So this leads me to believe there's some classpath magic that isn't happening correctly.
Argh - the issue was that the vaadin.whitelisted-packages property was set. Thus Vaadin was not scanning / finding the components when building the front-end. Correcting this property fixed it.

Grails 4 how to get an handle to artifacts in custom command

I need to build a custom command in a Grails 4 application (, and I need to get an handle to some Grails Services and Domain classes which I will query as needed.
The custom command skeleton is quite simple:
import org.apache.maven.artifact.Artifact
class HelloWorldCommand implements GrailsApplicationCommand {
boolean handle() {
return true
While the documentation says that a custom command has access to the whole application context, I haven't found any examples on how to get an handle of that and start accessing the various application artifacts.
Any hints?
EDIT: to add context and clarify the goal of the custom command in order for further recommendation/best practices/etc.: the command reads data from a file in a custom format, persist the data, and writes reports in another custom format.
Will eventually be replaced by a recurrent job, once the data will be available on demand from a third party REST API.
See the project at
package marco.vittorini.orgeas.artifacts.cli
class GreetingService {
String greeting = 'Hello World'
package marco.vittorini.orgeas.artifacts.cli
class HelloCommand implements GrailsApplicationCommand {
GreetingService greetingService
boolean handle() {
println greetingService.greeting
return true
I have added a commit at which demonstrates accessing a domain class, which was part of the question I overlooked when writing the initial answer.

Dependency Injection in Angular 2

I thought DI was implemented to allow use the same services over the application, and change them as needed. However this snippet (Angular 2.0.0-beta.0) refuses to work:
# boot.ts
import {ProjectService} from './project.service'
bootstrap(AppComponent, [ProjectService]);
# my.component.ts
export class MyComponent {
constructor(project: ProjectService) {
and with explicit service requirement it works:
# my.component.ts
import {ProjectService} from './project.service';
export class MyComponent {
constructor(project: ProjectService) {
The official doc is somewhat inconsistent, but has the same in the plunkr example:
# boot.ts
import {HeroesListComponent} from './heroes-list.component';
import {HeroesService} from './heroes.service';
bootstrap(HeroesListComponent, [HeroesService])
# heroes-list.component.ts
import {HeroesService} from './heroes.service';
Is this the intended way of DI usage? Why we have to import service in every class requiring it, and where are the benefits if we can't just describe the service once on boot?
This isn't really related to dependency injection. You can't use a class in TS that is not imported.
This line references a class and DI derives from the type what instance to inject.
constructor(project: ProjectService) {
If the type isn't specified by a concrete import, DI can't know which of all possible ProjectService classes should be used.
What you can do for example, is to request a type (ProjectService) and get a different implementation (subclass like MockProjectService or EnhancedProjectService,...)
bootstrap(HeroesListComponent, [provide(ProjectService useClass: MockProjectService)]);
this way DI would inject a MockProjectService for the following constructor
constructor(project: ProjectService) {

Angular 2 Dependency Injection

I have read several articles on dependency injection and cannot seem to get it working the way I think it should. From what I have read, you can use the #Injectable decorator on a class and then the metadata is created for the DI like so:
import {Hero} from './hero.model';
import {Injectable} from 'angular2/angular2'
export class HeroService {
constructor() {
console.log('Hero Service Created');
Then in your component, you can use it in your constructor (with the proper import) like this:
constructor(heroService: HeroService) {
console.log('App Component Created');
However, I get the following error: Cannot resolve all parameters for AppComponent(?). Make sure they all have valid type or annotations.
I am able to get it working properly if I remove the #Injectable syntax from the service and instead have my constructor like this:
constructor(#Inject(HeroService) heroService: HeroService) {
console.log('App Component Created');
With everything that I've read, these should do the same thing, but they aren't. Any ideas as to why? I am using Typescript 1.6.2 with VS 2013, angular 2 v2.0.0-alpha.46, and systemjs v0.19.5.
Make sure that you've specified "emitDecoratorMetadata" option in your TypeScript configuration.

Resolving a type without registering first - prism 4 and Untiy

First of all I would like to remark I am new with the concept of prism, DI and containers. I am looking on one of the code samples provided with the Prism Library:
The code simply injects a view with the "Hello World" string (in a TextBlock element) to a region in the shell.
When the application starts-up, it creates a new BootStrapper instance, which creates and initializes the shell:
public class Bootstrapper : UnityBootstrapper
protected override DependencyObject CreateShell()
return Container.Resolve<Shell>();
protected override void InitializeShell()
Application.Current.RootVisual = (UIElement)this.Shell;
protected override void ConfigureModuleCatalog()
ModuleCatalog moduleCatalog = (ModuleCatalog)this.ModuleCatalog;
My question refers to the method CreateShell(). I couldnt find nowhere in the supplied code (including not in a configuration file or any xaml file...) where do they register the type Shell, and even if it was registered - the supplies Shell class doesnt implement any interface... what is the meaning of resolving a specific type?
the Shell implementation:
public partial class Shell : UserControl
public Shell()
This looks like a magic to me, so I tried to create my own type (MyType) and resolve it the same way:
By setting a breakepoint inside MyType constructor, I saw that it DID resolved MyType. Can somebody please explain to me how does it work?
These couple of threads should answer your question:
Does unity just make clasess with out needing anything registered?
Additionally, if you are eager to get more detail into how Unity can do this, simple download Unity 2.0 and open the source code that is provided with the installer.
I hope this helps.
You do not need to register a type you want to resolve. You need to register the dependencies of a type, that you want to resolve. In this case, the Shell doesn't need any dependencies, so you can resolve it simply. But for an example (not really), if your shell getting an interface IService as a parameter, then you must register IService, before you resolve Shell.
Otherwise you will get Dependency Resolution Failed Exception. In Prism 4.1 it will be swallowed silently due to TryResolve.
