Vaadin #CssImport not working in jar dependency - vaadin

I can't seem to get the #CssImport annotation working when the component class is in a separate jar. (Main web project is Vaadin 18)
I checked out the addon starter:
And adjusted the TheAddon class to add a css class name:
public class TheAddon extends Div {
public TheAddon() {
I then added the theaddon.css file to:
With the styles:
.theaddon {
However when I use the addon, I do not see the style applied. I do see the style if I extend the TheAddon class within my web project. So this leads me to believe there's some classpath magic that isn't happening correctly.

Argh - the issue was that the vaadin.whitelisted-packages property was set. Thus Vaadin was not scanning / finding the components when building the front-end. Correcting this property fixed it.


Error when using MvxAppCompatActivity

I am writing an application with Xamarin.Android with MvvmCross. I want my Activity to inherit from MvxAppCompatActivity so that I can use fragments. Here is my base class:
public class BaseActivity<TViewModel> : MvxAppCompatActivity<TViewModel> where TViewModel : MvxViewModel
public new TViewModel ViewModel
get { return base.ViewModel; }
set { base.ViewModel = value; }
I get this error on the OnCreate of my Activity:
Failed resolution of: Landroid/support/v7/appcompat/R$drawable; Didn't
find class "$drawable" on path:
But if I change MvxAppCompatActivity to MvxActivity it works fine...why?
I downloaded your solution and tried to build the Android project. It fails with 18 occurrences of the same error:
error: No resource identifier found for attribute 'loginButtonBackgroundColor' in package ...
So after a little inspection of your solution, I did the following steps to solve your issue:
1) In login_screen.axml I saw you had this line:
Which is unnecessary. After removing it, and changing the lines [YOURNAMESPACE]:loginButtonBackgroundColor=... to local:loginButtonBackgroundColor=... the build succeeds.
2) I saw some layout files are located inside the /drawable folder (button_round_corner.xml, input_box.xml and login_button.xml). I moved them to the /layout folder and fixed the issues the change produced (only two).
3) Made Setup class inherit from MvxAppCompatSetup.
4) Added a RegisterAttribute over the LoginButton control. So the class definition looks like this:
using Android.Runtime;
namespace Xxx.Droid.Components
public class LoginButton : FrameLayout, IMvxNotifyPropertyChanged
And that's it! Probably (2) was not necessary, but leaving it here just in case.
It could be several things but it is probably the lack of some android support packages. Mainly the lack of Xamarin.Android.Support.Design gives that error. So check if you have that added and if not add it and it should solve your problem.
If it doesn't it's highly likely you lack some other android support packages

How to force vaadin AbstractJavaScriptComponent javascript to re-download when javascript file is changed

In my Vaadin project, I have a component which extends AbstractJavaScriptComponent. I have added the javascript of the component using #JavaScript annotation.
public class MyComp extends AbstractJavaScriptComponent {
Whenever I do a change to my-comp-connector.js, I need to clean browser cache so that browser re-downloads the changed javascript.
How can I force re-download of the javascript when I do a change to it?
I got it fixed by adding a query parameter to javascript path specified in #JavaScript annotation.
public class MyComp extends AbstractJavaScriptComponent {

Dependency injection: Angular 2 not working

I'm following the tutorials display-data in
I introduced a new class FriendsService to separate the controller logic and model concern. I Called FriendsService class in DisplayComponent class by using dependency injection, the dependency injection not working.
There's no errors in the console. The page doesn't display the component. This is the line causing the component not to display on the page.
constructor(friendsService: FriendsService)
The page loads and displays the components (display) if change the constructor to:
I'm using angular2.alpha.34 , Typescript, ES6.
I solved it. Eclipse-Plugin was causing the issue. The plugin wasn't generating the ES5 complaint correct code.
I used "tsc --watch -m commonjs -t es5 --emitDecoratorMetadata app.ts" command described in website.
The eclipse-plugin generated code and the command "tsc" generated code is slightly different.
When using the "tsc" command I was achieving the expected behavior.
First you have to define the Service before that any component or directive.
If you have something like this
class Component {
constructor(svc: Service) {
class Service {
It will fail. In cases like this you should use fordwardRef or you just can declare it before your component.
class Service {
class Component {
constructor(svc: Service) {
Another thing is that you have to inject your service using viewBindings (see ComponentAnnotation documentation).
class Service {
viewBindings: [Service]
class Component {
constructor(svc: Service) {
And you are good to go. I hope it helps.

Vaadin : How to change favicon?

How can I change favicon of my pages in Vaadin ? I would like to change favicon of my pages but I have no idea where is the place to change it ? Has somebody experience on it ?
First, create a theme directory: /WebContent/VAADIN/themes/mynewtheme
Then, put your custom favicon.ico in this directory. You also need to set theme property in your application :
public class MyNewApplication extends Application {
public void init() {
Here is a more detailed version of the similar Answer posted by Greg Ballot. My Answer here relates to Vaadin 7, current as of 7.5.3.
Custom Theme
In Vaadin 7.5, you can drop your favicon graphics image file into your own custom theme. If using the Vaadin plugin for various IDEs (NetBeans, Eclipse) or the Maven archetypes, a custom theme named mytheme should have already been created for you. Drop your image file into that mytheme folder.
The main part of your Vaadin 7 app, your subclass of UI, must specify that it uses your custom theme. Again, if using the IDE plugins and/or Maven archetype, this should have already been configured for you. The easiest way is an Java Annotation on the UI subclass.
#Theme ( "mytheme" ) // Tell Vaadin to apply your custom theme, usually a subclass of the Valo or Reindeer theme.
#Title ( "PowerWrangler" ) // Statically specify the title to appear in web browser window/tab.
#SuppressWarnings ( "serial" ) // If not serializing such as "sticky sessions" and such, disable compiler warnings about serialization.
#Push ( PushMode.AUTOMATIC ) // If using Push technology.
public class MyVaadinUI extends UI
Favicon Usage/Behavior Not Standard
Remember that favicon behavior is not standardized. Favicons developed haphazardly, mostly out of a sense of fun. The exact behavior depends on the particular browser and particular server. Other than the particular folder location, none of this is special to Vaadin.
Image File Formats
Originally the ICO file format was used exclusively. Since then most browsers have evolved to accept any of several formats including JPEG, TIFF, and PNG.
Image Size/Resolution
Originally favicons were intended to be very small bitmap icons. Some browsers have made various uses of the favicon in situations where you may want to provide a higher-resolution image. But remember that smaller files load faster without keeping your users waiting.
Favicon File Name
Some browsers or servers may handle other file names or name extensions, but I've found it easiest to name my file exactly favicon.ico -- even if using a different format! I usually use a PNG file but name it with the .ico extension. While I cannot guarantee this practice works one every server and browser, I’ve not encountered any problem.
Existing Favicon File
Recent versions of Vaadin have included a Vaadin-related icon in a favicon.ico file in a configured project. So you must replace that file with your own. In Vaadin 7.5.3 the file contains four sizes, the largest looking like this:
Older versions did not add a file, so you drop in your own.
IDE Screen Shots
Here are a pair of screen shots. One is the project (logical) view in NetBeans 8, while the other is a files (physical) view.
In case of custom icon name (Vaadin 7):
public class MyServlet extends VaadinServlet implements SessionInitListener {
protected void servletInitialized() throws ServletException {
public void sessionInit(SessionInitEvent event) throws ServiceException {
event.getSession().addBootstrapListener(new BootstrapListener() {
public void modifyBootstrapPage(BootstrapPageResponse response) {
.getElementsByAttributeValue("rel", "shortcut icon")
.attr("href", "./VAADIN/themes/mynewtheme/custom.ico");
.getElementsByAttributeValue("rel", "icon")
.attr("href", "./VAADIN/themes/mynewtheme/custom.ico");
public void modifyBootstrapFragment(BootstrapFragmentResponse response) {
It is better to use the BootstrapListener as a static nested class: link
Vaadin 23.x (plain spring/war application, no springboot!):
Derive an implementation of
#Theme(value = "mytheme")
#PWA(name = "My application", shortName = "MyApp", iconPath = "icons/favicon.ico" )
public class AppShellConfiguratiorImpl implements AppShellConfigurator {
public void configurePage(AppShellSettings settings) {
settings.addFavIcon("icon", "icons/favicon.ico", "16x16");
And put your favicon.ico into src\main\webapp\icons (in order that it is encluded in <war-root>/icons/favicon.ico)
A servlet container (3.0 plus, e.g. Tomcat 8.5) will pick up this class automagically and load it.

Orchard - Can't find the Resource defined in ResourceManifest.cs

I have a custom there, where I try to require some of my css and js files via the ResourceManifest.cs file - I keep into running a quite weird issue tough.
I get the following error:
a 'script' named 'FoundationScript' could not be found
This is my ResourceManifest.cs:
using Orchard.UI.Resources;
namespace Themes.TestTheme
public class ResourceManifest : IResourceManifestProvider
public void BuildManifest(ResourceManifestBuilder builder)
var manifest = builder.Add();
In the Layout.cshtml, I have following:
What am I missing here?
The issue here is, that the project Themes has a problem with the dynamic compile mechanism of Orchard (i don't know what is wrong exactly) because it resides in folder Themes. Even if you define a class inside the Themes assembly, it will result in an error telling you there is no such class in that assembly.
solution :
Try re-generating your theme with /CreateProject:true and /IncludeInSolution:true parameters as follows:
codegen theme TestTheme /CreateProject:true /IncludeInSolution:true /BasedOn :TheThemeMachine
It will create your theme in a separate project and orchard will pick your registered ResourceManifest.
Hope this helps.
